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  #711 (permalink)  
Old 12-02-2009, 11:25 AM
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Re: C-ApiSRO - Sirius/XM Satellite Radio for PocketPC (PPC)

Originally Posted by smallaxe View Post
here is a simple fix to all your problems jay6700:

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  #712 (permalink)  
Old 12-02-2009, 12:47 PM
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Re: C-ApiSRO - Sirius/XM Satellite Radio for PocketPC (PPC)

Originally Posted by smallaxe View Post
here is a simple fix to all your problems jay6700:

orrrrr if you have an XM account (sorry sirius customers) this problem is solved by going here:

There is no teacher but the enemy. Only he can show you where you are weak and he is strong.

Last edited by rawintellect; 12-02-2009 at 12:52 PM.
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  #713 (permalink)  
Old 12-02-2009, 01:48 PM
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Re: C-ApiSRO - Sirius/XM Satellite Radio for PocketPC (PPC)

Originally Posted by rawintellect View Post
orrrrr if you have an XM account (sorry sirius customers) this problem is solved by going here:

Technically it's fixed for sirius users too via select radio (XM too...) and there's also another free player siriuswm6 for sirius users... but I think we're all still praying for C-apisro as it was smooth and never had issues for most of us.
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  #714 (permalink)  
Old 12-02-2009, 07:59 PM
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Talking Re: C-ApiSRO - Sirius/XM Satellite Radio for PocketPC (PPC)

Originally Posted by fishingmedic View Post
Technically it's fixed for sirius users too via select radio (XM too...) and there's also another free player siriuswm6 for sirius users... but I think we're all still praying for C-apisro as it was smooth and never had issues for most of us.

It wasn't that smooth. Scrolling was horrible on my TP2. It hung in memory when I closed it and I had to run a memory cleaner just to make sure it was "out".

If you have doubts you're welcome to try this: Fire up C-ApiSRO, then close it. Then run HTC addicts memory cleaner. Use the "customized processes list" option (right below lvl 3 fundamental purge). You will still see C-ApiSRO in the executing processes list. Look I'm not saying it didn't get the job done. It did. Hands down. It just wasn't the golden goose everyone said it was. I have 0 issues with that XP app exiting. And most of all: It works.

To sum up I'll quote Bones McCoy regarding this app: "It's dead Jim."

Incidently, I tried select radio. It's far from finger friendly and you have to provide your credit card then cancel your subscription to "unlock" it. At least the XM app does provide album art and while it's still far from perfect, I can certainly say he's on the right track. He'll need to add dynamic refreshing of channel line ups as Sirius XM changes it's stations so quickly. He will also need to deal with the channels "vanishing" when you use your finger to scroll. Yes major problems....but I didn't use my credit card. And it works.

Last edited by rawintellect; 12-02-2009 at 08:04 PM.
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  #715 (permalink)  
Old 12-03-2009, 08:17 AM
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Re: C-ApiSRO - Sirius/XM Satellite Radio for PocketPC (PPC)

Originally Posted by rawintellect View Post
It wasn't that smooth. Scrolling was horrible on my TP2. It hung in memory when I closed it and I had to run a memory cleaner just to make sure it was "out".

If you have doubts you're welcome to try this: Fire up C-ApiSRO, then close it. Then run HTC addicts memory cleaner. Use the "customized processes list" option (right below lvl 3 fundamental purge). You will still see C-ApiSRO in the executing processes list. Look I'm not saying it didn't get the job done. It did. Hands down. It just wasn't the golden goose everyone said it was. I have 0 issues with that XP app exiting. And most of all: It works.

To sum up I'll quote Bones McCoy regarding this app: "It's dead Jim."

Incidently, I tried select radio. It's far from finger friendly and you have to provide your credit card then cancel your subscription to "unlock" it. At least the XM app does provide album art and while it's still far from perfect, I can certainly say he's on the right track. He'll need to add dynamic refreshing of channel line ups as Sirius XM changes it's stations so quickly. He will also need to deal with the channels "vanishing" when you use your finger to scroll. Yes major problems....but I didn't use my credit card. And it works.
Bro, first and foremost, I don't have XM, I have sirius and have never had an issue with C-apisro until Sirius XM made their recent changes which screwed the pooch for any app that I found. I will continue hoping that someguyMMS can get C-apisro working again, as I'm sure many people will as I for one loved it and thought it was the best sirius app out there. However in the meantime I've been using both select radio, yes for free, and also SiriusWM6 and have yet to have an issue with either of them, along with co-workers not having issues with either of them (although through Sirius, not XM). I'm glad you found an app that works for you and hope that it turns into the golden goose you're looking for... I never had an issue with it, both on a VZW Omnia running multiple different ROM's and my current Sprint TP2 currently running MightyROM. Not looking to argue with you or anyone, I personally hope this app comes back around as I think it worked wonderful, simple and got the job done, but if not, there are other options for me that work just as well. And I freaking love your avatar...
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  #716 (permalink)  
Old 12-03-2009, 09:09 AM
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Re: C-ApiSRO - Sirius/XM Satellite Radio for PocketPC (PPC)

Now if only someone can get something working (consistently) for Sirius on a TP running the stock Alltel ROM.
That's what I have. If I do a hard reset, install .Net 3.5 and SiriusWM6, it MAY connect. It has connected twice (after hard resets and re-installs).
If the player is shut down it won't re-connect until after a hard reset and re-install.

Glad you guys found something that sort of works.

I guess that, once again, greed has trumped the community.
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  #717 (permalink)  
Old 12-03-2009, 09:32 AM
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Re: C-ApiSRO - Sirius/XM Satellite Radio for PocketPC (PPC)

@Ed Zachary, I'm not sure what greed has to do with anything honestly. There's clearly 2 free apps out there, one for XM and one for Sirius. And if you're having problems with them, why not try to contact the developer of them to see if they can figure out what the problem is? I would love to offer you free assistance but don't have a clue what the problem might be. And if you read the posts, it wasn't greed that caused this problem w/ C-apisro, R-Capi doesn't have winmo anymore, he's moved to android and doesn't support this program any longer, but someone else here is attempting to get his code and fix the issue. So again, what does greed have to do with this? Contact the developers of the program you want to use and see if they can help with your problem, and good luck. Where there's a will, there's a way...
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  #718 (permalink)  
Old 12-03-2009, 10:51 AM
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Re: C-ApiSRO - Sirius/XM Satellite Radio for PocketPC (PPC)

Wasn't talking about the developers of the free players. I helped r-Capi with the post-captcha problems with C-ApiSRO back in March. Used SiriusWM5 before I found C-ApiSRO.

The greed I referred to was on the part of the coalitions between Sirius and their partners who developed and sell the paid apps. Notice how seamless the changes to the streaming processes are for the paid apps?

The original developer of SiriusWM5 worked with Sirius to get his app running. Suddenly, he can't enhance it any further nor can he say why.

r-Capi dropped C-ApiSRO like a hot potato about the same time.

Sirius also leaned on the developer of StarPlayr to cease and desist.

It wasn't because Sirius didn't want players out there. After all, more listeners = more subscriptions. They and their partners just got greedy.

I have contacted the current developer of SiriusWM6 and am capturing network traffic for him. Since I am running a bone stock ROM, have done hard resets and re-installed nothing but the .Net framework, the app and the sniffer, I have to imagine that the folks who are having success with the app have something else on their phones, either by virtue of running a cooked ROM or from something else they have installed that has "upgraded" a dll or two.
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  #719 (permalink)  
Old 12-03-2009, 11:02 AM
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Re: C-ApiSRO - Sirius/XM Satellite Radio for PocketPC (PPC)

it seems that sirius is better
Satelite TV on your PC here =D>
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  #720 (permalink)  
Old 12-03-2009, 11:22 AM
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Re: C-ApiSRO - Sirius/XM Satellite Radio for PocketPC (PPC)

@Ed Zachary, I can completly agree w/ your explanation of greed from that perspective. I don't understand however how these companies "can't see the forest through the trees" and would want to shut down the free apps while they're still getting an additional $2.99 AFTER the monthly fee's their charging, all the while we think we're getting a deal because the player is free!! I'll be honest, I live by listening to Howard and NFL every day, along with having the ability to listen to any type of music I so choose, but I refuse to pay additional for a player, and why they would want to have a player that would allow other sources of music/talk to be played is ridiculous, as they may just lose subscribers that way. I don't want to hi jack this thread, so I'll shut my trap for now, but thanks for your explanation, and again good luck with getting your stream working.
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