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lazyboy0172 07-02-2007 11:25 PM

My iPhone Theme (finalized and includes instructions)
Well a lot of people have been asking about my skin, and lots of noobs are around, asking for help trying to get themes working (mainly the iPhone theme :roll: ), anyway, I decided I would spend my day working on making the theme accessible, iron out some bugs, and write up a doc on getting these things to work like you want them to.

I hope everyone enjoys it, I've been tweaking this for a while now. The included writeup should help with geting everything working easily. Included is everything that is required to get my themes working, and suggestions for things to make them better. I also included Photoshop documents of my dialer skin and an easy icon maker psd for you to make the theme just the wayyou want it (for advanced users). The writeup is step-by-step in getting your theme not just up and running, but modding it to be what you want it to be, and I think i made it pretty easy.

I did just throw this together though, So there may be something missing from the folder structure that I claimed would be there from the writeup, but I hope not. If so, just PM me or leave a message here and I'll repack it.

Pictures here:

Download here:

WA3 skin (NOT created by me, or meant to emulate the iPhone, but works quite well as a replacement)

If you have any questions or problems, please reply or send me a PM. This is my first attempt at doing, well anything, and I'd like to be nice.

Edit: I forgot to include "cleaning up" in my doc, so here is a simple version:
Once you are up and running, you may go into the iPhone WAD folder and delete the extra icons you arent using to save some precious storage space, as well as delete all the default themes they throw in there (4 in total). Also, I am not sure if this helps with boot time, but I'm convinced it helps, and certainly doesnt hurt, to go to your settings, today screen settings, and uncheck all of the options aside from owner info, as some programs require the owner info to be there. This way it loads the home screen quicker, and by extension, the Wisbar Themes.

Edit 2 (embarrassed) :
I have been informed that for some people the bottom four buttons are not displaying upon loading the theme. i was hoping this wouldnt be the case, but it seems to be isolated as I've gotten positive reviews as well. For some reason the 4 at the bottom just dont show up sometiems after installing. Dont bother uninstalling though, as it is an easy fix. Just hold the stylus down, select new shortcut, point it to the app of the button you are going for, select the images associated with that app, with the carbon fiber border and the "_p" for the pressed path, and uncheck "display the shortcut's text" in text settings. Now you have to hold the stylus down on the button and select adjust position and move it over so that the carbon fiber bottom lines up perfectly and it is in the right place. do the same for mail, web and ipod. here are my positions to make it quicker:
phone: x-9, y-234
mail: x-66, y-234
web: x-123, y-234
ipod: x-179, y-234

to create the red buttons displaying missed calls and text messages (incase those didnt show up either)
the red button: hold stylus, select new>button, the images for both normal and pressed is missedcall.tga, and the action and action2 are both set to none. move this to the upper right corner of your phone and mail icons

to put the numbers in the buttons, hold stylus, select new>text, and object type is custom text, text to display is %MissedCalls% or %Unread:SMS%, align is center, tap action is none and font is tahoma size7 bold, all colors 255

coolKid 07-03-2007 12:28 AM

Would this work on Windows Mobile 6 on the Sprint Mogul. I noticed you put WM5.

lazyboy0172 07-03-2007 12:42 AM

it should work with WM6, hell, it could even work in lower than WM5. I put WM5 cause it is what I have, and is the only thing I tested it on. I have a 6700.

BiGMatTFRomJeRSeY 07-03-2007 09:59 AM

very nice job. when i get my mogul im going to install this and use it.

grypho 07-03-2007 10:28 AM

Hi... are ther any mirrors for this package? My isp has blocked the access to mediafire...

thank you.

Gom33 07-03-2007 10:48 AM

Will have to try this when I get home. All the other ones just get me CONFUSED!!! lol... thanks again and hopefully i can get this to work on my 6700...

liemydude 07-03-2007 02:51 PM

It was very easy to install and customize. Thanks!

nFiniti 07-03-2007 04:57 PM

Everyone lemme know how this works out... This seems to be the best looking iPhone Theme around...

djweasel 07-03-2007 05:32 PM

Is this updated?

nFiniti 07-03-2007 05:45 PM

Ok, I'm just installing it... and I got to where you say locate on the mobile device themes/desktop... where the hell is this?

*edit* Nevermind, I guess I missed the installation of Wis Desktop.

lazyboy0172 07-03-2007 07:46 PM


Originally Posted by djweasel
Is this updated?

What do you mean by "updated"? I have not changed it since originally uploading it, as anything that was not right with it seems to be hit or miss and luck of the draw. Everything is there, and I'm open to troubleshoot, plus my post at the top should help with any issues you have initially.

lazyboy0172 07-03-2007 09:28 PM

Well, I didnt want to be outdone by all you, so I took some time today to add to my own theme. This one isnt released, but you can do it yourself with what I've taught you in the readme (hopefully). pics at the same place up top. I just changed what the 'phone' button does. what do you think?

nFiniti 07-03-2007 10:09 PM

I LOVE IT! I edited it a little so it has the SPB Time on the Today screen... and I'm still working on customizing buttons and whatnot. But so far I love it. I also changed on mine... the black background to the SPB Time background... I like it alot better.

djg08642 07-04-2007 03:18 AM

It appears also you may have forgotten iContacts.exe? It could be me. I got everything else working though. Great work man! Everything went great especially for someone as new as me.

I had iLauncher previously installed and one of my favorite buttons on my Today Screen was a shortcut that opened a blank text message to a specific person immediately. Any possible way to do that?


nFiniti 07-04-2007 03:20 AM

Ok... I'm now reseting everything... The theme rocks seriously... but there are too many bugs I'm running into. Plus having to pay for the programs to run it kinda upsets me. the buttons just stopped working so I must locate another way to get my phone to look as good as your theme made it look.

lazyboy0172 07-04-2007 03:51 AM


Originally Posted by djg08642
It appears also you may have forgotten iContacts.exe? It could be me. I got everything else working though. Great work man! Everything went great especially for someone as new as me.

I had iLauncher previously installed and one of my favorite buttons on my Today Screen was a shortcut that opened a blank text message to a specific person immediately. Any possible way to do that?


i did not include any programs that were not necessary to the theme itself. iContact and all other programs mentioned in that section of the doc are only suggestions to nifty programs that i use.

As far as the ilauncher thing, that's nifty, but I dont know of a way to do that...you can link to peoples phone numbers, but it will call them, not take you to the contact card or bring up text info. I wont say its not possible, but it is something I haven't encountered.

SuPreme1 07-04-2007 11:06 AM


Torx 07-04-2007 01:31 PM

I gotta give it up to ya buddy, this is far and beyond complete!
Ive managed to install it all completely minus the spb clock and a few other things..

edit: nevermind, lol

but everything is running smoothly, i'll give it a day or so to see what kind of memory hog this turns out to be, LOL.

thanks for this valiant effort!

EDIT2: okay, it does take some time to get everything up and running...
is there anything we can do about prioritizing and creating links in the windows/startup folder?? I think memaid allows this, but can someone confirm if its any use?

metalslug 07-04-2007 10:28 PM

I tried to follow the instructions for my jasjar, and it was a hot mess.lol. Now, also, on the comer it says verizon....and i have t mobile...lol. My wisbar ad stood mixed with the iphone theme....i never could get the landscape theme running...i have had beter success with other installs. Thats not to say I'm not doing it right, cuz i may not be, but please, some input here....WHY WONT IT WORK FOR ME!!?!?!?....lmaoo, i hate this. It is now becoming an obssesion.

lazyboy0172 07-04-2007 10:51 PM

areyou following the instructions in the readme? I go over changing the Verizon saying, and how to install it step-by-step. you shouldnt have many problems following it, and as far as themes merging goes, i'd just uninstall and reinstall any theme managers you have (WAD, WA2, so on)

metalslug 07-04-2007 11:15 PM

Like i said, I'm probably at fault. I'm so burnt out on this theme....that I will take a couple days recovery, and re start. I already uninstalled WA2 and WAD. I will update this week. Man oh man.

jason33436 07-05-2007 10:32 AM

I also have the Verizon text with a Sprint. I don't remember seeing how to change it but other than that. Very nice package. :-) Thanks!

Edit. The instructions were in there. I overlooked em. Very complete walk throuh.

Torx 07-05-2007 02:23 PM

in wisbar advance you goto the button assignments and make start menu, non visible.

then make the signal bar be assigned the duty or start menu cascading.
thats what i did.. so i have nothing in the top left corner, but my signal icon, i press it and it displays the start menu.

EDIT: also the landscape mode locks up the 6700 and is garbled..
so imma just make my own landscape version.

EDIT2: heres another tip, instead of pointing the youtube button to PIE, edit the properties, path executable to "http://m.youtube.com"
with the quotes, it'll automatically open pie and youtube.

jason33436 07-05-2007 11:05 PM

Thanks for the tips. :D

nevz 07-06-2007 01:40 AM

so i got everything running. I dont have the buttons on the bottom like missed calls etc. also my phone dosnt ring or vibrate when someone calls.. some help....

lazyboy0172 07-06-2007 02:13 AM


Originally Posted by Torx
in wisbar advance you goto the button assignments and make start menu, non visible.

then make the signal bar be assigned the duty or start menu cascading.
thats what i did.. so i have nothing in the top left corner, but my signal icon, i press it and it displays the start menu.

EDIT: also the landscape mode locks up the 6700 and is garbled..
so imma just make my own landscape version.

EDIT2: heres another tip, instead of pointing the youtube button to PIE, edit the properties, path executable to "http://m.youtube.com"
with the quotes, it'll automatically open pie and youtube.

you give great input, and you seem to know what youre doing..i like you :)

Yes, I set start button to invisible and then set the signal to do the start button's duties, it's the cleanest and simplest way to get the signal bar in there, I think. the button "custom 1" is the verizon sign, and "custom 2" is just blank, so I have both of those set there as well, to push the signal to the left all the way. the Verizon logo can be changed by finding the file "custom1_normal.png" from the WADefault folder, opening it in Photoshop or whatever you use to edit pictures, just black out Verizon and type in Sprint and save it, overwrite it, and send it back to your phone.

I occasionally have problems with the landscape mode, but not what you are describing. When quickly changing from landscape to portrait my 6700 will occasionally lock up, I've found the way to combat this is to simply give it time to load everything before switching between the two. For example, when texting, I will have the blank text box open and wait a second, then open the keyboard, wait for it to change to landscape, and wait a few more seconds to ensure WAD in the background has done its changing, then I can type quickly with no lock-ups or slow-downs. Before sending the text, I switch back to portrait, and again wait for it to load before doing anything. I think this is a problem with WAD itself, and not my theme, but if I am wrong, please share with me your solution, as while my method works, it is not the most favorable.

great tip on the shortcut pointing to a web link as well, I actually didn't know how to do that, and wish I did. Good to know, but it is worth pointing out that these link to your default web browser. I'm not sure if that could pose aproblem with mobileTube, but my default browser takes much longer to load than regular ol' PIE.

Torx 07-06-2007 05:13 AM


yea it could be wad, im playing with a test landscape mode now..
by the time i get done im sure it'll do the same thing after the switch from portrait to landscape.. get garbled and lock up, lol

i'll also try a reinstall of your landscape theme as well.

gcalc with the fish theme is a nice combo with this theme as well.

yea i didnt think about others with 3rd party browsers, i dunno though it should work the same??

have you figured out a way to... when.. you press the more button it turns into a home button.. so when you press it, it takes you to the "home page/dock".. then when you are back at the start home page, the icon turns back into an arrow or something.. hmm. just something im trying to figure out. But playing with the wad settings i cant seem to find a way.

2days and running fine! imma play with memmaid later to see if prioritizing the startups will do any good.

and im still looking for a good iphone dialpad with numbers AND letters on the dial buttons..

Scorp 07-06-2007 11:16 PM

hello I'm new here I guessing I did something wrong I did all that step one said to do and now I can;t even activesync with my ppc through usb cable, plus once doing step one there was never a theme folder made little light on subject before I do a hard reset much appreciated thanks I have a mogule HTC 6800

1sick6800 07-07-2007 12:20 AM

yeah mines like that too i dont see the themes folder

1sick6800 07-07-2007 12:33 AM

^ nvm i did a hard reset and it installed the theme folder right after the first install

Scorp 07-07-2007 03:09 AM

well for some reason I'm still not getting the theme folder to show up in \program file\lakeridge\wisbar advance\themes <-- that folder is not showing up so I'm still stuck... plus when I choose allblack for theme screen stays the same nothing turns black till I tap on the file itself without going through the theme manager..

Torx 07-07-2007 04:16 AM

the themes folder is in root directory(main device directory) along with application data, windows, temp, etc. etc. this is the install location by default, NOT in the wisbar programs folder

Scorp 07-07-2007 11:07 AM

ok I was just following the doc notes, so basically take both files in step 2 folder and put them in the themese folder?? when this isi done there is nothing saying anything about installing themes or when I select theme manager there is no iphone theme...

lazyboy0172 07-07-2007 04:14 PM

no, torx is confused. my doc is right

when installing WA2, at the end, it should install themes as well? after WA2 installs it should begin installing themes, let it! If, for some reason, it doesnt, then just go ahead and create the new folders needed (should just be the Themes folder), and follow the doc as if they had been there all along.

and Torx, yes you can change the more button to an arrow or something. hold click on it, and choose remove, and then remove the button under it as well. then click and select new>button, make it whatever icon you want and action1 set to toggle dock: more. now on the home screen again, hold click on it and choose send to back. Now it should not appear when you press it, and you should only see the 'more' dock. this should also fix the bug where the more button is visible in the games dock. Now on the more dock, hold click and select new button, and make it toggle the more dock as well. Set the icon to a home or what-have-you and I choose to create a new text object for the caption, to keep the spacing perfect.

Torx 07-07-2007 04:18 PM

yea my fault i thought he was talking about WAD

sweet! that'll work!

EDIT: okay memaid didnt really do anything i just prioritized the startup link, BUT changing the delay values for bootup and startup in wisbar advance to 0, allowed for a faster better looking startup of everything. you mightve mentioned that in your doc writeup though..

now if we can just change that stupid looking beachball loading icons :p

neteng 07-09-2007 03:02 PM

This is the best theme I have seen yet for the apache, I compared it to a friend's iphone, and it looks great. Great work, and the doc is very complete...

Striker911 07-09-2007 07:31 PM

anyway somebody can guide me with the steps im very confused

ricegurukid 07-09-2007 08:08 PM

what about on treo 700 cant get it to work.

lazyboy0172 07-09-2007 09:55 PM

need more info on where you are caught up if i can help, i cant magically know whats wrong with your problems and tell you some secret combination on how to fix it. I'd be happy to help if you can help me.

ricegurukid 07-10-2007 12:40 AM

sure, i just basically want to know if its possible.
it gets freaked out when i have the allblack theme and the wisabar installed.
i dont get any farther than that.

let me know thanks!

oh and i cant find the "themes\desktop" folder, it isnt on my phone for some reason..

not in the root directory, windows directory or the wisebar directory.

p.s. i cant tap (hold) an empty spot, well i can but a menu doesnt pop up!

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