In morphgear, if you set the orientation to west, you can rotate the screen, so your left thumb is usuing the directional pad, and your right index finger can use the notes/slider/ie buttons. You can map them to be whatever, and for most genesis games, 4 buttons are plenty... I rather enjoy playing smb and sonic using morphgear.
As to the keybd issue, there is a hack/driver for that floating around... i never had any real issues... Want gameboy quality, get a gameboy.
me too
yeah I have found a few glitches in all games I've seen and played. I guess we just have to find the fixes for them.
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okay, i found the keyboard hack, fyi to those uninformed yet..
http://www.emulamer.com/6700kbfix.html if you wanna play via keyboard: - install and run the keyboard fix before anything.. - open the keyboard first, then run morphgear, adjust settings to east, and set your button layout. i'll try out touchscreen west soon, see how that goes using the directional button for pad, and touchscreen buttons? for right hand.. hmm |