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  #41 (permalink)  
Old 11-18-2010, 08:57 PM
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Re: [Theme, Mods] 11/17/10 New Blue Dialer & Blue LauncherPro 8.1.1

Originally Posted by Timberwolf671 View Post
Now that is just plain strange.
1. what rom are you using?
2. did you install TW671 Blue V5.2 or install the old red theme by assisdent.
3. No matter what font would be used for some of install apps, you would still get the letters cut off. I think that in Launcher Pro there is an option to change the overlap.
I have the right stuff installed. What apk do you use for the screen shots? The one I'm using sucks.

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  #42 (permalink)  
Old 11-18-2010, 11:54 PM
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Re: [Theme, Mods] 11/17/10 New Blue Dialer & Blue LauncherPro 8.1.1

Originally Posted by shane6374 View Post
I have the right stuff installed. What apk do you use for the screen shots? The one I'm using sucks.
"shoot me" works well, free in market.

Last edited by darren.wlsn1; 11-19-2010 at 12:00 AM.
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  #43 (permalink)  
Old 11-18-2010, 11:58 PM
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Re: [Theme, Mods] 11/17/10 New Blue Dialer & Blue LauncherPro 8.1.1

Originally Posted by Johnny.Bravo View Post
Wirelessly posted (Opera/9.80 (Android; Opera Mini/5.1.22460/21.564; U; en) Presto/2.5.25 Version/10.54)

No worries, I didn't mean to rush you. I just like to complain.
No problem, I didn't take it that way.

Originally Posted by shane6374 View Post
I have the right stuff installed. What apk do you use for the screen shots? The one I'm using sucks.
I use ShootMe from the Market. It's a shake to snap a the picture program. It's alright, but don't nothing to write home about.
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  #44 (permalink)  
Old 11-29-2010, 09:37 PM
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Re: [Theme,Mods]11/18/10 Blue Dialer & Blue LauncherPro 8.1.1,2 Added Live Wallpapers

So, how's that Froyo version coming along?
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  #45 (permalink)  
Old 12-01-2010, 08:06 AM
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Re: [Theme,Mods]11/18/10 Blue Dialer & Blue LauncherPro 8.1.1,2 Added Live Wallpapers

Originally Posted by Johnny.Bravo View Post
So, how's that Froyo version coming along?
Sorry to have taking so long to read your message, been working in the TP2 Upgrade thread. Just waiting to see what falls from the apple tree for Sprint's release of Froyo 2.2. Now that November is over and no release from Sprint.
Since DK17 requires a flash of the modem to work. I didn't want to mess with my stable of 2.1 rom on my phone. So I guess the rumor that 2.2 will be released 1st part 2011 is closer to the truth. Of all the roms out there right now, what rom do you do you recommend?
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  #46 (permalink)  
Old 12-01-2010, 08:19 AM
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Re: [Theme,Mods]11/18/10 Blue Dialer & Blue LauncherPro 8.1.1,2 Added Live Wallpapers

Originally Posted by Timberwolf671 View Post
Sorry to have taking so long to read your message, been working in the TP2 Upgrade thread. Just waiting to see what falls from the apple tree for Sprint's release of Froyo 2.2. Now that November is over and no release from Sprint.
Since DK17 requires a flash of the modem to work. I didn't want to mess with my stable of 2.1 rom on my phone. So I guess the rumor that 2.2 will be released 1st part 2011 is closer to the truth. Of all the roms out there right now, what rom do you do you recommend?
I've been following the Viper Roms - he's putting out updates every few days and it just keeps getting better. I'm currently running VIPERrom [ArtifiCIAL] DK17 2.6. He's not updating the PPCG thread all that often, but here is the link to it on xda: [ROM]VIPERrom [ArtifiCIAL] DK17 2.6 BETA [GPS FIX!!]-UPDATED! 11-29-2010 - xda-developers
So far its great. Its fast, stable, no FC's and its got a lot of neat mods. The start-up screen cracks me up - instead of music an electronic female voice says "Welcome to the virtual command environment. I am the artificial intelligence here to guide you". As far as flashing the modem goes, I did it and it was really fast and easy. And battery life isn't all that bad considering we don't have a custom kernel yet.
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  #47 (permalink)  
Old 12-01-2010, 08:19 AM
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Re: [Theme,Mods]11/18/10 Blue Dialer & Blue LauncherPro 8.1.1,2 Added Live Wallpapers

Originally Posted by Timberwolf671 View Post
Sorry to have taking so long to read your message, been working in the TP2 Upgrade thread. Just waiting to see what falls from the apple tree for Sprint's release of Froyo 2.2. Now that November is over and no release from Sprint.
Since DK17 requires a flash of the modem to work. I didn't want to mess with my stable of 2.1 rom on my phone. So I guess the rumor that 2.2 will be released 1st part 2011 is closer to the truth. Of all the roms out there right now, what rom do you do you recommend?
viper rom, 2.6 version i have posted in the xda cooks thread. (towards the back)
im close to just taking over his thread so i can clean it up cause its a disaster. lol
he is busy cooking and on xda so much he asked me to help him here so we shall see but i really like his roms.
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  #48 (permalink)  
Old 12-01-2010, 10:44 AM
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Re: [Theme,Mods]11/18/10 Blue Dialer & Blue LauncherPro 8.1.1,2 Added Live Wallpapers

Im on stock and rooted and flashed through clockwork. After installing the Blue glass theme, I cant get by the initial unlock screen and get nothing but FC's. Is there something im missing?
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  #49 (permalink)  
Old 12-01-2010, 06:04 PM
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Re: [Theme,Mods]11/18/10 Blue Dialer & Blue LauncherPro 8.1.1,2 Added Live Wallpapers

Originally Posted by Hypnotic2010 View Post
Im on stock and rooted and flashed through clockwork. After installing the Blue glass theme, I cant get by the initial unlock screen and get nothing but FC's. Is there something im missing?
Not much I can say about using this with the stock rom. Did you have DI18 OTA update prior to installing the custom theme. I know that it works for all the 2.1 custom roms posted at XDA.
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  #50 (permalink)  
Old 12-01-2010, 06:56 PM
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Re: [Theme,Mods]11/18/10 Blue Dialer & Blue LauncherPro 8.1.1,2 Added Live Wallpapers

Originally Posted by Timberwolf671 View Post
Not much I can say about using this with the stock rom. Did you have DI18 OTA update prior to installing the custom theme. I know that it works for all the 2.1 custom roms posted at XDA.
Hmm, im on dI18 rooted and stock. Ill give it another go later, thanks!
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