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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 10-07-2008, 04:13 PM
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Re: How big is too big?

Originally Posted by SweetBearCub View Post

Heh. To answer your question, I'd say that anything over 12 inches is really pushing the limit.. LOL

You, ma'am (or sir), deserve a medal if that's your limit!
A little goes a long way...
(click it if someone helps)

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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 10-07-2008, 04:13 PM
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Re: How big is too big?

Originally Posted by meanfishy View Post
I have already unlocked the phone per the instructions by GaMedic, and using nueSPL v2.47

I have been using the USB cable as the means for flashing will try the SD card method

I was wondering why certain OEMs changed colors, I knew that the gray one were one that were incomparable with my other selections but I did not know that the yellow one were also conflicting/duplicate indicators

BIG thanks for this!!!!!!!!
The yellow highlights on certain packages DOES NOT mean it is a conflicting/duplicate package - It means that whatever is highlighted in yellow is required by a previous package. For example, the TrackMe package requires Sqlcemobile or .NetCF 2.0. (I forget which..)

Packages highlighted in yellow will be added whether you put a checkmark by them or not. The only way to prevent their inclusion is to uncheck the package(s) that require them.

As for the thanks, no problem. I may not have all the answers (My build log is full of errors I can't quite seem to resolve yet, mostly duplicate control panels ATM..) but I'm glad to share whatever knowledge I do have.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 10-07-2008, 09:14 PM
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Re: How big is too big for a ROM? Mine does not work

the SD flash is much more stable and seems to get better response from the phone, ( used the same exact ROM both on teh USB and the SD, so there would be only 1 variable)
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 10-07-2008, 11:59 PM
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Re: How big is too big for a ROM? Mine does not work

Originally Posted by meanfishy View Post
the SD flash is much more stable and seems to get better response from the phone, ( used the same exact ROM both on teh USB and the SD, so there would be only 1 variable)

Has it helped any of your speed issues? Have you noticed less errors?
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 10-08-2008, 01:32 AM
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Re: How big is too big for a ROM? Mine does not work

Originally Posted by SweetBearCub View Post

Has it helped any of your speed issues? Have you noticed less errors?

Yes to both accounts, I am currently coking my 5th ROM on a trial and error method; here are the points of interest that I have come across so far with add as more knowledge is gained.

1: the SD method of flashing the ROM onto the phone but also seems to enable to phone to be more stable and faster. I came to this conclusion by flashing the same ROM using both the USB cable and the SD method

2: once you perform your hard reset and the phone is progressing through the different flash screens, you perform another soft reset during the stage when you are asked to setup the phone seems to have GREATLY increased the performance and speed of the phone.

3: there are areas in BuilderOS that you can only select 1 item even if they are check boxes are you are able to select multiple items, these areas seem to be; Today Plug ins, Task Managers, Multimedia, and some others I can't remember off the top of my head.

4: the overwrite errors that were being received were due to having duplicate items selected from different areas, such as having colonel's personal setting (which have sounds) and then selecting a box in that area or another area that also has that sound

5: as far as size goes having a ROM around the size of 90mb (or smaller) seems to work the best

Thanks again for the input
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 10-08-2008, 03:55 AM
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Re: How big is too big for a ROM? Mine does not work

Originally Posted by meanfishy View Post
Yes to both accounts, I am currently coking my 5th ROM on a trial and error method; here are the points of interest that I have come across so far with add as more knowledge is gained.

1: the SD method of flashing the ROM onto the phone but also seems to enable to phone to be more stable and faster. I came to this conclusion by flashing the same ROM using both the USB cable and the SD method

2: once you perform your hard reset and the phone is progressing through the different flash screens, you perform another soft reset during the stage when you are asked to setup the phone seems to have GREATLY increased the performance and speed of the phone.

3: there are areas in BuilderOS that you can only select 1 item even if they are check boxes are you are able to select multiple items, these areas seem to be; Today Plug ins, Task Managers, Multimedia, and some others I can't remember off the top of my head.

4: the overwrite errors that were being received were due to having duplicate items selected from different areas, such as having colonel's personal setting (which have sounds) and then selecting a box in that area or another area that also has that sound

5: as far as size goes having a ROM around the size of 90mb (or smaller) seems to work the best

Thanks again for the input

As for only being able to select one (checkbox) item in certain areas of BuildOS, I recall that I could select as many today screen plugins as I wanted. Odd that you cannot.

Also, a tip regarding Task Managers - Have you tried QuickMenu? It's tiny, and in addition to functioning as a task manager, it also reorganizes the Start menu to look and act more like a desktop PC, and it can display the battery level and available memory on the status bar at all times. It also can allow you to quickly recover memory by using its built-in Hibernate command or quickly do a soft reset, among other things. I have the Hibernate feature mapped so that all I have to do is press and hold the Start menu until a notification box comes up showing how much memory was recovered. I don't even have to dismiss the notification; it auto-closes in about 2 seconds.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 10-08-2008, 04:17 AM
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Re: How big is too big for a ROM? Mine does not work

I can select multiple items, (check boxes) but when I do so that is when I experience the problems. and it was with these areas that cause the biggest problem. ie unstable performance, lags, freezes, etc...

I will try QuickMenu I have been using the WkTASK, have you any experience/opinions with this one?
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 10-08-2008, 04:25 AM
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Re: How big is too big for a ROM? Mine does not work

Originally Posted by meanfishy View Post
I can select multiple items, (check boxes) but when I do so that is when I experience the problems. and it was with these areas that cause the biggest problem. ie unstable performance, lags, freezes, etc...

I will try QuickMenu I have been using the WkTASK, have you any experience/opinions with this one?

I think that some of the Today screen plugin problems (slow performance, lags, freezes, etc..) can be attributed to the very nature of the plugins - They usually stay running in memory pulling or aggregating whatever data you've asked them to. The benefit of them is that you can have a lot of information ready for quick access, but at the price of speed and memory.

As for WkTASK, I recall that some time ago (on my old 6700) I tried a task manager that placed icons on the status bar. I hated it, and replaced it with QuickMenu. My phone was more responsive, and I could do more than the old task manager allowed. One problem though - I don't remember the name of the old program!
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 10-08-2008, 04:29 AM
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Re: How big is too big for a ROM? Mine does not work

Yeah I can't stand how WkTASK lists items on the status bar! Looks like another ROM is in the making

Sleep is overrated!!!!!!!!!
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 10-08-2008, 04:48 AM
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Re: How big is too big for a ROM? Mine does not work

Originally Posted by meanfishy View Post
Yeah I can't stand how WkTASK lists items on the status bar! Looks like another ROM is in the making

Sleep is overrated!!!!!!!!!
Here's a suggestion to make QuickMenu really slick once you've installed it. If it doesn't replace your Start Menu on the first boot, go into Programs and select its icon. It should appear where the Start menu normally would. There will be an entry labeled 'QuickMenu' with a right pointing arrow. Tap it, and choose "Option..." from the resulting menu. I highly suggest that you check three options on the 'General' tab: "Auto start when system start", "Replace system's start-menu", and "Register win key of device".

Also, there is an option "Long-press win-logo". Check it and open the drop-down list. In it, you can choose many options, but I prefer 'Hibernate'.

If always seeing ActiveSync listed as a running program bothers you, QuickMenu can hide it for you. To do this, go to the 'Exclude' tab and click 'Add'. Tap the ActiveSync entry there and then 'OK'. It will return you to the previous screen. Tap on the ActiveSync entry there and change it from 'Not close' to 'Both not'.

To make QuickMenu show a more compact & streamlined Start menu like a desktop PC, go to the 'Menu Items' tab. Under a box labeled 'Top-level:" there will be a list of all the stuff it can show on the menu at first glance. Tap on 'Running programs' and check the "In sub menu" box. Do the same for 'Frequenters'. A couple of notes on the Frequenters menu - It is not automatic as a PC's is. What is on it is controlled by the choices you make in the "Menus" option in the personal category of your settings. Second, whatever is on it DOES NOT appear in the main programs list.

Enjoy playing around with the options! (I personally love programs that give me lots and lots of options. Bonus points in my book if they're compactly written.)
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