[ROM][EI22][ERA] Legendary ROM Update to RC 2.1 | NoCIQ - 12/2
LENGENDARY ROM [ROM][EI22][ERA] Legendary ROM Beta.3.1 | NoCIQ - 11/11 - xda-developers BY HOFFMAN1984 ON XDA Legendary ROM is a collaborative effort between kmullins88, myself, and the rest of the ERA Team... I have teamed up with ERA in hopes that we can bring the BEST Epic ROM to the table for feasting on... So we hope you enjoy your treats! MODS Deodexed Rooted Samurai 1.004 Sprint Bloatware Removed EXT4 goodness! noCIQ (Thanks k0nane) AOSP Lockscreen modded AOSP Launcher w\3D App Drawer Gtalk w\Video Battery savers Logs Provider Fix SGS4G Adrenaline Shot ZipAligned on boot Overscroll glow (default stock blue) CRT Off init.d tweaks build.prop edits Slimmed down /system/app directory Edit etc/permissions (com.google.android.maps.xml, features.xml) Updated (swype, Market, Genie, Maps, G+, Gmusic, ICS kb, Google Car Dock, widget picker) Removed excess fonts Changed some audio/ui Changed default ringtone to savannah Deleted a lot of ringtones Edited updater script to backup and restore Added ad block Removed power up sound Added volume hack Apple smash boot ani thanks to http://www.wjddesigns.com/android/an...ot-animations/ Fascinate GPS files 3G Turbocharger Battery % Mod Fly in animations Hotspot Hack 1x/3g fix Disabled Battery Full Notification\Sound\ScreenOn Voodoo control Added to ROM Manager! HOW TO VIDEO --> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b4D0D...feature=relmfu REVIEW http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eIG7B...feature=relmfu Wipe Cache and Dalvik X3 Flash ROM Enjoy! DOWNLOAD RC2.1 UPDATE http://www.mediafire.com/?cc8s8tlu3k7pnyy RC2 : http://era.techfumaster.com/ERA_EI22_RC_2.zip RC 2.1 / UPDATE: Disabled Full Battery Notification\Sound\ScreenOn Applied Rotation Lag Fix More Theme! =) Updated Apps Removed some Apps Added TW Clock Sounds back This patches RC2 ----- RC 2 / (Download below) ----- AOSP lock fixed Opaque menus Removed Sensei Apps Added back some fonts Rom manager OTA support Updated iap kernel 1.2.1 OC up to 1500 Camera apk with sounds removed thanks Sensei Battery bar Changed boot ani ICS smiley faces =] Gtalk fix - fastmikey1969 RC1 / (Download below) ----- Reboot menu Logs fix for sure 1x/3g fix Volume rocker Batt full pop up Samurai 1.004 Voodoo control Awesome apps from sleeper rom {Thanks Sensei} Added voodoo, voltage control myfiles gmail Removed google music, G+ Themed ROM a little Added a wallpaper ----- Beta 4.0.1 / (Download below) ----- Hacked Hotspot IAP Kernel added ----- Beta 3.3 / Update - 6.4MB ----- acore FC's fixed... 3G Supercharger removed G+ updated Beta 3.2 (None Wiping update)----- (DROID Development - PDN) gTalk fixed (Really this time, lol) Sprint VM fixed System Updates fixed (PRL, profile) Microbes LW fixed Some apps added (Downloads, AOSP Gallery) --- BETA 3.1 --- http://era.techfumaster.com/ERA_EI22_BETA_3.zip) Relocated some of the apks Replaced som apks 3G Turbocharger (Thanks zepplinrox) Battery % Mod Fly in animations Changed look of AOSP Lock Fixed FCs Fixed LogsProvider Boot animation working.. --- BETA 3 --- Added GPS fix Removed QP and GB kb Added email, gallery, voicemail back Switched out gTalk apk Added ICS kb --- BETA 2 --- NOCIQ (Thanks K0nane) build.prop[wifi] Removed more apks Edit etc/permissions (com.google.android.maps.xml, features.xml) Updated (swype,new market,genie,newest maps,newest G+, Newest Gmusic, Quickpic, GBkeyboard, incar,widget picker) Removed excess fonts Changed some audio/ui Changed default ringtone to savannah Deleted a lot of ringtones Edited updater script to backup and restore Added ad block Removed power up sound Added volume hack Apple smash boot ani thanks to http://www.wjddesigns.com/android/an...ot-animations/ --- BETA 1--- Deodexed Rooted Sprint Bloatware Removed nubernel+ EXT4 goodness! AOSP Lockscreen AOSP Launcher w\3D App Drawer CM7 MMS.apk Gtalk w\Video New Market Battery savers Logs Provider Fix SGS4G Adrenaline Shot ZipAligned on boot Overscroll glow (default stock blue) CRT Off init.d tweaks build.prop edits TO DO Make the add on .zip AOSP lock back in Settings widget? SD Card Speed Tweaks Flashable theme(s) KNOWN ISSUES Screen rotation lag (May not effect every device) THANX k0nane nubecoder ksmullins88 DOWNLOAD RC2.1 UPDATE : http://www.mediafire.com/?cc8s8tlu3k7pnyy RC2 : http://era.techfumaster.com/ERA_EI22_RC_2.zip RC1 : http://era.techfumaster.com/ERA_EI22_RC_1.zip Beta 4.0.1: (http://era.techfumaster.com/ERA_EI22_BETA_4.0.1.zip) Beta 4.0: (http://era.techfumaster.com/ERA_EI22_BETA_4.0.zip) BETA 3.1 DROID Development - PDN) BETA 3 http://era.techfumaster.com/ERA_EI22_BETA_3.zip) BETA 2 http://era.techfumaster.com/ERA_EI22_BETA_2.zip) BETA 1 DROID Development - PDN)
ROM: MArcusant RED ROM REVIVAL BANG HIT THANX PLZ Last edited by djgallis; 12-03-2011 at 09:23 PM. Reason: upDATED ROM 12/3 |
This post has been thanked 4 times. |
Hey djgallis,
Thanks for posting this and all the other EI22 options. It's so much easier than surfing around for them. I'll try to hit thx on all of them.
Stephen AKA WanderingMinstrel
Jornada>Apache>TouchPro>Epic 4G |
This ROM breathes some serious new life into the Samsung Epic!
Odin the stock ec05.tar, one click root CWM with ODIN, flash ERA 3.1 beta in CWM, ei22 modem in CWM, and then ERA ei22 update using CWM. This thing is lightning fast and battery life is pretty good! I was looking for an Epic Touch but I think I'll stick with my Epic for now, .5" screen size vs no qwerty is a dilemma! Last edited by gullzway; 11-13-2011 at 09:15 AM. |
No problem .. i kno people choose different sites plus ppl on PPC ( GTen & Dareen ) are great helps w/out smart ass remarks ... like xda crew |
This post has been thanked 1 times. |
Re: [ROM][EI22][ERA] Legendary ROM RC1 | NoCIQ - 11/22
Agreed. This ROM is great.
Couple of theme items here and there I don't particularly love, but they are very minor.
Samsung Epic 4G - LegendaryROM / Samurai kernel
ViewSonic gTablet - Flashback Honeycomb Alpha 10.1 --- Don't forget to Search first! |
Re: [ROM][EI22][ERA] Legendary ROM Update to RC 2.1 | NoCIQ - 12/2
Is there any way to get touchwiz on this? I might be one of few that prefer that user interface to the stock one. Is there a way?
Thanks Guys Mike |
Re: [ROM][EI22][ERA] Legendary ROM Update to RC 2.1 | NoCIQ - 12/2
Visit this thread: TW Launcher 4.5 - beta #21 [beta #22 testing last page] - xda-developers And you can visit this thread if you want the TW lockscreen: [MOD]Legendary (maybe other ROMs) circle battery w/stock 3G and signal bars - xda-developers |
Re: [ROM][EI22][ERA] Legendary ROM Update to RC 2.1 | NoCIQ - 12/2
Actually I was kinda meaning the stock samsung one. I used one rom over on XDA that had touchwiz 4.0 working. I am not sure that was a few months ago, I would think they would be further into the porting it over process. Is this the case? Is there chance of this ROM with touchwiz 4.0? Anyway about the ROM and thoughts.... This is the fastest ROM I have used on this phone ever. If you are having a doubt don't because it is just amazing. I ran a benchmark and @ 1.4GHZ I scored 3045 on quadrant. That is significantly faster than the stock ROM. I have had it on for almost 2 days straight and have had NOOOO issues with anything. This is just a great stable ROM. GET IT NOW!!!!!!!!! Thanks, Mike |
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