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{BiGnAdAd How To} Rearrange Your Manila 2.1 Home Screen..And Any Other Manila Screen!
Hello Again....
I have been using the M9Editor to play around with values in the mode9 files in the manila. these mode 9 files cannot be opened in a manila editor. they actually dont even show up in the editor. there is also Lua Script in there with the manila, and im trying to figure it out now...... I did all this by just changing x/y coordinates in the mode9 file. it is a little tricky to figure out where you are going with it, buy after some trial and error its not that bad. YOU CAN BASICALLY MOVE ANYTHING YOU WANT ON ANY MANILA PAGE! ALSO...Everything on my Home Screen is still functional. Missed Calls, Datebook, Click clock to get to clock settings (which can be removed), click alarm clock for settings, EVERYTHING STILL WORKS FINE! NO BUGS Quick Note - Your mode9 file might look different from mine. x/y coordinates might be different and refrences as well. i am using a Verizon TP 2. i have installed no manila cabs to my phone, EXCEPT FOR HDWALL. everytihng else i have done, i have done myself by editing the manila. so if you have installed manila edit cabs, then your manila files might look different from mine. this HOW TO still should be able to give you a good idea how to do what you want to do. it just might not be step by step. KEEP IN MIND this mode9 file that we are editing is repsponsible for missed call, voicemail, and datebook & EVERYTING on home screen. it is possible to edit something in the mode9 file and it the disrupt something you werent even editing. so just BE CAREFUL.... ALSO, landscape mode can be affected by this HOW TO. RECOMMEND all you really have to do is make a BACKUP of the mode9 file you are working with. that way if something screws up it will be a quick fix! as long as you backup there should never be a reason to have to HARD RESET..... TIP This is ALOT about trial and error. you put a value/coordinate in and the you want to see how it looks. Quick way to do get edited mode9 file to phone to test Once you save the file in mode9 editor, have the folder with your current manila you are editing and the windows directory on your TP2 OPEN. when you save the file in mode9 wait for it to save, then drag that manila file to windows directory on phone. THEN scroll over to setting on TF3d and Customize TAbs, make any change and click ok, and TF3D Restarts!!!! once it restarts you can see your change. Get Mode9 Editor Ready to Edit A. Get Current Manila Files off Phone Visit my Post here - http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=88077 B. Download M9 Editor from this post (got from xda site) C. Extract M9 Editor into Folder / Run m9editor.exe D. Select the folder you have your current manila files in / Program will Load and Files will be analyzed. E. look at the bottom left pane, and sort by "manila name", Then scroll down until you see home.mode9 (THIS IS THE 1c684cd8_manila - this is the name of file in windows directory) F. Double Click the File to Load in Windows Above. G. Now, right click the mode9 file in upper window and click expand - this will expand all possible trees. H. you will want to look around and get a feel for the layout. i will post a layout in the 2nd Post of this thread soon. THE BOLD UNDERLINED HEADS UNDER HERE TAKE OFF WHERE THE ABOVE TURORIAL LEAVES OFF. I Will also be referring to the "Instance Name Vaules" to scroll to after each heading. *You can search for anything, such as an instance name value, by using find box at upper right corner. REMOVE CARRIER NETWORK & LOGO A. Scroll down to "TitleBar" b. Here you will see the Following Objects Home Title Bar - the actual top curtain Carrier Network - says verizon wireless/sprint/etc... Operator Logo - Duh! Home Zone - ? C. Remove Carrier Netork by right clicking the <object> and click delete. D. Remove Logo by setting a visible value to False To do that, just right click the <Object>Type="GLESSprite2D" and click insert. then select property. E. Type "Visile" in Far Left Yellow Box, then it will give you a check box, but leave it unchecked. F. Thats it! should look like this MOVE ALARM CLOCK AND DATE *TIP X Cooridinates Move Horizontal (Left Right) Y Coordinates Move Vertial (Up Down) - You can also go Negative or Postive. Sometime you might make a change and nothing happens. the range only goes so far. sometimes even off the screen! A. Scroll down to "alarm_clock" Each object controls seperate thing AlarmClockOn - Icon (on) AlarmClcokOff - Icon (off) AlarmTime - ("Alarm Off" Text / Alarm Time) Date - Date B. Directly Under that you will see PosX, PosY you will need to modify these to get the postion you want. KEEP IN MIND when you edit the x/y directly under that it moves both date and alarm clock, because they are in the same group. to edit individually you need to go under the <object> itself. C. You Can modify both to get where you want it to be. This is What i have mine Set To OR YOU CAN SWITCH EVERYTHING!!! MOVING CLOCK IS NEXT ON HOW TO LIST.... Last edited by bignadad; 11-13-2009 at 08:53 AM. |
This post has been thanked 9 times. |
Re: {How To} Rearrange Your TF3D Manila Home Screen..And Any Other Manila Screen Too!
i have been playing with this program a lot lately, mostly to modify the VZW TP2 home tab
the luac files are a lot more complicated and IMO are best left untouched. m9editor: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=464984 |
Re: {How To} Rearrange Your TF3D Manila Home Screen..And Any Other Manila Screen Too!
nice work...
so +1 and a bump for more detailed instructions... However, I'd like to add that a powerful tool in the hands of someone that MIGHT not be so knowledgeable...might be bad news... so I would suggest a lengthy do so at your own risk disclaimer in your post...PLUS...a reminder to back up files and refer to hard reset threads in case someone botches any editing. ps: Would love to be able to link OTHER programs to default manila files ie Nitrogen linked ot the music tab
Re: {How To} Rearrange Your TF3D Manila Home Screen..And Any Other Manila Screen Too!
Bignadad great post, just following your lead brother would love to do this, and that analog clock lol.
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Re: {How To} Rearrange Your TF3D Manila Home Screen..And Any Other Manila Screen Too!
where did u get those taskbar icons..