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  #151 (permalink)  
Old 09-11-2008, 10:04 PM
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Re: Roaming Issue

I have not used Roaming since i updated to the 270 kitchen, until tonight. It did not work, and gave me a verbal error message of LB2 80. Sprint is my provider. I was underground in the subway system in Chicago where I have gotten service in the past. The visible icons at the time were the Roaming triangle, the IX and a great signal strength. Can someone enlighten me as to what was wrong and how to fix it. I would appreciate it. Thanks
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  #152 (permalink)  
Old 09-12-2008, 08:56 AM
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Re: Roaming Issue

Originally Posted by jminor View Post
I have not used Roaming since i updated to the 270 kitchen, until tonight. It did not work, and gave me a verbal error message of LB2 80. Sprint is my provider. I was underground in the subway system in Chicago where I have gotten service in the past. The visible icons at the time were the Roaming triangle, the IX and a great signal strength. Can someone enlighten me as to what was wrong and how to fix it. I would appreciate it. Thanks
You were underground and did not have a consistent signal, depsite your bars. Odds are good you were receiving reflections, which cause your phone to look like it has a good connection when it fact it has a really bad one if any.
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  #153 (permalink)  
Old 09-12-2008, 10:49 AM
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Re: Titan 20273 Kitchen

Originally Posted by GaMedic View Post
Goota be a dialer or something you are choosing. It isn't a buggy kitchen or the majority of people here would have the same complaint.
Agreed. I don't have any problems that I have noticed because I keep my selections lean.
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  #154 (permalink)  
Old 09-12-2008, 11:40 AM
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Re: Roaming Issues

thanks for the input. I have not had the issue in the underground before, so I don't think it was 'reflections'. I agree it's probably not the kitchen, but I don't understand what is meant by "Goota be a dialer or something you are choosing". Please be more specific. I'm using Blue Frog w/o skins. I'd like to get this working. Thanks again.
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  #155 (permalink)  
Old 09-12-2008, 11:51 AM
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PRI Version 1.34_007


Is there a way to upgrade my PRI version from 1.33_007 to 1.34_007?

I have installed 20273 and my PRI version is 1.33_007. Due to a bug at Bell Mobility I need to upgrade my PRI version to 1.34_007. The fix is out from UTStarCom:

http://handsets.utstar.com/phone_downloads.aspx?bid=76&cid=16&mid=298&carrier =Bell%20Mobility

For those interested: The old PRI version is causing Bell to bill users for all data usage even if they have a data plan.


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  #156 (permalink)  
Old 09-12-2008, 12:31 PM
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Sample Selections

So I'm not sure why everybody has issues and thinks they have to build with limited selections to have a stable quick ROM; This is what I run daily when I'm not testing too.

An example of what I test with for a full ROM on every base ppckitchen.org releases:

SqlCeMobile 3.5
Pocket IRC
Pocket Mechanic Professional
Resco Explorer 2008
acb Power Meter
Adobe Flash Player
BAF GPS Toggle v1.9
Comm Manager (10-Button)
Diamond WMP Skin
dotFred Task Manager
File as First Last
Flash Lite 3.1
Flash Video Bundle
HTC Album
HTC Audio Manager
HTC Smartdialing
HTC Streaming Media Player
HTC Touch Keyboard
HTC Vogue Camera
iContact 1.02
ICS control
Inbox Menu Extensibility (Mark All As Read/Delete All)
Esmertec Jbed Java
Windows Live Search
MP3 Trimmer (Diamond)
My Mobiler
netCF35 Exception Messages
nueTools Base Package
nueExtROM Configuration Tool
No SMS Sent Notification
USB Mass Storage Driver
Replacement Beam CPL
Office Excel
Office Powerpoint
Office Word
PHM NotePad
FdcSoft PIM Backup
Pocket Hosts
Pocket RAR
Hide Data Connection Bubble
Remote Desktop Mobile
Slide2Unlock including Slide2View
Samsung Omnia D3D driver
SPB Tech Calculator Skin
BL OSXGraphite Keyboard Skin
SmartPhone Tracker
sMMS Picture Mail
Tier Autoinstall
Today Agenda
TrackMe GPS/CellID Tool
Cleartype On
HTC Voice Recorder
Microsoft Voice Command
WM5 New Menu
Manila WP Theme
Additional Sounds
Advanced Config Tool 3.1
Diamond Theme
Diamond Theme Vogue Style
HomeScreen PlusPlus UI- Clock
Live Media GPS
Mocha FTP Server
Palringo Vocal IM
Today Photo Dialer
TomTom Navigator
Evo 4G Powered by Dev-Host roms
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  #157 (permalink)  
Old 09-12-2008, 12:34 PM
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Re: PRI Version 1.34_007

Originally Posted by pkoufalis View Post

Is there a way to upgrade my PRI version from 1.33_007 to 1.34_007?

I have installed 20273 and my PRI version is 1.33_007. Due to a bug at Bell Mobility I need to upgrade my PRI version to 1.34_007. The fix is out from UTStarCom:

http://handsets.utstar.com/phone_downloads.aspx?bid=76&cid=16&mid=298&carrier =Bell%20Mobility
For those interested: The old PRI version is causing Bell to bill users for all data usage even if they have a data plan.
The PRI has nothing to do with 20273 kitchen, but if you want to change it then just grab that download at the link you posted and flash it. What was the question again?
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  #158 (permalink)  
Old 09-12-2008, 04:55 PM
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Re: PRI Version 1.34_007

Originally Posted by justpctech View Post
The PRI has nothing to do with 20273 kitchen, but if you want to change it then just grab that download at the link you posted and flash it. What was the question again?
Thanx for the reply. Obviously my knowledge is limited.

As I understand it, the download I posted is a full flash: operating system, radio...everything. If I flash that to my PPC then flash the 20273 will I retain the required PRI version?

Again - thanks for your time.

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  #159 (permalink)  
Old 09-12-2008, 05:18 PM
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Unhappy Re: Titan 20273 Kitchen

I tried the Diamond Dialer (which I hadn't tried previously) with the 20273 Kitchen, and yesterday I saw the same problem that I keep seeing with this Kitchen: The phone messed up when initiating a call (The call connected, but with no audio going out or coming in). It also totally locked up the phone when answering a call shortly afterwards after the phone had rebooted.

I have also seen this behavior with both of the iPhone dialers on this Kitchen.

In addition, this morning I had a vibrating reminder pop up that I wasn't able to clear for about a minute or so - the phone seemed locked up, but was actually just responding very slowly.

Back to N2C-5067 again, I guess.

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  #160 (permalink)  
Old 09-13-2008, 12:06 AM
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Talking Re: PRI Version 1.34_007

Originally Posted by pkoufalis View Post
Thanx for the reply. Obviously my knowledge is limited.

As I understand it, the download I posted is a full flash: operating system, radio...everything. If I flash that to my PPC then flash the 20273 will I retain the required PRI version?

Doing a little more research: Is it sufficient to install PPST_080507_Titan_BM_1.34_PRL31398.sa.CAB that I extracted from the downloaded exe? I read on xda-developers that the PPST contains the PRI.

Thanx again,

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