Since we at first had a no rules policy, I will try and keep the short and sweet.
1. No curse words. And dont try to fool the Swear Filter. Instead use 2. No Posting of Adult Material without "*18+ Only*" at the beginning of the title. And all 18+ Only posts go into the Off Topic Forum. 3. Please use the search feature before starting new threads. Odds are we have already discussed your probelm. 4. No Flaming anyone, we are all friends. 5. Posting of Illegal software is not permitted. So DON'T do it. See this post. 6. We have a warning/banning system built in and we will use it. Just follow these few simple rules and enjoy!
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To get the little mad man emoticon just click the link under the normal icons to the left of the posting screen where it says "View more emoticons" It's the one in the middle that looks like this: Or you can just type "cussing" with a colon ( : ) in place of those quotes.
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thanks a lot
Hey ImCoKeMaN thanks for that. Mike never did tell me, lol. But thanks again! I can use that next time I'm mad at him, lol.
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um why cant I post a forum I can only reply Everytime I try and post I get a message saying you have to be with ppcgeeks for more than 4 days (which I have) and I haveto have 8 legitimate posts well how am I suppose to get those posts if I cant post anything
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woods4ever, the reason it is like that is because of spambots. from time to time you may see a random post with a link leading you somewhere you dont really wanna be. post in introductions to get your feet wet, and do the required 8 posts and then start a new topic.
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hopefully it's fixed
wow, babe you sure are having to deal with a lot of spammers. I am sure they read this section, don't u think you should keep the secrets, a secret??? well just my opinion to ya, loves ya and the site. cant wait to have my own ppc ONE DAY SOON!!! hint hint
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