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no2chem 06-29-2008 05:51 AM


nueSPL-2.47 will update your device to the latest HardSPL. This SPL is NOT MFG. This SPL update no longer requires activesync, and should reduce problems for vista users. It can even be used by users with MacOS or Linux. You must have a microSD card (included with the phone) to use this method. Credit goes to Olipro for fixing my hardspl.

This SPL is not necessarily better than Olipro-2.40, however it is off a newer version of the SPL, Olipro-2.40 is from a SPL in September, this one is from a SPL in Feb. Because it is not MFG, it lacks some commands in bootloader.

DO NOT USE with a NON GPS RADIO (2.xx). Only use with GPS RADIOS (3.xx). A version check will be added soon.

To use, you need to copy the SPL update to your device and run it. It is intended to be run from the device, not the computer. Please see the included PDF instructions for complete details, and be sure to READ them before running the update.

Thanks to the testers - colonel00, astainhellbring, lennysh and mromblad for helping test and diagnose problems. Thanks to cmonex and olipro for advice and direction and fixing the SPL. Thanks to pof for JumpSPL.

Find the spl here:

TweetyBear 06-29-2008 06:19 AM

Re: nueSPL-2.47
wow! can't believe you're up already. you really need some rest. btw thanks for this. this is a really cool app that will help many

cardriver 06-29-2008 06:44 AM

Re: nueSPL-2.47
thank you

bigray327 06-29-2008 07:50 AM

Re: nueSPL-2.47
Wow, amazing. Great idea, making unlocking and relocking directly on the device.

kevank 06-29-2008 08:43 AM

Re: nueSPL-2.47
HTTP Mirror of the SPL:



hindjew 06-29-2008 09:11 AM

Re: nueSPL-2.47
No2: How about adding the SPL to your sig line. Another notch on the belt.

BTW do you have a list of benefits why this is better than Olipro?

piranah 06-29-2008 09:52 AM

Re: nueSPL-2.47
will HC cards work?

lafester 06-29-2008 10:39 AM

Re: nueSPL-2.47
worked for me but only with a regular card.
i figured this would be the case as it is with all other flashing but i wanted to test in case n2c had figured it out.

it would be so much easier if i could flash from my 8 gig card (hint hint)

thanks n2c! one less thing to worry about if i need to return the phone.

Noir 06-29-2008 10:52 AM

Re: nueSPL-2.47
darn I don't have microsd...darnit!!! oh well have fun with it...seems fun when I get my sd I can join in on the fun

Zenoran 06-29-2008 10:58 AM

Re: nueSPL-2.47
huh.. not able to get this to update... I ran with my 1gb card I normally do updates from but it wasn't fat32.. so I tried my normal 4gb card... went through the checks, loaded the loader then flashed something on the screen quickly and went back to rainbow screen with Serial... nothing flashed .. I think there was an error that flashed but it was too quick to see what was on there.

I also tried the "Format" feature on my 1gb card but it said there was an error creating the partition.

Going to try formatting SD card as fat32 in winblowz then try again

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