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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 05-27-2010, 03:52 PM
KSUSocrates's Avatar
Pocket PC: Samsung Moment Android 2.1
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Re: 2.1 battery life

i've also found that you check the programs that you download from market as many have ads in them, and will constantly be pulling data using internet connection to show those ads. The less of those running the better too. I only have my battery able to run about 14-16 hours, and only about 5-6 if I'm using it a fair amount during the day. My task manager I have shuts off all non-exluded programs when the screen is off, so it will still be pretty full at the end of the day if I don't use it.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 05-27-2010, 10:06 PM
Phone_Tank's Avatar
Pocket PC: EVO 4G | Blackberry Torch
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Re: 2.1 battery life

I was running into the same issue with 2.1 on my Moment after the upgrade. On 1.5 I had it set so the wireless always stays connected even when the phone is in sleep mode instead of connecting and reconnecting every time I hit the end button or the phone went to sleep mode.

Once I set the wireless connection to stay on all the time (I'm always around wireless at home and work) my battery life had a dramatic increase. I may just be loosing mind but it seemed to work for me...
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