Error loading the new sprint rom on my all-tell PPC-6800
Hello All,
I have a All-Tel PPC--6800 aka ( mogul )
I tried to run the new download from HTC from sprint the 356.65.1.0_RS_Titan_3.42.02_SPCS2.04_PPST_0718_Shi p.exe
My current version is :
rom ver :3.35.671.9
radio ver : 03.37.20
I got the following error while trying to load :
Get error [294] : invalid vendor id
This update cannot be used for your PDA phone. Please check your update utility.
Just wondered if anyone that has a PPC-6800 from All-Tell has been able to successfully load this rom? I was reading here and someone said something about having to load the rom from the boot loader? Good luck on modding and hope to see someone post some good news. I spent about 3 hours searching through the forum before posting here.