Kitchen updates at www.ppckitchen.org and you can get BuildOS help Here
If you have been helped by me or would like to support developers like Olipro, helmi_c, and others please feel free to Donate ALWAYS FLASH BACK TO YOUR CARRIER'S OFFICIAL ROM BEFORE TAKING YOUR PHONE IN FOR SERVICE OF ANY KIND |
I thought we'd gone over this already? If you have access to the attachment in this post, that has the information to log into the development FTP site. If not, and you still want access, you'll need to take it up with Wideawake and/or Glossman.
We probably did... I've been buried with real life and the queue has been flushed. Lemme reload my brain. Thanks!
Edit... yep... brain restarted. All good. Now back to your regularly scheduled program.... |
Okedoke... I finally got some free time and built and burned this puppy.
Overall, it's really looking good! Minor nits * cold boot screen - it has names on it... I thought we were'n't going with that version? * error reporting and receive beams are enabled by default Code:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\ErrorReporting\DumpSettings] "DumpEnabled"=dword:00000000 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Obex] "IsEnabled"=dword:00000000 Goodness: * all issues pending seem to be working * Windows Live Search OEM works (which means NET 2.0 seems to be working) * all my OEMS work * ## codes work * smart dialer works * unchecking use advanced networking in activesync CP works * BT PAN (as an OEM) works Sooooo looks like we're getting close to the point where I could write up the docs. I did a quick and dirty BT PAN OEM, but you need to remove the btd.dll module from OS to build with it. Mine seems to be working fine, if it would help to have it uploaded somewhere. |