Originally Posted by djgallis
WAIT ............
SO ICE CREAM OS. is reportedly dropping for android before this year is over
and if so how ?? we havent even had an official GINGERBREAD on the EPIC ...
am i missing something ??? and if this is true do we just skip GINGERBREAD and get an official ICE CREAM OS.
thanx .... and if this isnt meant to be discuss then u can do as u plz with this thread ..
no it doesn't work that way..keep in mind that Android is an opensource OS..so effectively when ICS shows up on the Nexus Prime it will be in Release Candidate state..only 3-5 months LATER will any none Nexus phone get it...
By then though I'm guessing the Epic will already be discontinued...It is possible the the original SGS will get an official update but I doubt the Epic will..