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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 08-27-2010, 09:43 PM
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Buying a Samsung Epic 4G on eBay: Safe or not safe?

As you all know, the reservations are all "sold out," so I am unable to acquire this phone anywhere through my local stores. Today I went in and three people asked about the Epic -- I occasionally go to Sprint stores and I have not visited a store where there was a line just to ask a question about the Epic, I don't even recall that happening for the EVO.

Anywho, I see a couple on eBay...Sure I know the basics -- feedback rating, date joined of user, etc. however I'm quite afraid I may receive a display model or a test model, blah, blah, blah. Ideally, I am going to have to pay 425.00 + 9.25% taxes if I wait three/four weeks and go into the store. While that price is relatively the same as purchasing it for the original cost, you can see it is NOT worth it........I should probably ask the eBay seller about whether its a display model or not before....

Any experienced eBay phone buyers out there? I'll lay down five bills, sure...! But I want something new bitches.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 08-27-2010, 09:50 PM
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Re: Buying a Samsung Epic 4G on eBay: Safe or not safe?

why dont you go to best buy or radio shack?
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 08-27-2010, 10:02 PM
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Re: Buying a Samsung Epic 4G on eBay: Safe or not safe?

Originally Posted by crazaytalent View Post
why dont you go to best buy or radio shack?
Good question.

The reason why I am not "allowed" to go to Bestbuy and or Radio shack is because I can't upgrade to another two-year extension. Now the question is, why can't I just buy it for a regular price at Bestbuy or Radio shack? Look at Bestbuy's website -- they have the phone listed for 699.99 -- I think. Same with the EVO, they increase the price if you're buying it all out. I can only upgrade to a one-year contract, which to my knoweldge, is not available through Bestbuy and or RS.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 08-27-2010, 10:26 PM
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Re: Buying a Samsung Epic 4G on eBay: Safe or not safe?

the sprint store i am going to is getting more than the reserved ones. they stopped taking reservations so they would have some for the general public too. i was told by my closest sprint store that even though i have a reservation for 1 phone, i should be able to get two as the batch being delivered will be half reserved, and half first come first serve. all stores may not be doing this. ymmv.
Originally Posted by wilw
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Old 08-27-2010, 10:34 PM
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Re: Buying a Samsung Epic 4G on eBay: Safe or not safe?

go for it on ebay .. they offer protection but idk how it works
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 08-27-2010, 10:40 PM
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It is 99% safe to buy on ebay as long as you use paypal and follow the rules and using the credit card also doesn't hurt. I've been using ebay for several years and any problems have been resolved. I buy and sell cell phones all the time. Just follow the rules from ebay to stay protected.

Sent from my Evo using Tapatalk
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 08-28-2010, 12:31 AM
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Re: Buying a Samsung Epic 4G on eBay: Safe or not safe?

Originally Posted by Entrepreneur724 View Post
Good question.

The reason why I am not "allowed" to go to Bestbuy and or Radio shack is because I can't upgrade to another two-year extension. Now the question is, why can't I just buy it for a regular price at Bestbuy or Radio shack? Look at Bestbuy's website -- they have the phone listed for 699.99 -- I think. Same with the EVO, they increase the price if you're buying it all out. I can only upgrade to a one-year contract, which to my knoweldge, is not available through Bestbuy and or RS.
Dude, check out the amazon thread...it's $470 without contract
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 08-28-2010, 12:56 AM
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Re: Buying a Samsung Epic 4G on eBay: Safe or not safe?

ebay is as safe as you make it out to be...if you don't know what your doing you can easily be screwed on ebay..with some common sense its pretty safe..I bought 2 phones on ebay my Apache and my Mogul...When my Apache came the front speaker didn't work so I contacted the seller and they sent me a 2nd one and asked me to return the other one back. I asked them afterwards if there is gonna be a return slip..and they are like nvm then just keep it..so I got 2 300$ phones for 200$ and one with an issue you can fix for either 35$ or use 7$ insurance on...

But other people I know said they received empty boxes with nothing inside...and after arguing gave up not knowing you have tools to get your money back pretty easily...but you can usually tell with some common sense which sellers are questionable.
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Old 08-28-2010, 02:33 AM
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Re: Buying a Samsung Epic 4G on eBay: Safe or not safe?

Originally Posted by Scientific View Post
Dude, check out the amazon thread...it's $470 without contract
Am I missing something here? I really appreciate the response, but when Amazon asks me to "input" my zip code, it shows the phone as 499.99 without contract. I feel utterly retarded I did not jump on this deal earlier -- if you're saying this deal is still available. If you're right, I guess I don't deserve to own an EPIC -- you do my friend. Help!


I insist to call you Mr. Epic -- why? Because you know literally everything about this phone. You may be a Samsung fan-boy (never really see those around, LOL) -- you're pretty much dead on with what you said. Since eBay uses Paypal it's safe, but my concern is getting an Epic that was a display model, beta model, etc. I would hate the feeling of unboxing a phone that was already unboxed, yet considered new when I buy it. I bet you agree with me.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 08-28-2010, 03:29 AM
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Re: Buying a Samsung Epic 4G on eBay: Safe or not safe?

Originally Posted by Entrepreneur724 View Post
I insist to call you Mr. Epic -- why? Because you know literally everything about this phone. You may be a Samsung fan-boy (never really see those around, LOL) -- you're pretty much dead on with what you said. Since eBay uses Paypal it's safe, but my concern is getting an Epic that was a display model, beta model, etc. I would hate the feeling of unboxing a phone that was already unboxed, yet considered new when I buy it. I bet you agree with me.
You can check the revision on it...for example..my guess is demo units would have older firmware then ones released to the public. As for a refurbished, you can look that as all refurbished models have an indicator in the phone settings...In ebay some people state that NIB, aka the box has never been opened, if they say this and the box is opened, you can get your money back just on those grounds(but it has to state never been opened)...or if you add 7$ insurance you can prob exchange it in a few days..assuming they are in stock..

Oh and by the way I'm NOT a samsung fanboy...I'm a FINALLY SOME DECENT HARDWARE fanboy...lol...I personally use HTC phones in general..but what I don't like about HTC is they always give us outdated hardware ...the only reason HTC was even usable for winmo is because the community was there to support it..otherwise the devices barely ran...now I'm not hating on HTC, I just wish they'd give some decent hardware already! I mean the EVO phone we knew about 2 years ago..and were all drooling over it..it would have been a great phone a year ago but for 2010 is dated...I mean do you know how sad it is when our so called super phones have worse specs then iphones?!?!?!

The Galaxy S line is the first phone ever since the iPhone 2G to actually be superior to the iphone in terms of hardware...

Another reason I am liking this is I don't like the fanboy mentality in general..in US we are stuck with our carriers due to how they work and they have very limited cell phone selection...now if HTC is the only phone we go for..we pretty much become no better then an iphone fanboy...instead I prefer an ecosystem where I actually have choice and choose based on what the companies give us rather then blindly follow 1 brand. In such a limited market I want to choose whats best..not say wait 5 years for HTC to choose to say release a keyboard phone on my carrier...

In a way this is Samsung's chance to "prove themselves" to us that they are worthy of us the community...if they screw this up they are not gonna get another chance from me for at least 5-10 years..maybe even never >.> (see I'm pretty harsh when it comes to these things)

The great hardware is already there..they just need to support it for at least a year...so far they are doing ok...but the big question would be if they actually fix the plaguing issues and give us gingerbread.

Last edited by gTen; 08-28-2010 at 03:38 AM.
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