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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 12-01-2011, 08:49 AM
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Talking [ROM][MTD/BML][EI22] RandomROM THUNDERHAWK 3.4.2 | 2/8


2.3.5 EI22 "ThunderHawk" v.3.4.2 Official [Journaled]

Updates, Important Notices, and General Information Posted Here!

The Secret Is In The Frosting!
But I'll Never Tell!

I maintain RandomROM as a distribution across multiple forums. As such, the bulk of the information, details, etc. is maintained on my personal site. Rest assured, the links below will take you to the site where you will find all of the information you require regularly updated on how to use this rom. No subscription required. Always free (donations appreciated, never required). All of my roms, mods, themes, guides, etc. can be found on this easy to navigate site as well as a blog for providing upcoming updates. As always, I will still answer questions here.

Disclaimer: I am not responsible for bricked devices, dead SD cards, divorce, bankruptcy, acne, etc. Please do some research if you are a first time flasher BEFORE flashing this rom. YOU are choosing to make these modifications, with no coercion, and no help from the developer. By downloading, you agree to have read all pertinent information provided and to accept any and all responsibility.

Why Should I Use RandomROM?

This rom is a personal hobby of mine to maintain the greatest battery life that I can. I've scoured the forums searching for the newest and greatest tweaks, mods, etc. to include, and then carefully tested them all for battery performance. I've also made additional changes, developments, and additions all my own. Contained within are many useful apps pre-installed as well as an effort to replicate my exact setup which has yielded me 0-1% battery loss per hour maximum when idle! All included apps have been RandomKing-Approved to conform with the best battery usage. I'm always on the lookout for more tweaks, possible thematic changes, etc. There should be no issues, but should I happen to find one, I may simply release a patch or a new version utilizing my new incremental update feature. Many of you have complained that others achieve much better battery life. The goal of RandomRom is to provide MY setup that's provided me with great battery life without sacrificing performance. I also offer a superior installation experience with a vast array of features combined in ways unseen before! Further details are available on the download page.


CIQ Removed | Modified Sprint Hotspot | Silent/Vibrate Volume | Extended Power Menu Options
Voodoo Sound & Color | GPS Fix | Low Battery Camera&Video Player
1x Signal Mod | Battery Full Pop-Up Mod
Multi-Function Installation

This rom also includes my brand new installer-script that completely revitalizes the way you'll flash RandomROM. First and foremost, this rom is now MTD and BML compatible thanks to code from Senseisimple and Bbelos! This means that you can install ThunderHawk no matter what format you're on, it will detect your setup and install accordingly. It WILL NOT convert you to MTD or vice versa. I will provide a script that will reformat your phone from BML to MTD courtesy of Bbelos, but this is optional. Once again, it will run on either format, but will retain whatever your phone is formatted. Now here's the fun part, incremental installation! This means that if you're on the latest ThunderHawk revision and I upload an update you can quickly and safely flash the new rom over your setup! Rather than the lengthy and questionable backup-format-install-restore process of old, the rom will simply detect your version number as the most recent and patch only the changed files. Updates will now take seconds and your data won't even be touched. The best part is, it can still install over a different rom and attempt to preserve your data, and you can still perform a clean install at any time. That's three ways to install ThunderHawk on 2 different formats!


DOWNLOADS: Vote!If you like my work, click the Thanks button or Donate a beer!



EI22 Professional Blue + Optional Lockmod
Included by default in ThunderHawk with the AIO features. Optional power menus and scroll-able toggles.

EI22 Brilliant Green
Green variant with the AIO features. Optional power menus and scroll-able toggles.

EI22 Scintillating Red ON HOLD
Red variant with the AIO features. Optional power menus and scroll-able toggles.

Development and primary testing are maintained by myself alone. However, I can't test every scenario, so in lieu of releasing straight to the public, the following members are of great service in finding the larger bugs I may have missed:
jeffro18, jdelano, Trident, spyder09

First and foremost, a huge thanks to the guys at Samfirmware for making this possible!
This rom incorporates the work of many AndroidCentral and XDA users. Huge thanks to necrosan, maddoggin, sbrissen, mkasick, chris41g, qbking77, optmsprim2, tortel1210, nubecoder, deano0714, and more to be listed!!

Want to make your own edits to your personal rom but don't know where to get started? Take a look at my personal kitchen that I use in cooperation with several free applications to develop RandomROM!
My work will always be free! If you want to buy me a coke!

Epic 4G: | RandomROM EH17 ThunderHawk | RandomROM EC05 Phoenix | OneClick / Odin | Battery Save!

Last edited by RandomKing; 02-08-2012 at 11:37 AM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 12-01-2011, 08:50 AM
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Re: [ROM] RandomROM THUNDERHAWK 3.2 [AIO] EI22 | 11/30

Known Issues:
- 4G Toggle button is missing from the lock mod, to enable 4g, have to go into Settings>Wireless and Network>4G Settings>4G (turn on 4g) or get a widget from the market

You've got questions, here's some answers!

Miss Live Wallpapers? Don't really care how much battery they use?Can't figure out how to make the battery percentage appear?
  • It's under Settings > Lockscreen Settings > Statusbar Settings
Want the battery icon, and not just the percentage?
  • Same deal as before, except you have to hide battery icon, and then un-hide it. Wait a moment.
I really miss my old transparent messaging app, can I have that back?How do I use my own ringtone, alarm, and notification mp3s?
  1. Create a folder on your SD card called "media".
  2. Inside of that create "audio".
  3. Inside of that create:
    • "ringtones" for ringtones.
    • "alarms" for alarms.
    • "notifications" for notifications.

Last edited by RandomKing; 12-21-2011 at 01:29 PM.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 12-01-2011, 11:34 AM
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Re: [ROM] RandomROM THUNDERHAWK 3.2 [AIO] EI22 | 11/30

EI22 stock battery sucks compared to CM7.. I think I might load this.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 12-02-2011, 02:10 AM
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Nice to see a Dev actually post a Rom here! I'll check it out, thanks.

No worries on the4g, not available in my area, lol.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using PPCGeeks
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 12-02-2011, 02:29 AM
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Re: [ROM] RandomROM THUNDERHAWK 3.2 [AIO] EI22 | 11/30

thanx for posting king, looks good.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 12-02-2011, 01:31 PM
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Re: [ROM] RandomROM THUNDERHAWK 3.2 [AIO] EI22 | 11/30

Originally Posted by darren.wlsn1 View Post
thanx for posting king, looks good.
Glad you like it! I added new, up-to-date, animated screenshots.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 12-04-2011, 01:44 AM
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Re: [ROM] RandomROM THUNDERHAWK 3.2 [AIO] EI22 | 11/30

Love your EI22 TH 3.1(current ROM), wiped data and flashed ver. 3.2 and had major issues. Wi-Fi Tether F/C's about every 2-3 minutes(ran ROM Man. permission fix, didnt help). Actual Wi-Fi connection would quit about every five minutes, even when i was using it. Included Wi-Fi Tether would turn on, but i could not connect to it(tried 2 laptops and a Mac) Installed Wi-Fi Tether 3.1 and that would quit after clicking on it. Lots of screen freezes.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 12-21-2011, 01:28 PM
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Re: [ROM] RandomROM THUNDERHAWK 3.2 [AIO] EI22 | 11/30


Okay, let's see... it's a doozy of a list...
  • 4G Tether Fixed
  • 1X Roaming Icon
  • No Battery Limit Video Player
  • No Battery Limit Camera
  • No Battery Full Popup/ScreenWake (Blue charge light retained) Thanks hoffman1984!
  • Camera has silent shutter sound as default, options available
  • Vastly updated array of apps
  • Updated hosts file (there's always more updates to this, check adaway)
  • Latest Shadow Kernel
  • Voodoo color and sound courtesy of aforementioned kernel
  • My own custom ram settings
  • 9-Lock mod theme available separately (glass lock removed)
  • Glitchy Glass Lock button removed
  • Mobile data button in 9-lock fixed
  • HUGELY modified updater-script
  • All-in-one ultimate RDU lite/full installer (full install is default)
  • Options for advanced/simple power menu on installation (advanced is default)
  • Options for scroll-able or standard toggles on installation (standard is default)
  • Aforementioned options adjustable through separate 3.3 theme
  • Heavily themed
  • Volume mod, hotspot mod, crt on/off still present
  • Pre-rooted Es file explorer
  • Updated superuser (seems semi-regularly updated nowadays)
  • Rom manager support in progress
  • Build.prop modified further
  • Memo app re-included in full installation
  • Did I mention the pre-installation customize-able features and the Lite-full CWM toggle?
  • Now with more love
  • Fully tested thanks to my faithful testers
  • Ram manually managed stays free between 180-200 mb free
  • Battery drain when idle is less than 1% an hour.
  • Overclock-able thanks to shadow kernel, but my incredible performance testing is, as always, only tested on stock settings
  • Tiny flashlight included in Full installation in lieu of TeslaLed
  • True Lite users upset about the additional 40 mb (full rom only weighs 175mb) can easily open the .zip with 7zip and simply remove the folder entitled "fullpack"
  • This is a big step in customize-ability
  • Flash-able patch to restore carrier title to "Sprint" for your Sprint Football app (yuck)
  • Released in time for christmas
  • The first rom to adopt the RDU Lite/Full toggle, let's make this a standard!
  • Want to keep your phone awake for extended time periods?
  • Terminal Emulator included under RandomExtras
  • Voicetogo included for full version
  • Black Google Search
  • MyFiles included
  • Future builds should include the ability to update 3.3 and on instantaneously rather than fully installing
  • Professional Feel and Look Maintained
  • You know what... I'm gloating now...

Simply put, this took a LOT of effort. For example, the Scrollable toggles mod and advanced power menu mod? I basically had to modify several files twice. A lot lot LOT of hours went into this, and believe it or not, it's just me! A huge thanks to my testers again for sparing me from having to develop and subsequently test and retest everything. If there's a more fully-featured rom out there at this moment I'd be amazed. And the performance? Forget about it! Leave out the 9-lock mod and it's the most stable battery-sipping thing I've had on my phone to date. Anyways, uploading now... enjoy!

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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 12-21-2011, 10:04 PM
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looking forward to it! FTW!

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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 12-22-2011, 02:24 AM
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when I get my new epic friday, I will probably load this
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