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-   -   Step by Step tutorial for unlocking your device and cooking your own ROM!!! (http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=33857)

puff 06-16-2009 11:52 PM

Re: Step by Step tutorial for unlocking your device and cooking your own ROM!!!

Originally Posted by Shoot2ill (Post 976110)
What is the process for loading and editing a previously released .nbh in BuildOS? Say I want to mess around with 21812. Do I need anything besides the TITAIMG.nbh file?

BuildOS? PPCKitchen? there's a few different 'buildos' kitchens, so not sure where your nbh came from, but...

if you have an nbh you will need to decompile it
depending on the way it was built it may have protection and may not decompile/recompile correctly
it would be better to find the original basekit, or even the original kitchen

bertrenolds 06-22-2009 06:09 PM

Re: Step by Step tutorial for unlocking your device and cooking your own ROM!!!
I think this should be a sticky!!!

bertrenolds 06-22-2009 06:22 PM

Re: Step by Step tutorial for unlocking your device and cooking your own ROM!!!

Originally Posted by Vacs (Post 943959)
Hi GaMedic, Puff

I put the radio in an ruu and the ruu started but then said something to the effect that it couldn't program the rom. I tried my idea of putting the radio on the sd card and that didn't work, probably because you cant formate the sd to fat 32 with activesync.
It wold probably be worth it if somebody wanted to retry those things though cause I may have had other problems when I tried it.

I feel like everyone is having the same problem and here is everything you need to know, cook a rom it's worth it! get 6.5

best USB cable option is to start with olipro 1.2 here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=332381 then boot to the windows touch screen message and then install the new Titan Radio ROM 3.42.50 here http://www.geek-pages.com/rom/Titan%...%203.42.50.rar with active sync and RUU through the windows touch screen setup window, your computer/activesync will see your phone in the touch screen setup window. Titan Radio ROM 3.42.50 is awsome, I get 2 bars in my house when I couldn't even get a signal with sprints crappy radio. You use RUU to install the titan radio which you get here ftp://up.ppcgeeks.com/Titan/RUU/RUU.rar you extract the .nbh titan radio file out of the zipped folder and put it in the RUU folder where ever you extracted it to. Then you run the romupdateutility.exe and install the radio to the phone, you have to have activesync connected to run RUU. Reboot the phone and when it get's to the windows message telling you to touch the screen run active sync again to install olipro 2.4 and boot back to the windows touch screen once again(if you can't boot out of olipro2.4 use this cmd line ftp://up.ppcgeeks.com/Titan/Users/Im...tan_exitbl.rar and make sure Wcesmgr.exe Wcescomm.exe Rapimgr.exe are all disabled in task manager before you do)
Then run active sync when the phone is at the windows touch screen message again and cook up a rom, I personally am now a big fan of wm6.5 21501 which has been great so far, might upgrade to 21815. To cook get build OS http://ppckitchen.org/Downloads/BuildOS.msi and get cooking! pretty self explanitory, make sure you update and also select titan in update selection area.
A side note, You have to use olipro 1.2 to install the new titan radio if you are using a usb cable, otherwise if you have a sd card you can just install olipro 2.4 ftp://up.ppcgeeks.com/Titan/Users/Im...rd-SPL-MFG.exe
and then install the titan radio with a >2gb sd card with titan on it in the bootloader without installing olipro 1.2, your choice. Not worth buying a sd card for!!

htcman724 06-22-2009 07:43 PM

Re: Step by Step tutorial for unlocking your device and cooking your own ROM!!!
you can fldsh the tp from up to 8 gig sd card.

drewcam888 06-22-2009 09:20 PM

Re: Step by Step tutorial for unlocking your device and cooking your own ROM!!!

Originally Posted by htcman724 (Post 990498)
you can fldsh the tp from up to 8 gig sd card.

This isnt a TP thread dude. Titan need 2gb or lower.

The00Stranger 06-24-2009 12:43 PM

Re: Step by Step tutorial for unlocking your device and cooking your own ROM!!!

Originally Posted by GaMedic (Post 370213)
The following information is a tutorial on using the kitchen to build you own custom ROM. If you choose to use a pre-made ROM just search around and install them per the instructions on the thread.

Just starting with a Titan, I have a Diamond and most all updates unclude the ruu setup instead of just the nbh file. Where can I find a generic rru setup - or whatever it is I need - to use the nbh file. The premade roms I've looked at do not have this info, or at least I haven't seen it and The phone I'm working with doesn't have a card to use.


drewcam888 06-24-2009 12:51 PM

Re: Step by Step tutorial for unlocking your device and cooking your own ROM!!!
If you try the search button you will get a fast response.

bertrenolds 06-24-2009 12:54 PM

Re: Step by Step tutorial for unlocking your device and cooking your own ROM!!!
If you looked 5 posts up and read my post you would have links to everything you need including RUU and simple directions. You need a DL manager like bitcomet to download the links I believe, thats what I use. Not sure if MS will download a ftp link.

I feel like everyone is having the same problem and here is everything you need to know, cook a rom it's worth it! get 6.5

best USB cable option is to start with olipro 1.2 here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=332381 then boot to the windows touch screen message and then install the new Titan Radio ROM 3.42.50 here http://www.geek-pages.com/rom/Titan%...%203.42.50.rar with active sync and RUU through the windows touch screen setup window, your computer/activesync will see your phone in the touch screen setup window. Titan Radio ROM 3.42.50 is awsome, I get 2 bars in my house when I couldn't even get a signal with sprints crappy radio. You use RUU to install the titan radio which you get here ftp://up.ppcgeeks.com/Titan/RUU/RUU.rar you extract the .nbh titan radio file out of the zipped folder and put it in the RUU folder where ever you extracted it to. Then you run the romupdateutility.exe and install the radio to the phone, you have to have activesync connected to run RUU. Reboot the phone and when it get's to the windows message telling you to touch the screen run active sync again to install olipro 2.4 and boot back to the windows touch screen once again(if you can't boot out of olipro2.4 use this cmd line ftp://up.ppcgeeks.com/Titan/Users/Im...tan_exitbl.rar and make sure Wcesmgr.exe Wcescomm.exe Rapimgr.exe are all disabled in task manager before you do)
Then run active sync when the phone is at the windows touch screen message again and cook up a rom, I personally am now a big fan of wm6.5 21501 which has been great so far, might upgrade to 21815. To cook get build OS http://ppckitchen.org/Downloads/BuildOS.msi and get cooking! pretty self explanitory, make sure you update and also select titan in update selection area.

A side note, You have to use olipro 1.2 to install the new titan radio if you are using a usb cable, otherwise if you have a sd card you can just install olipro 2.4 ftp://up.ppcgeeks.com/Titan/Users/Im...rd-SPL-MFG.exe
and then install the titan radio with a >2gb sd card with titan on it in the bootloader without installing olipro 1.2, your choice. Not worth buying a sd card for!!

The00Stranger 06-24-2009 12:59 PM

Re: Step by Step tutorial for unlocking your device and cooking your own ROM!!!

Originally Posted by drewcam888 (Post 993805)
If you try the search button you will get a fast response.

I think the answer is the next post -but Dude! Sometimes people who are just starting don't know what to search for.

Thanks bertrenolds I will look through your post to see. ---looking for, using search here and at xda to try to dowload olipro.

bertrenolds 06-24-2009 02:32 PM

Re: Step by Step tutorial for unlocking your device and cooking your own ROM!!!
I know, I think the titan upgrades forum needs more stickies at the top for instance this post started by gamedic should be at the top of the forum always! And using the search button doesen't always yield good results, sometimes someone has to show you the way. I was a noob 3 days ago, but I found everything searching and now I have posted the links to everything people need to mod their mogul/titan phone so they don't need to search aimlessly anymore. Use the radio I posted a link too, Titan Radio ROM 3.42.50.

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