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-   -   nueROM3-206 w\ PPCKitchen BuildOS (Updated 2/11/08) (http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=53781)

MrObvious 02-20-2009 01:42 PM

Re: nueROM3-206 w\ PPCKitchen BuildOS (Updated 2/11/08)

Originally Posted by fergdogg23 (Post 724905)
Some help please brothers and sisters of PPC GEEKS! I am not a noob to flashing, and customizing my phone at all, but I have Pro and Diamond and I am trying to get my buddies Mogul for sprint tricked out a bit. I have never used nUeRom stuff nor do I cook my own Rom's. I want to learn but I have not got there yet. How do I get this ROM up and going. PM if you need to but I am kinda lost.

First off get access to the donator panel of nuerom.com. You will have to donate via PayPal (sorry). Second, download nueROM Unified Kitchen 206 and place it in BuildOS under Kitchens\nueROM and then just download the files from post 3 like I said earlier. Then make a new selections.txt based off of the new choices you have. Then make the selections, ignore the warnings that pop up (push yes to override), and you have a built ROM.

SimpTheChimp 02-22-2009 01:32 PM

Re: nueROM3-206 w\ PPCKitchen BuildOS (Updated 2/11/08)
Hey Mr. Obvious.... I am now finding that my Comm Manager locks up if I try to switch to speaker phone, etc. I thought you or others had said that this particular ROM had fixed that issue; but I am finding it not to be so on my XV6800. For instance, when I click the speaker phone button in Comm Manager while on a call, the call keeps working but the 6800 simply locks up. When done with the call I have to soft-reset.

Is there a specific Comm Manager (skin) that I should be using that doesn't have this problem? Thanks in advance (otherwise the build seems to work fine).


MrObvious 02-22-2009 06:13 PM

Re: nueROM3-206 w\ PPCKitchen BuildOS (Updated 2/11/08)
Actually that's the dialer. Try a Carlo$ dialer and see if it works for you. There is probably a cab file that would work for you.

SimpTheChimp 02-22-2009 09:30 PM

Re: nueROM3-206 w\ PPCKitchen BuildOS (Updated 2/11/08)
I did a search on this Carlo$ dialer but I never found anything on it. Got a url or somewhere to search for this? Or what about another dialer that works?


MrObvious 02-23-2009 11:40 AM

Re: nueROM3-206 w\ PPCKitchen BuildOS (Updated 2/11/08)

Robtao 02-23-2009 03:03 PM

Re: nueROM3-206 w\ PPCKitchen BuildOS (Updated 2/11/08)
For Carlos dialer installation issues, try this link for updated CABs.

silence12782 02-24-2009 12:24 AM

Re: nueROM3-206 w\ PPCKitchen BuildOS (Updated 2/11/08)
Wish no2chem would come out of his cave lol!! I missed his work!!

SimpTheChimp 02-25-2009 08:47 AM

Re: nueROM3-206 w\ PPCKitchen BuildOS (Updated 2/11/08)

Originally Posted by MrObvious (Post 732077)

I've tried both the BlueFrog and BigButton Touch dialers mentioned above; however, both of them don't seem to display properly! Buttons out of whack, weird display, etc. They work, per se, better than the current dialer I have, but can't seem to display properly. :scratch:

I reinstalled a number of times (making sure I did a soft 'soft reset') and even tried some of the 'themes' mentioned but still the display is whacky. Any ideas on this? Or is there another dialer that works and displays properly?


Chimp (Tom)

JimSmith94 02-26-2009 02:53 AM

Re: nueROM3-206 w\ PPCKitchen BuildOS (Updated 2/11/08)
The BlueFrog dialer works fine on my Mogul.

MrObvious 02-26-2009 09:45 AM

Re: nueROM3-206 w\ PPCKitchen BuildOS (Updated 2/11/08)

Originally Posted by SimpTheChimp (Post 737375)
I've tried both the BlueFrog and BigButton Touch dialers mentioned above; however, both of them don't seem to display properly! Buttons out of whack, weird display, etc. They work, per se, better than the current dialer I have, but can't seem to display properly. :scratch:

I reinstalled a number of times (making sure I did a soft 'soft reset') and even tried some of the 'themes' mentioned but still the display is whacky. Any ideas on this? Or is there another dialer that works and displays properly?


Chimp (Tom)

Try cooking one of the dialers that are in BuildOS. If that don't work, then IDK.

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