How to make WiFi access point from your Windows Mobile phone
Windows Mobile 6 devices offer Internet Sharing feature for Bluetooth and USB. It works in this way that you start Internet Sharing application inside of your Windows Mobile phone and then other devices can share the Internet connection. What if you could fool Windows Mobile phone and instead of Bluetooth use WiFi? Would it be possible? Yes, it is:
I have figured out how to use Internet Sharing over WiFi, which essentially makes my Hermes an Access Point.
Do the following:
1) Open Settings->Internet Sharing. Enable IS for Bluetooth PAN.
2) Change HKLM\Comm\ConnectionSharing\PrivateInterface to "TIACXWLN1" (it should currently be "BTPAN1").
3) Open Settings-> Connections -> Wi-Fi. Select Network Adapters tab. Click IEEE 802.11b/g Compatible Wi-Fi.
4) Enter IP address and subnet mask Click OK.
5) Select Wireless tab. Add New.. to add the Network name for your ad-hoc network (I prefer "adhoc"
6) Set the client computer to use the same ad-hoc network. Client will receive an IP address from the device (don't need to manually set the IP).
I got this from a different website.
Try it at your own risk, I take no responsibility for any conflict, fault, or damage caused to your phone.
Last edited by jay2dar; 10-01-2007 at 10:26 PM.