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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 06-10-2009, 11:12 AM
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I forgot to disable the usb connection in activesync and viola....MONAHANS!!!!!!

This is the 4th time I've flashed the OMNIA and the only difference I can think of is forgetting to turn off the activesync checkbox. Can anyone else tell me that this is definetely the problem? I flashed the wife's omnia last night with the same computer, and it worked perfect. This morning, I bricked mine. again... gggrrrrrrrrrr

The question is... Now what? What is the best path to replacing my phone. Had the phone for 6 months. I've got the insurance. What route have other people taken?

Wow this is annoying. Thought I had my bases covered and I was pretty bullet proof. WHAP!
  #2 (permalink)  
Old 06-10-2009, 12:41 PM
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Re: Monahans

Originally Posted by j32driver View Post

I forgot to disable the usb connection in activesync and viola....MONAHANS!!!!!!

This is the 4th time I've flashed the OMNIA and the only difference I can think of is forgetting to turn off the activesync checkbox. Can anyone else tell me that this is definetely the problem? I flashed the wife's omnia last night with the same computer, and it worked perfect. This morning, I bricked mine. again... gggrrrrrrrrrr

The question is... Now what? What is the best path to replacing my phone. Had the phone for 6 months. I've got the insurance. What route have other people taken?

Wow this is annoying. Thought I had my bases covered and I was pretty bullet proof. WHAP!
I can't tell you that as I have done it many times and not had my device brick.

Get a new phone. It is pretty much the only way to get it "fixed" in a timely manner. There is a guy in Eastern Europe that will fix it for a fee and shipping but why do that when you can usually get a new one for free.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 06-10-2009, 01:04 PM
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Re: Monahans

i have flashed 23 times in a row without turning Async off of "allow USB connect"... I dont think it needs to be turned off for the sheer fact that umdl picks it up b4 Async... so i dont... play dumb... frack verizon!!!
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 06-10-2009, 01:07 PM
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Re: Monahans

You are playing with fire by not turning it off.

On Vista, UMDL won't even allow you to flash with usb enabled. It crashes out UMDL, which I prefer over my phone.
  #5 (permalink)  
Old 06-10-2009, 01:34 PM
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Re: Monahans

Originally Posted by Adrynalyne View Post
You are playing with fire by not turning it off.

On Vista, UMDL won't even allow you to flash with usb enabled. It crashes out UMDL, which I prefer over my phone.
thats why mines never been bricked im glad it does that bc i have forgotten twice
  #6 (permalink)  
Old 06-10-2009, 01:38 PM
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Re: Monahans

Well crap. If it wasn't the activesync that killed my phone, then I'm even worse off because I don't know why it failed. As I said in the 1st post, flashed 1 phone and it worked fine, flashed the other a day later and it bricked. And I can never live with a stock Omnia now... I'm an addict... I MUST FLASH!!!!!

The MONAHANS state is curious to me. The fact it still communicates with the laptop suggests that with the correct software, you should be able to resurrect it. I wish the guy in Europe would make his methods public. Talk about really helping out the community!

My big fear isn't bricking the phone.... its bricking the phone TWICE!!!!

  #7 (permalink)  
Old 06-10-2009, 01:45 PM
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Re: Monahans

Originally Posted by j32driver View Post
The MONAHANS state is curious to me. The fact it still communicates with the laptop suggests that with the correct software, you should be able to resurrect it. I wish the guy in Europe would make his methods public. Talk about really helping out the community!

My big fear isn't bricking the phone.... its bricking the phone TWICE!!!!

There is but apparently the equipment to do this with is quite expensive.
  #8 (permalink)  
Old 06-10-2009, 03:25 PM
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Re: Monahans

Originally Posted by Adrynalyne View Post
You are playing with fire by not turning it off.

On Vista, UMDL won't even allow you to flash with usb enabled. It crashes out UMDL, which I prefer over my phone.
i use my 2kpro for flashing... i HAVE tried on my xp pro system too... same thing.. I also tried out of curiosity to flash using usb 1.0 and it worked...

The only thing i do b4 flashing is restart my PC...

And on a side note..... dont laptops have inconsistant power coming from the usb ports due to voltage flux from crappy/cheap batteries? And if i remember correctly from my A+ classes, that when the processor and Hard Disk start working anywhere near 75% the actual voltage drops across the board... i only say that b/c i have noticed alot of ppl get monahans when using a laptop... hmmmmm

Anyone else reading this dont try flashing with USB ON... Im just a lucky one.. my hardware training has no bearing on the phone and flash problems ppl have.. i dont have training in phones.. just laptops and PC's
  #9 (permalink)  
Old 06-10-2009, 03:33 PM
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Re: Monahans

A+ training is typically 5+ years behind current day technology. Its just about useless because its so outdated.

At one time, that may have been the case. Its not now.

Besides, its not voltage that USB is providing, it is milliamps.

Last edited by Adrynalyne; 06-10-2009 at 03:36 PM.
  #10 (permalink)  
Old 06-10-2009, 04:51 PM
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Re: Monahans

Another possibility could be your phone's battery level. If I remember correctly, USB will only sustain the battery to a certain degree. If your battery was low to begin with, it could've died part way through the flash and bricked.
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