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Old 06-03-2009, 01:35 AM
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Summary of roms i have tested for geeks.com chef's

This is a list of my personal finds and some i read about through all the pages of info in the upgrades section... so if it seems scattered its bc it is... i go back and retest just for small things and add to my list... so excuse my mess

I would like to have ppl add in stuff i missed, and make this thread a place for new flashaholics to come check what rom is good to use for modding to personal UI, and just plain ease of use (flash and foget)

So if you have info to add... post on up!!
im going to update this as i test...

For clarification:
games i have tested are all games that play on the stock omnia...
I use Pimbackup for my contacts...
I have no prefrence in my list... some stuff is personal reminders..so dont think im bias..just letting you guys see a almost unfiltered look into my flashaholic lifestyle....

omnia roms tested on my phone...

Adrynalyn stuff
*Start testing base roms of current builds*
Everything is stable for current setup of base "adryn setup"...
addition of any keyboard other than FKB2 works with minimal lag
GPS works with manual com8 baud57600 Make this a standard for my area/phone
Titan weather/or titanium itself is buggy after hibernation..
New chrome editor works in this build with some help..
Battery gets ate up from active internet connection
Need to try kidgenious cpr...
Screen is a little hard to respond
plays all old games on stock rom(need4speed,omniano,uno,southpark)
eyes are ok...

about the same as 2.7 for keyboard,gps,weather...
Added kidgenius to this rom and worked(CPR file for 400xxx etc)(have modded files saved)
Battery still gets ate up from connections...
chrome editor ok
Screen the same as b4
not too bad for my eyes

need to test again...

Getting better on data connection... auto kills nicely
Wmp starting to have issues after long play periods and multi text msgs
gps is still manual settings
Battery better due to data kill
can handle fkb2 and other games i had on stock vz rom..
Screen seems easier to touch/respond
Can switch to other platforms for gui with minimal issues
can multi forward text

both are the same to me..
WMP suks
dont care for them to mod...
can multi forward
games yes
GPS is still manual
good on eyes

Alot better so far..
WMP WORKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 3hrs of nonstop random @ 200+ music folder
Can do all the custom ui like b4
FKB2 is working with tiny issue of wanting to not pop up when hitting respond to text
Have to one by one add ppl to forward'd text...grrr
GPS is stilll manual
easier on eyes
Internet connect is staying on... but battery is staying up well *update..no its dropping faster than normal..*

WMP is still working.. played 23 tracks in a row with no issues..had 4 calls and 8 txt....
Gmaps is working still under manual connect...
FKB2 is working with no extra effort but not poping up when reply'n to text..
Kidgenius CPR works...
Love the opera panel
ms3 will work
all skins from lioryte are working
omega ra skins work for fkb
Battery is not doing so well.... dropped from 100 to 75% in 2 hrs.. not normal for me...
internet connect is +6 hrs of online time over night... CHECK**
no multi contact select for fwd'n msg's

Originally Posted by godwhacker View Post
put adryn's 3.6 win 6.5 on the phone yesterday.
disabled titanium, added m2d.
installed office, htc ram cleaner, rc mod,resco explorer and registry, ringtones, skyfire and a few themes.
99.34 mb free in storage, 49.81 mb in programs
it is stable, and pretty speedy
ran some video clips from my sd card, and wmp worked fine
no lock ups, got a mms from a guy in chicago who needed to show me his lunch. (first time chicago dog eater). didn't affect the phone at all
love the lock screen w/the slider at the bottom
tried the battery hack, but no dice getting it to work
all in all, a nice tight effort. adryn's stuff gets better every time!!

adryn 1.4 (6.1)

Nice for adding any cab...
Use this for building a ms3 if nothing else jumps out at ya for the base to use...
test this more... no eyecandy=custom UI
Games i had on stock rom play...
Gps is manual
easy on eyes


All around nice...
some cook'd in features that are handy...
Wmp is buggy
gps is like adryn
ui for start menu is very user nice
text hang when trying to reply to mms
FKB2 works with help.. couple softresets and keep having to select it as choice in the im selector b4 it stick..
i can still select muti recpeipt on forward text
can read fairly well
Need to try kidgenius cpr fix*

Rock n rep

stable for doing alot of toying around....
not real complaints for wmp...
handles text call wmp at same time with minimal lag
weather is good on here...
batti 2.4 is cool... use from now on...
multi rept on forward text
Games on stock rom work....
Dam hard to read due to bakground img
kidgenius cpr fix=ok

Rok rep 3.1
same as b4... but wmp starts to wak out... think its the new build the kitchn is using... all roms affected one way or another*
*like the new hex thingy.. i can read!!
Sound is low to start** turn up volume*

Rok n Rep 4.1
Same platform as 3
Start menu is nice and smooth
Pimbackup works
WMP is working 3 hrs and no issues in the T panel
Gmaps is working
Apps start nice and quick
FKB2 works...and will auto open when replying to text
msn weather is a nice feature, accuweather is always wrong for forcast!!
MS office works
Clinks works
Rotate seems smooth...
*update*When in WMP and get a text while phone is locked will make WMP hang and not show correct song in T panel....
Easy settings is nice... missed having it!!
Overall very nice and stable
*Almost a flash and forget rom* stabe enuff for novice user to have all options and not have too add many features...

BGill55's ROMS

6.5 v 1.6
this guy has some nice ideas
can do about anything but play wmp... informed him*
Like the contact list thingy... find cab...
GPS is manual
like the taskfacade * if it works* still errors for no reason..still like the concept tho.. check into*
great fkb2 after i turn rotate down to no animation and turn off "clicks"
loads fast..
bati 2.4 is ok for me... Read up on 1% driver by kabkab?
check his other roms********
can multi select forward? Test****
Games installed on stock rom play....
Try new Ui on this rom... seems capable..
tcmp player works even with wmp issue...

6.5 1.7
So far the same...
gps manual
skipping to try 1.8

6.5 v 1.8
Nice busy background img
seems very quick when switching tasks..
Softreset is quick
GPS is still manual
touch respose is good**
Multi text forward is still single...

6.5 v1.9
soon...... looks good so far!!
Clinks is cookd in +1 a little glitchy as it wants to multi scroll when using the mouse hard button thing when switching to option you want to select
WMP is working like never expected too... I have a bad habit of hitting the X on all things when done.. I can start WMP in the Tpanel and then go into WMP from bottom button...skip some tracks, then hit the X and it keeps playing instead of killing WMP.. Used to have to hit end call hard button...VERY NICE!!
Calendar in the Tpanel is also handy...
Graphite background is "uptown pimp style" i like.. and hes the creator of it!
Gmaps is still on manual connect for me.. must be my service area as all roms are manual for me..
Modem link is good and solid... Read up on other options that can be exploited with it..
Icontact is as always a fresh look after looking at winmo contact list.. thanks!
More tests to go... but so far this looks like a rom to use as a base to go custom... for the pimp'n the ladies rom
hats off to BG on this one.. im having a hard time finding issues that are gonna be found by a novice user...
Hi my name is BoB, and I'm a Flashaholic.... Anyone seen my baseball?

Current rush... Bgill55's 6.5 v2.6
Fabi1 police font

Last edited by BoBo_ew; 06-07-2009 at 07:37 PM.
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Old 06-03-2009, 01:40 AM
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Re: Summary of roms i have tested for geeks.com chef's

This is a very good post post!! iget about 15 pms a day asking whats the difference between all the roms here. Adryns post is 110+ pages thats hard to read through. I think a one stop rom shop thread is a great idea!!

(Mods Sticky?)
Im not a Genius, but i would love a Guinness!!

If I Helped you in any way, a simple would be nice!

Visit Me Over at http://Omniarom.com And say Hello!
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Old 06-03-2009, 02:00 AM
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Re: Summary of roms i have tested for geeks.com chef's

Originally Posted by bgill55 View Post
This is a very good post post!! iget about 15 pms a day asking whats the difference between all the roms here. Adryns post is 110+ pages thats hard to read through. I think a one stop rom shop thread is a great idea!!

(Mods Sticky?)
I agree 100% here. A one stop shop was DEFINITELY needed as far as ROMs go. Im currently on Adryn's 3.2.3 and its very stable for me. Now he's added 'Opera' as a panel on the main screen, its time to FLASH again!!
"Hi and welcome to ppcgeeks. Have you flashed your phone today?"

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Old 06-03-2009, 02:02 AM
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Re: Summary of roms i have tested for geeks.com chef's

Im going to rewrite the first post of the rom page soon with something thats readable. Its not even manageable for me anymore.


Thanks for the write up.
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Old 06-03-2009, 03:49 AM
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Re: Summary of roms i have tested for geeks.com chef's

Nice post!
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Old 06-03-2009, 09:13 AM
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Re: Summary of roms i have tested for geeks.com chef's

good post my friend
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Old 06-03-2009, 02:27 PM
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Re: Summary of roms i have tested for geeks.com chef's

Thanks guys

I will have more detail getting inserted into each rom as i remember other stuff i have tested...

Im going to clean up my mess of a post too...
  #8 (permalink)  
Old 06-03-2009, 02:41 PM
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Re: Summary of roms i have tested for geeks.com chef's

Originally Posted by BoBo_ew View Post
Thanks guys

I will have more detail getting inserted into each rom as i remember other stuff i have tested...

Im going to clean up my mess of a post too...

Hows my v1.8 working for you?? I feel i have to pay you off to get a good review lol. *looks for a donate button*
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Old 06-03-2009, 03:17 PM
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Re: Summary of roms i have tested for geeks.com chef's

updated bgill55 v1.8
updated adryn's 3.4
testing wolf's tonight...
  #10 (permalink)  
Old 06-03-2009, 05:25 PM
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Re: Summary of roms i have tested for geeks.com chef's

Originally Posted by BoBo_ew View Post
updated bgill55 v1.8
updated adryn's 3.4
testing wolf's tonight...

working on v1.9 more cosmetic than anything might remove the new battery driver
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