[ROM][PORT][JB 4.1.2][SGH-I777][MIUI v5] 3.5.31 Official
MIUI V5 Official Port
Hi Everyone...I used to share my projects on Xda-Developes...Thought of sharing it here...
MIUI ROM 3.5.31 Full Changelog
Fix - Google Calendar synchronisation failure
Fix - In some cases, uninstalling application causes system to reboot
Fix - In "Call Recording" settings, when the recording time of specified recording number is over 10 hours, long press on the list will cause app flash back
Fix - When answering the phone in mute mode (non-vibrating), the phone will be muted with vibration
Fix - During call, talk time display in the notification bar displays incorrectly
Fix - In the pop-up dialog after adding contacts to the blacklist, pressing the 'Back' button does not exit the current interface
New - Added support for filtering call log for "New Contact"
Optimisation - Redesign page for unknown contacts (05-27)
Optimisation - Support number selection when group sending messages
Optimisation - When selecting phone number to send text messages, the "default" number of multi-number contacts will be prompted (If it was set before)
Optimisation - After exporting contacts to SIM card, export summary will be displayed
Optimisation - In the “New Contact†page, current account will be highlighted while selecting
Optimisation - Support for syncing cloud large picture for google contacts
Fix - Clicking call recording in call log or notes may cause flash back problems
Fix - Avatar inconsistencies for merged contacts in Details and Edit pages
Fix - Clicking 'Cancel' or 'Back' button in the edit avatar interface opens contact edit page
Fix - Clicking search box does not open search mode
Fix - Clicking on the Return button in groups does not return to the group list
Fix - In some cases, call recordings do not display in the contact call log
Fix - The progress bar shows incorrectly when exporting contacts to SIM card
Fix - Entering only a partial number returns no search results
New - Third-party themes can choose whether to use Fancy icons
New - Added support for QR code scanning
Fix - When entering Camera from Contacts, the skin adjustment button and flashlight button may overlap
Fix - Videos cannot be sent via Bluetooth from Camera app
New - Added quick scrollbar in Cloud Albums
Optimisation - Reduced the chance of no thumbnails when viewing large image
Fix - In local albums when multi-selecting a large number of photos to delete, the delete confirmation box does not respond quickly
Fix - Uploaded pictures thumbnail size conversion error in Cloud Albums
Fix - In some cases, opening the GIF format images may cause gallery to stop running
New - Music UI redesigned and improved
New - Animation effects when number of new window increases
New - Animation effects for creating and closing windows
New - Sliding from the edge to the centre of the screen allows for quickly switching windows
New - Added prompt when accessing insecure URLs
Optimisation - Network error page
Optimisation - Display effect of the link response area in a page
Optimisation - Bottom toolbar height adjustment
Optimisation - New window management interface
Optimisation - New night mode effects
Optimisation - Reading mode visual adjustment
Optimisation - Automatically add mail header when sending mail
New - Local videos can be hidden
Instruction for Instalation
- Reboot to recovery.
- Wipe data/factory reset
- Wipe cache
- Mounts and storage > format system
- Wipe dalvik cache
- Download and flash current English Only ROM
- Install the provided kernel
- Then flash the chosen language pack on top of it. (DO NOT WIPE)
- Install Gapps -We made new smaller gapps package (full package caused
installation errors and bootloop on devices with small /system partition like (I9100/I777)
Last edited by badblood_antony; 06-06-2013 at 10:59 AM.