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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 09-04-2008, 11:22 AM
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Re: Instant Verizon Gps Locks!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by weedahoe View Post
Thats what I thought also but why do you need it to dial out if you are using Tom Tom or iGuidance or Garmin where there is no need for a data connection.

Or am I understanding that you need a data connection for the supposed aGPS? Ill take old military Sats for GPS over aGPS via cell triangulation any day.
It's not really entirely aGPS. It's only using aGPS to help fire the GPS ONE chip up faster. It gives it the info it needs to make faster locks. It's assisted GPS like the Sprint users have had for so long that we've been wanting. It's dialing out because you've now given the GPS ONE chip (by using QPST) an IP address to check position with. It pretty much gives it your approximate location, then it can lock real sats much faster because it alreday knows approximately where you are. Your GPS is still real GPS, not aGPS after applying this fix.

GC14 kicks major butt! He's given us what we've so desperately needed all this time.

Last edited by veedubguru; 09-04-2008 at 11:25 AM.
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old 09-04-2008, 11:30 AM
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Re: Instant Verizon Gps Locks!!!!!!!

and you no longer need to prime the gps..
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old 09-04-2008, 11:44 AM
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Re: Instant Verizon Gps Locks!!!!!!!

this is great !!!!!!!
thanx gc14 and dcd and the other person with the pm

BBS 1.0 FRG22D smoke glass
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old 09-04-2008, 12:13 PM
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Re: Instant Verizon Gps Locks!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by veedubguru View Post
It's not really entirely aGPS. It's only using aGPS to help fire the GPS ONE chip up faster. It gives it the info it needs to make faster locks. It's assisted GPS like the Sprint users have had for so long that we've been wanting. It's dialing out because you've now given the GPS ONE chip (by using QPST) an IP address to check position with. It pretty much gives it your approximate location, then it can lock real sats much faster because it alreday knows approximately where you are. Your GPS is still real GPS, not aGPS after applying this fix.

GC14 kicks major butt! He's given us what we've so desperately needed all this time.
So am I understanding correctly that you DO need a data plan for it to connect to help fire things off faster or is dialing out and failing not going to make any difference?
Loving my rooted Droid X
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old 09-04-2008, 12:28 PM
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Re: Instant Verizon Gps Locks!!!!!!!

I believe so. I haven't really done the research as to how much data is pulled by using this. If I get some free time later I'll test it and report back.

It may not be enough to worry about needing a data plan if you don't mind a few extra dollars on your bill for pay-per-use.
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old 09-04-2008, 01:58 PM
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Re: Instant Verizon Gps Locks!!!!!!!

Well if I am getting error 11 then I assume it isnt connecting and accumulating usage anyway.
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old 09-04-2008, 04:29 PM
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Re: Instant Verizon Gps Locks!!!!!!!

Alright I was a skeptic but I did this and it works, 6 seconds I had 8 satellites locked!!! amazing...no more waiting around (sometimes 2 minutes!)
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old 09-04-2008, 08:50 PM
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Re: Instant Verizon Gps Locks!!!!!!!

Indeed, this is great. Tried it earlier today and I got lock in my office (although sporadic) when I NEVER could before. Locks in under 20 seconds outside. Real test will be tomorrow morning when all the ephemeris data is expired

Originally Posted by stuart628 View Post
Alright I was a skeptic but I did this and it works, 6 seconds I had 8 satellites locked!!! amazing...no more waiting around (sometimes 2 minutes!)
2 MINUTES!!! My god weren't you lucky. Sometimes, if I was driving and trying to get a lock, it could take over 30! (usually no more than 10 at a standstill)
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old 09-05-2008, 10:03 AM
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Re: Instant Verizon Gps Locks!!!!!!!

Ok first off, I'm glad you all are enjoying aGPS on Verizon, I know I am. I don't post much around these boards, nor do I visit them too often, but I respect each and every one of you and the efforts you've put forward to help better our Titans.

Second, I don't get off on glory or praises from the work that I do. I work hard to provide both myself and the ppc community with ways to make our devices as solid as they can be. Even though some of you may think I'm a hothead...there's not a lot that bothers me or gets to me.

Saying that, I want to get something off my chest that's really getting to me. You may or may not have read the posts back and forth between dcd and I over on xda, either way it doesn't matter. In one of his inaccurate and unnecessary posts he said something about Skywing feeling ripped off. Well I'm feeling very ripped off. I work a day job that requires a lot of my time and still have been working at this agps thing for a while now, receiving no help from anyone along the way (I'm talking ONLY about Verizon agps, I'm well aware numerous individuals have been working hard to get it working on other carriers). I put a LOT of effort and hard work into FINALLY getting it working for Verizon. Now, because of false accusations, it's sort of all been **** on.

I respect dcd. He brings a lot to the community and is both helpful and knowledgable. However, I want to stress that he didn't help me with this WHATSOEVER. I feel like anything he says, people automatically assume he's right due to his reputation, and that's not right. Skywing, while also very smart and a great new asset to our boards, did not help me at all with what I was working on. Instead, he was trying to figure out a way to get it working on the MR1 update (alongside the lbsdriver).

I honestly don't mean to come off as complaining or trying to receive any praise, I just want credit for the work I'VE done. I hope you can all understand where I'm coming from and thanks for all the support.

As always, if you need anything or have any questions, feel free to pm me here or over at xda (I don't check my pm's as often here though).

Now, moving on, you don't NEED a data plan to use this. It does use data though and you will be charged. If you don't have a data plan, it will still work, but you'll get charged for pay-as-you-go. If you have a data block on your line, that's a different story. This won't work for you as it requires an active data connection.

Last edited by gc14; 09-05-2008 at 10:11 AM.
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old 09-05-2008, 10:33 AM
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Re: Instant Verizon Gps Locks!!!!!!!

Duely noted on you main issue and I have seen the posts, however it is hard to know the entire story and if you dont know ALL of it, there is no reason to be predjudice or biased. My posts are more than some and less than others. That doesnt mean I know everything (far from it) but I do appreciate everything you and others do bring to the table and also do thank you for clarifying on the data consumption Qs.
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