WP-Activate Mod
I have been working the install issue and have found the problem. I was originally working on a prior version of StoryR's WP-Activate. That version put all the files in the Spb Mobile Shell directory. The new version puts the files in its own directory. Anyway, I recreated the cab with the correct install. I tested it on my emulator with a fresh install of Spb Mobile Shell, WeatherPanel 2009, WP-Activate, and then the WP-Activate Mod. All installed correctly. Please give this another try. I am truly sorry for the previous issue with the install.
You must have StoryR's WP-Activate already loaded!
I have been working on a mod to WP-Activate and with StoryR's permission, I am posting here for all of you to use.
1. Adds ability for WPa widget to cycle through cities loaded in WeatherPanel.
2. Adds city name to WeatherPanel and WeatherPanel Details widgets.
3. Skips any city disabled in WeatherPanel.
If you have more then one city loaded in WeatherPanel, this mod will enable you to have the WP-Activate widget cycle through the cities. I have added another weather detail on the WPaPublish screen. This is used to update the temp on the WP Pro, WP Compact and WP BigTemp widgets. The WP and WP Details widget now have the addition of the city name. On the WPa Configure screen, you will now see the addition of a one minute selection. This is the one you select to have the WPa weather widget cycle through the cities you have loaded in WeatherPanel.
Screen shots:

Install instructions:
1. Download the attached cab file and copy it to your phone.
2. Run the cab file.
3. Go to the WPa Refresh screen and select Inject Widget.
4. Select Configure Widget and select EVERY 1 MINUTE - ROTATE CITIES.
That should do it. Now, the WPa widget on your Lifestyle screen should change every 1 minute with each city loaded in WeatherPanel. Only the WP and WP details widgets will display the city name. StoryR would like any questions on this be answered by me. I hope anyone that uses this mod will like it. Please let me know.
Many thanks to StoryR for all his hard work in developing WP-Activate for all of us.