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Old 02-19-2010, 06:20 PM
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Exclamation help with making apps

hey i just got microsoft visual studio professional 2008 and is this the best program to make applications? also, i am learning c# is this the best? can someone help and make a tutorial on how to make nice apps.

EDIT: now i have made my first app using visual basic. i am now going to use visual basic for a while, for the simple reason that it is easier to me. i have found some tutorials now, although i still want u guys to post any you find here. here are the tutorials i found:
environmentalnerd and all of his videos.

thats all and theres a whole bunch more if you search. i still have not found a video yet that explains visual basic and codes and stuff like that. please post any more if you find them.

thanks for your time.
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Last edited by Grandboy3000; 02-23-2010 at 07:23 PM. Reason: need help with creating apps
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Old 02-19-2010, 08:20 PM
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Re: help with making apps

Originally Posted by Grandboy3000 View Post
hey i just got microsoft visual studio professional 2008 and is this the best program to make applications? also, i am learning c# is this the best? can someone help and make a tutorial on how to make nice apps.

thankks for your time.
theres not really a tutorial to coding for the most part. you have to watch out for syntax errors especially. loose code that routes all over the place is going to casue lag and memory leaks while tighter code is going to be better sicne not jumping from top to bottom. to tell the truth i would like to see you go after more of C++ for the pocketpc playform. right through visual basic you can download the emulator of the device so you can test on there first and not ruin your device... if you want to send me a pm i can get you some more information with the tutorials i used to learn a couple years back.
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Old 02-20-2010, 11:00 PM
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Re: help with making apps

Have you written any applications before? If you have not then start with something simple don't do a mobile app just start coding like a calculator. C is a great code to write with as your apps will be really light but if you want to start writing apps for the future of mobile phones keep an eye out for MIX 2010. Search online for the SDK for win mobile 6, 6.5, and after Mix 2010 7 Series. The only way to learn is set a goal and start small like a calculator clock etc. Once you have something like that you can begin on a bigger app. Also start learning silverligth as it will be future of all apps mobile and windows.

If you get stuck on something find a good forum for developers like experts exchange. There are many samples online. The only problem is the compact .net is not really the same as the full .net so some of the code in some of the examples may not work on a mobile phone.

Hope this helps you get started, and have fun.
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Old 02-22-2010, 07:45 PM
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Re: help with making apps

thanks for the help guys. anyone else who would like to post a link here to a tutorial or something please do so it will help me very much.

  #5 (permalink)  
Old 03-01-2010, 09:57 PM
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Re: help with making apps

Originally Posted by Grandboy3000 View Post
thanks for the help guys. anyone else who would like to post a link here to a tutorial or something please do so it will help me very much.


Tons of info, tutorials, forums, practice app walkthroughs, etc.
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Old 03-02-2010, 01:22 AM
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Re: help with making apps

this looks interesting
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apps, how to make games, visual studio 2008

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