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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 12-17-2011, 12:36 AM
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GOT MINE!! (my $.02)

I bought a HTC Rezound last week after getting fed up with false rumors and delays on the Nexus. Well, here we are a week later and I was first in line when the local VZW shop opened this morning and traded in the Rezound and now have a Nexus. Totally worth it. The HTC is a great phone, don't get me wrong, but the Nexus is what I was really after. ICS was never a big selling point since the Rezound and other phones would be receiving the update in due time. I know for sure that the mod community will be immensely greater for a Nexus phone than the Rezound, and god I hate Sense. No complaints about the Nexus as of yet, great signal, battery, screen is amazing and OMG is it fast.
Samsung Galaxy Nexus (Stock, for now)
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 01-19-2012, 02:06 PM
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Re: GOT MINE!! (my $.02)

I enjoy mine also I just got it last week actually. I forgot to check these boards before I did though, tsk tsk, but I am glad that I have it.

So far, Verizon has said that they can't unlock the SIM... is that true or just BS?

Have any ROMS been developed that anyone knows of or is the phone still locked up for the time being? I don't mind because the stock ROM isn't actually bad but I know this bird can sing so to speak so I imagine a custom ROM would be quite a bit more fun.

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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 01-19-2012, 04:21 PM
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Re: GOT MINE!! (my $.02)

Originally Posted by JDwg78 View Post
I enjoy mine also I just got it last week actually. I forgot to check these boards before I did though, tsk tsk, but I am glad that I have it.

So far, Verizon has said that they can't unlock the SIM... is that true or just BS?

Have any ROMS been developed that anyone knows of or is the phone still locked up for the time being? I don't mind because the stock ROM isn't actually bad but I know this bird can sing so to speak so I imagine a custom ROM would be quite a bit more fun.

ACS is on it, lots of development.
GSM Galaxy Nexus Development
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