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  #281 (permalink)  
Old 01-13-2010, 10:25 PM
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Re: {{Black and White Manila mods 2.1 and Sense 2.5}} Taskbars Removed! 1-12-12

Maybe I should read the whole thread but why did you remove the taskbar Santod?
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  #282 (permalink)  
Old 01-13-2010, 10:37 PM
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Re: {{Black and White Manila mods 2.1 and Sense 2.5}} Taskbars Removed! 1-12-12

Originally Posted by Overproof View Post
Maybe I should read the whole thread but why did you remove the taskbar Santod?

Too many types of people, with too many different versions of Windows Mobile!

I was gonna add more to that,.... but I changed my mind.
I can't please 'em all, so why not take them down completely.

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Last edited by santod; 01-13-2010 at 10:49 PM.
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  #283 (permalink)  
Old 01-13-2010, 10:41 PM
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Re: {{Black and White Manila mods 2.1 and Sense 2.5}} Taskbars Removed! 1-12-12

ugh, that's understandable, well thanks for all you have done.
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  #284 (permalink)  
Old 01-14-2010, 05:09 AM
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Re: {{Black and White Manila mods 2.1 and Sense 2.5}} Taskbars Removed! 1-12-12

Originally Posted by Overproof View Post
ugh, that's understandable, well thanks for all you have done.

No problem, happy to do it!
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  #285 (permalink)  
Old 01-14-2010, 05:14 AM
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Re: {{Black and White Manila mods 2.1 and Sense 2.5}} Taskbars Removed! 1-12-12

santod, still would love those icons in 6.1 size if you ever get a chance. I know you are busy, no rush.
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  #286 (permalink)  
Old 01-14-2010, 05:19 AM
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Re: {{Black and White Manila mods 2.1 and Sense 2.5}} Taskbars Removed! 1-12-12

Originally Posted by alarsuel View Post
santod, still would love those icons in 6.1 size if you ever get a chance. I know you are busy, no rush.
I know bud, I will get to it. Thanks for understanding.
Just realize, I get PM's and E-mails as well. Not that I mind, I'm just letting you know, I'm not individually ignoring anyone. I am quickly trying to individually help everyone that I am able to.
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  #287 (permalink)  
Old 01-14-2010, 05:33 AM
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Re: {{Black and White Manila mods 2.1 and Sense 2.5}} Taskbars Removed! 1-12-12

Appreciate all that you do for everyone! Hope I didn't come across as rude or pushy, I didn't mean to. I Wasn't sure that you were continuing the work in this thread (due to a previous post). I wanted to make sure you knew that you knew I was still interested if you were. Sorry it came across poorly.
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  #288 (permalink)  
Old 01-14-2010, 05:44 AM
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Re: {{Black and White Manila mods 2.1 and Sense 2.5}} Taskbars Removed! 1-12-12

Originally Posted by alarsuel View Post
Appreciate all that you do for everyone! Hope I didn't come across as rude or pushy, I didn't mean to. I Wasn't sure that you were continuing the work in this thread (due to a previous post). I wanted to make sure you knew that you knew I was still interested if you were. Sorry it came across poorly.
Not at all! You came across just fine, my friend.
I have not stopped work in this thread.

I have merely pulled any and all taskbar cabs, due to the variations in Windows Mobile and various volume controls and taskbar, softkey layouts. When more is figured out on these newer builds, then maybe I will start posting and supporting taskbars. Until then, I would rather not be held liable for any issues that may arise, due to the reasons mentioned. I will find, and or modify taskbars that work for me, but can not guarantee the same for all. So I'd just rather hold off for a bit.

I also don't care for complaints regarding a few extra MB's on a taskbar, when I have not had a single memory issue to date with my Touch Pro 2.
I understand the low RAM issue mentioned, however this is storage memory being used to install a taskbar, not active RAM.
Buy a bigger SD card if you're that concerned with storage space people, for crying out loud!

Last edited by santod; 01-14-2010 at 05:47 AM.
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  #289 (permalink)  
Old 01-19-2010, 04:48 AM
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Re: {{Black and White Manila mods 2.1 and Sense 2.5}} Taskbars Removed! 1-12-12

hey santod can you or possibly anybody else point me in the right direction of 2.5 black glass clock like or similar to this one here


use to have one for 2.1 and really liked it alot,also whenever you start messing with taskbars i found a black one similar to the ones you had posted thats really cool,it seemed to all work except the 3g/ev icon went stock,so im assuming it's gsm??

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  #290 (permalink)  
Old 01-19-2010, 05:26 AM
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Re: {{Black and White Manila mods 2.1 and Sense 2.5}} Taskbars Removed! 1-12-12

Originally Posted by num5kull27 View Post
hey santod can you or possibly anybody else point me in the right direction of 2.5 black glass clock like or similar to this one here


use to have one for 2.1 and really liked it alot,also whenever you start messing with taskbars i found a black one similar to the ones you had posted thats really cool,it seemed to all work except the 3g/ev icon went stock,so im assuming it's gsm??
Clock with tabs like that, but with black numbers?

I think I have the taskbar you are referring to.
I will be looking more into them pretty soon, but not right away.
If you wanna send it along, I'll take a look when I get to them.
Like I said, I think I may already have the one you mean. Not sure though.
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