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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 07-12-2010, 12:00 AM
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The RETURN of the Pocket PC Geeks Podcast!



CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE SHOW PAGE - http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread...95#post1980295

To allow people worldwide to tune in, we've changed the date yet again, and rolled back the clock! IF you want to join us for our FIRST SHOW at this new time, mark your calendars for October 30th at 4 PM EST! Expect giveaways, special guests, and more! SEE YOU THERE!

Hello Folks, and Thank you for standing by!

It took us a few weeks (or Months!) to look things over and re-organize ourselves, but we are now ready to go on our next podcast and to revive the series.

A Few things will change, specifically the time and certain formats of the show, but most importantly it's designed to make it a more enjoyable experience for us to give, for you to listen to!

First off, we are moving the podcast from 10PM to 4PM, this is due to the simple fact it wasn't working out when people were around at 8 or 9 and then poof at 10, it's really late and we think the new time will provide better allowances for people to attend. We are now also on Saturdays, rather Thursdays!

Second, we are going to be reformatting the show in a unique, special format below, which we will try to stick to and keep the show enjoyable. I'll explain the NEW stuff (Such as our call in feature and our voicemail box) in a moment
1. Opening Sequence, Announce of Guests and Such

2. Quick Tidbits on any follow-ups - Messages to the "Host" via voice mail box, etc.

3. A quick synopsis of our big news articles

4. Call-In Feature - People can call in and give their thoughts, some few may be even given the opportunity to join us LIVE via telephone or Skype!

5. Details and conclusion of news if not completed prior [we'll usually have our giveaways around here!]

6. Introduction of any minor articles, perhaps from the surrounding tech (stuff not relevant to mobility may be here)

7. User / Developer / Person of the Week (if there is one. This is either an invited guest to the show, developer who wants to promote a new product, or someone we point out in the forums and give a shoutout to!)

8. Wrap-Up, conclusion of show, any final notes.

Now, the format is much more organized, which allows us to better serve a faster, more enjoyable show, as i said before. But let me take a moment and explain it in detail,

The first new thing is our "Voicemail" Feature. You see, at the end of the show, if you didn't join us live, and have a comment, question, or praise/anger to us, feel free to send it to our NEW voicemail system. If we find it something out of the ordinary (Maybe its something we didn't think of during the show, or perhaps something we didn't know!) we will play it back LIVE on the next show, and give you our eternal thanks (Or anger, if it's a nastygram :P )

How can you do this? Here is our Voicemail Number - 614-88-PPCGP (614-887-7247). Feel free to leave a message anytime, we enjoy user questions and comments, and as we said before, some may be used in our podcast!

A Good Format to use when leaving a comment or question is in Quotation Marks Below!

Hi! [USERNAME] here from PPCGeeks/XDA/Etc. I have a question / comment on [ARTICLE/DISCUSSION]

[Insert Comment/Question Here]
Now, let's explain the call-in feature.

The call in feature for now will be identical to a voicemail. You call the SAME number (614-88-PPCGP) and leave your comment, but you can then leave a CALL BACK number and we will choose you out of the many other callers to join us. Remember though, no call back number = no call back! We screen you via the voicemail system first to ensure the legitimacy of your call. Please also remember to be kind, courteous, and have good service when you call!

Afterwards is our usual show, we wrap things up and often introduce a guest (If any) HOWEVER. We also include a method now for you to tip us on a user worthy of recognition on the podcast. It can be ANYONE you personally think deserves a shoutout. Whether or not that person helped a newbie, released a great new ROM, or just said something worthy of note, it's worth telling us!

In order to nominate someone, simply go to their post and click "Tip Us!" at the bottom, and note in your message that it's for the PPCGP! We'll pick whomever gets the most tips or we consider the most worthy, and give them a shoutout (And welcome them to join us on a future show!)

People who frequently call-in can also be invited to join us without having to call in, and even be special guests in future shows!

Note: If you are too lazy to call in during or after the show, you can always tweet our podcast @PPCGP and tell us your thoughts in 140 characters or less of our show's content!

That's all for now, except of course the DATE. Save this date folks, as it'll be the date dawning a new era in Pocket PC Geeks Podcast History,

Head to OUR PODCAST PAGE, Remember our call-in number, and BE THERE on October 30th, at 04:00 PM EST, 1:00 PM PDT, or 8PM GMT

Most podcasts will run no more than an hour to remove the "Clutter." and be available for download within 24 hours of the live show ending typically. We hope to see you there!

Feel free to send me your questions, thoughts, and comments!

Legal Mumbo-Jumbo.

By calling in, leaving a voicemail, or contributing to our podcast in any way such as providing a tip, you give us the right to use that tip, voicemail, or call-in for any and all future or current shows as content and accept your voice to be played live on the show. If you are selected (We will PM you!) as a guest of honor for our ship, and wish to decline, you may!

Last edited by Laos101; 10-24-2010 at 04:14 PM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 07-12-2010, 10:11 AM
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Re: The RETURN of the Pocket PC Geeks Podcast!

Great and looking forward to yall being back on the air!!!!!
Stock and Rooted

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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 07-12-2010, 07:15 PM
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Re: The RETURN of the Pocket PC Geeks Podcast!

Lookin' Good!!!!

"I don't want to spend my life explaining myself. Either you get it or you don't." Frank Zappa
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 07-13-2010, 06:52 PM
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Re: The RETURN of the Pocket PC Geeks Podcast!

Sweet. If I didn't have work I would join in. Will there be a way to join in via mobile?
Disclaimer: The truth is obvious.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 07-13-2010, 10:32 PM
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Re: The RETURN of the Pocket PC Geeks Podcast!

om nom nom nom

i are excited
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 07-16-2010, 02:43 PM
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Re: The RETURN of the Pocket PC Geeks Podcast!

Sam were you tuned in? I didn't see you!

Great show!!! I enjoyed it as well as Wideawake did Can't wait for the next one!!

If you wanna make the world a better place take a look at yourself and then make a change ~Michael Jackson
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 07-16-2010, 04:46 PM
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Re: The RETURN of the Pocket PC Geeks Podcast!

when can i get the download? i had to help a freind move and wasnt done till it was over. im prolly in the minority, but i liked the later start time.
Originally Posted by wilw
Stupid and angry is no way to go through life, son.

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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 07-16-2010, 04:48 PM
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Re: The RETURN of the Pocket PC Geeks Podcast!

It was a good show for sure.

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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 07-16-2010, 04:56 PM
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Re: The RETURN of the Pocket PC Geeks Podcast!

Originally Posted by austin420 View Post
when can i get the download? i had to help a freind move and wasnt done till it was over. im prolly in the minority, but i liked the later start time.
If you look at the top of the page you will find the podcast tab. Click on that to find all the information you need for the next show Hope to see ya there!
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 07-16-2010, 06:03 PM
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Re: The RETURN of the Pocket PC Geeks Podcast!

Download will be available on the homepage as soon as it's up tonight!
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