Re: CUSTOM OS~ Not Windows Mobile
I'm new here to the forums and ppc's but i'll put in my opinion. Making a full OS is a huge undertaking, especially one that would hold up to your large standards. Not to mention this would require every program you guys typically install to be coded especially for this new os, and to top it all off i'm not sure you could get all your sprint services working since they where made for windows.
To make your own os for a phone in itself isnt the biggest callenge its making one able to outpreform windows in speed and functionality. People get microsoft alot of flack, but they got alot of smart people and money behind these products. Personally i'd be interested in how heavyly someone can mod window and prehaps work on our own interface like touch flo to hide windows. for instance in windows on a desktop you can stop windows from loading explorer (not the web browser, the one that handles windows and the start menu) and run your own application instead. in this way you have all the api, and library of windows already set up, but the only interface us the one you coded. Also, again i dont know much about ce, but it may save alot of memory turning off the window manager.