Originally Posted by schettj
Wow there are a lot of these buggers out there
What's the memory footprint?
Does it actually work (ie, only lock when phone powers off for whatever reason - idle, or I press power, then can I answer a call without unlocking?)
Does it cause any battery issue?
No Weather
I guess its interesting... has A_C committed to no more development or is he just taking a break?
In other forums I have gone through the memory is posted as being a lot less that S2U2 (but it does less), and battery consumption is not really mentioned much. There is caller ID (not sure about full screen though) with Slide to Answer or Slide to Reject as well.
As far as A_C goes, he tells us he really doesn't know what he will do yet. Honestly though the more time goes by the more I am preparing myself to move on!!