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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 11-11-2008, 03:03 PM
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Thumbs up Custom Taskbar

Big thanks to FInixNOver and the rest of the crew over at XDA for leading the way on the Custom Taskbar. Here is the original thread that started this all [SKN] Customizing the Windows Taskbar

Replacing/Renaming a dll file

When replacing a specific dll file in windows use the following technique (Using the HTCVolumeControl.dll as an example):
· Open Total Commander and go into /windows rename current HTCVolumeControl.dll to HTCVolumeControl.dll.bak
· use TC to move the new .dll file into /windows
· soft reset.
· You may now delete the .bak one.

Speaker and Battery Icon
The Speaker and Battery Icon's are located in the phcanOverbmp.dll file. The following are the steps to change your battery icon and speaker Icon out and to also give you the battery percentage.

1. First install the sdkcerts.cab
2. Install Taskbar%20Icons%20v2.cab
3. Install darklord battery metre v2_fixed.cab
4. To have your battery meter give you actual % such as 33% instead of in increments of 10 install nuePowerDriverCDMADiamond-100-v1.0-cab.cab updated 11/13/08
5. To fix the battery % either use a registry editor and change the settings as posted below or install FInixNOverBatteryIconsOnly.zip (no need to do both) updated 11/11/08
6. To fix the little font when you click the speaker icon install HTCVolumeControl.dll in the attachment below (Thanks opuscroakus) updated 12/5/08

Make sure your registry says the following:
"BatteryIconLevels"=dword:65 (Hex) or 101 (Dec)
"BatteryIconIdStart"=dword:3e9 (Hex) or 1001 (Dec)
"BaseId"=dword:0 updated 11/12/08

For Black EV and 1X Icons
1. For the Black EV and 1X install the tapres.192.dll

For the Custom Start Menu Icon
1. Install Icone Demarrer.cab
2. The icon I have is found here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=2753669&postcount=203 (read post #2 in this link for other custom start icons)
3. You will have to rename whatever one you download from shellres.192.dll.0409.mui to shellres.192.dll (for Touch Pro)
· open TC and go into /windows rename the current shellres.192.dll to shellres.192.dll .bak or .old
· place the one you downloaded and renamed into the /windows
· Soft Reset
· Once you have done this then you can go back in and delete the .bak one.

How to create your own Start Icon (VGA)

1. Create an icon in 41x36 then save as .ico file (32bits) for QVGA 21x18
2. Copy you "shellres.192.dll.0409.mui" or "shellres.192.dll" to your SD card then to your PC
3. Unsign the file using Unsigner (for this just drag the file on top of this and it will unsign it)
4. Open it in one of these three Reshack / PE Explorer / Restorator and go to "Icon group/4609
5. Click on Action/Replace Icon/Open new file
6. Insert your new icon, click replace.
7. Save your modified file
8. OpenMssignerorMultiple file Signer
· click Start sign Process (for MFS follow directions in the link)
· a window will pop-up with "Process finished!"
· You will see a that a text file has been create for your shellres on your desktop
· Open the text file, if you see "Warning: This file is signed, but not timestamped, Succeeded" you know the file was signed.
9. Transfer the modified file to your SD card
10 Open TC and navigate to the /Windows and rename your old file to "shellres.192.dll.0409.mui.bak" or "shellres.192.dll.bak"
11. Move your modified file from your SD card into the /Windows
12. Soft Reset

(To change out other Icons please visit this thread to see which .dll contains what Icon. You will need to replace the icon with the same size icon as in the original .dll and still follow the above steps http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=437307 )

Change Start Text

1. Unsign your shellres.dll.0409.mui
2. Open it in one of these three Reshack / PE Explorer / Restoratorand go to string value 321 and change the name from Start to whatever you want.
3. Save your modified file
4. Open MssignerorMultiple file Signer
· click Start sign Process (for MFS follow directions in the link)
· a window will pop-up with "Process finished!"
· You will see a that a text file has been create for your shellres on your desktop
· Open the text file, if you see "Warning: This file is signed, but not timestamped, Succeeded" you know the file was signed.
5. Transfer the modified file to your SD card
6. Open TC and navigate to the /Windows and rename your old file to "shellres.dll.0409.mui.bak"
7. Move your modified file from your SD card into the /Windows
8. Soft Reset updated 12/09/08

For the Bluetooth Icon/ Stero Headset Icon
The bluetooth Icon is a simple BMP file within /Windows
1. First download the custom bluetooth from the attachment below called BT Icons.
2. Using Active Sync, click explore and navigate to the Windows Directory.
3. Drop the file into this folder and click yes to replace.
4. Soft Reset updated 11/18/08

For Message Icons
Download Trey Beno's outres.192.dll from the attachment below updated 11/24/08

For Signal Icon
Download HCTLeener's CDMA_RSSI_PPC.dll from the attachment below updated 11/24/08

For Notify Icon's (Alarm Bell) updated 12/14/08
Download HCTLeener's notify.dll.0409.mui
or Brock1909's notify.dll.0409.mui

For Windows Messanger
The Icon is located in the WLMMessengerResources.192.dll

For Picturemail
The Icon is located in the PictureMailRes.dll

For Voice Commander
The Icon is located in the VoiceCmdRes_PPC.dll

For Wi-Fi New Network Detected
The Icon is located in the tshers.192.dll

For Quick GPS
The Icon is located in the GPSAux.dll.0409.mui

Registry Hack to Change from Sprint 7 Bars to Telus 5 Bars (only 6 & 4 bars show up)
<characteristic type="HKCU\ControlPanel\PhoneExtendFunction\CDMA" translation="filesystem">
<parm name="SignalStrengthLevel" datatype="integer" value="5"/>

5 = Telus Thick bars
7= Sprint Skinny Bars updated 11/25/08

Added fix for wrong battery percentage updated 11/11/08
Added fix for Volume Control updated 12/05/08
Added Registry settings (just check to make sure yours match what is posted) updated 11/12/08
Added Bluetooth Custom Icons updated 11/12/08
Added battery meter actual % updated 11/13/08
Added Message Icons updated 11/24/08
Added Signal Icons updated 11/24/08
Added Registry Hack to Change Signal Bars from 7 to 5 updated 11/25/08
Added Change Start Text updated 12/09/08
Added cab for the first task bar 12/14/08
Added cab for the Darklord69/Carnero's Task Bar 12/14/08
Added Notify Icon's 12/14/08

For those interested in making your own icons please visit this post created by FInixNOver at XDA http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=437307 the post contains detailed information on the process and what files contain the different icons. Several good sites out there have Icons already pre-made such as http://www.iconspedia.com/

Credit and Thanks goes to Chef Ben, Brock1909, opuscroakus, Trey Beno, HTCLeener, darren.wlsn1, Juggalo_X and Darklord69 at XDA and everyone else for all there work here and at XDA.

Lylej2k has a thread for the Titan version (which should work on most QVGA devices)http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=45904&highlight=custom+taskbar+ti tan

1. If your start Icon does not show up after installing one of m cab's go into your /Windows file and check for a file named shellres.192.dll.0409.mui, if you have this file then delete it because my cab install's the shellres.192.dll which the two files are exactlly the same. The Diamond comes with the shellers.192.dll.0409.mui

2. The nuepowerdriver is a file that gives you your battery % in incriments of 1. The driver is not 100% accurate especially from 90-100%.

3. Each time you install a new version to ensure everything installs correctlly, unistall the sdkcert's, my previous cab and the nuepowerdriver. This way you can start out with a fresh copy of each.

4. None of these taskbar enhancements will effect your memory or battery use.

6. All cab's are unistallable

7. If you click your speaker Icon and your font is too large its because you have installed the HTCVolumecontrol.dll that is for US/UK for the fix please go here

Here are the stock .dll's and what each one contains

shellres.192.dll / shellres.192.dll.0409.mui







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Attached Files
File Type: zip CDMA_RSSI_PPC.zip (24.0 KB, 797 views) Click for barcode!
File Type: zip HTCVolumeControl.zip (35.9 KB, 1731 views) Click for barcode!
File Type: zip BT icons 32x32.zip (191.6 KB, 1588 views) Click for barcode!
File Type: zip outres.192.zip (110.3 KB, 941 views) Click for barcode!
File Type: zip New Folder.zip (3.59 MB, 690 views) Click for barcode!

Last edited by tsowen; 05-15-2009 at 01:58 PM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 11-11-2008, 04:05 PM
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Cabs and Files


For a modified version of Carnero's Icons (thanks dai_shan for the files) please see attachment below tsowentaskbar.cab. This version I kept all the Darklord Notification Icons. You will have to install the sdkcert first, my cab and then nuePowerDriverCDMADiamond-100-v1.0-cab.cab updated 12/14/08

1. Combination of Darklord69 and Carnero's GSM Task Bar.
2. Contains Darklord69's Notification and Battery Icons.
3. Includes all the fixes found along the way.

tsowentaskbar 2

For those who want the CAB for the original task bar we download the file tsowentaskbar2.cab you will have to install the sdkcerts, my cab and then the nuePowerDriverCDMADiamond-100-v1.0-cab.cab If you just want the DLL's download the zip file called dll's.zip updated 12/14/08

1. This was the first set of icons that we worked on.
2. It has the updated HTCVolumeControl and all the other fixes we found along the way.
3. Original Notification Icons and does not include any of the Carnero's looking icons such as the Alarm Notification, Wi-FI and others (see Brock1909 and HTCLeener's post 4 & 5 for versions of this icon)


My last addition is a combination of the previous one with the new voicemail icon, bluetooth stero, sms and notify icon.
Cab can be found below. For just the dll files and bluetooth icons download the zip file New dll's. Updated 12/22/08

Contains all the icons shown in the picture.

tsowentaskbar3V1.5 (latest)

Based on the taskbar 3 version this one contains updated icons and battery as seen below.

For file please click this link

Version History
1. tsowentaskbar3
- Added Darklord69 battery icon, added Wi-Fi icon set, added alarm notification icon, corrected registry entry for battery %
2. tsowentaskbar3v1.1
- Added multi-notification icon, bluetooth stero icon and new voicemail icon
3. tsowentaskbar3v1.2
- Added SMS Notification Icon
4. Contains all the Fixes along the way.
5. Added Active Sync Icons.
6. Added Windows Live Messanger Icon
7. Added MMS Icon
8. Added GPS Icon
9. Thanks to gtp at XDA corrected phcanOverbmp.dll with battery %

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Attached Files
File Type: zip tsowentaskbar.zip (721.8 KB, 1415 views) Click for barcode!
File Type: zip tsowentaskbar2.zip (721.9 KB, 1619 views) Click for barcode!
File Type: zip Dll's.zip (741.3 KB, 721 views) Click for barcode!
File Type: zip tsowentaskbar3v1[1].4.zip (1.20 MB, 2148 views) Click for barcode!
File Type: zip New Dll's.zip (1.14 MB, 964 views) Click for barcode!

Last edited by tsowen; 06-12-2009 at 08:36 AM.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 11-11-2008, 04:05 PM
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Cabs and Files

Thanks to:
MightyMike, 12aon, MysticGenius, HTCLeener, GadgetFreak, sunnyin86, Juggalo_X, Original Artist of some icons at DeviantArt.com and anyone else that I might have missed.

Okay so I wasn't ready to release but here you guys go, I will just have to update the version like before. Instructions are below:

1. Unistall any taskbar you have installed previously.
2. Install sdkcerts and soft reset (visit my thread for this file)
3. Install my taskbar and soft reset
4. Install nuepowerdriver and soft reset (once again visit my thread for this file.)

If you run into problems visit my thread for the FAQ portion it also had the correct battery registry settings if your battery % is not right and has the registry edits to change your bars from 5 to 7 or 7 to 5, whichever floats your boat.

Now for those who just want the dll's and not the cab version I have created a zip folder with just those files in it so you have your choice.

This taskbar is VGA and is both GSM/CDMA, this bar is the most complete one to date as you can see below most every icon has been covered to include the LargeTitlteBar. For the QVGA gadgetfreak is working on a release and should release right behind me within a day or so. This release also has the Notificationmanager.dll which is for the new TP2 Manila that xboxmod and crew are working on at XDA so your icons will match with this as well.
BT Discoverable.bmp
BT On Mode.bmp
BT Stereo Headset.bmp
GPS-icon Mask.bmp
HTCVolumeControl.dll   -- New Version to match MightyMikes ROM
Stereo Headset.bmp

Version Change:
1. Changed Out all Speaker icons
2. Changed out Battery for the same as in tsowentaskbar5
3. Corrected some icon images

Below is the cab and the dll's for taskbar6v2

This version is for those who have been getting denied access errors or other errors due to the new RHodium Manila basically if taskbar5 worked then this one will for now I have extracted all the LargeTitleBar files and other files that were causing problems. Below are the listed files included in this one. This is not an update just a "lite" version of the previous one until I get everything 100% perfect with the Rhodium Manila and other files. Next update I hope to have these problems fixed along with a new battery and other updates and corrections. If the full version works for you as it has for me then no need to do this version.

BT Discoverable.bmp
BT On Mode.bmp
BT Stereo Headset.bmp
GPS-icon Mask.bmp
HTCVolumeControl.dll   -- New Version to match MightyMikes ROM
Stereo Headset.bmp
For the file to the lite version go here

Click Here for the HTCVolumecontrol.dll fix for those who are not US/UK and after installing my cab have the Extra Large Font as seen in the picture below:

Just simply unzip and install the cab and soft reset.

Edit: This was made for tsowetaskbar6v2 if you need one with the original speakers PM and I will post it up.

For those who want matching Ev/1x icons or different ones visit this link here
For those who need the rA icons visit this link here
For those who want the other icons in the picture below visit this link here

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Last edited by tsowen; 05-20-2009 at 04:41 PM.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 11-11-2008, 04:37 PM
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Thanks to Misfortune and his awsome Battery Icon's he has created for his Misfortune Taskbar v2
Here is a combination featuring taskbar 6 elite and his battery icons.

BT Discoverable.bmp
BT On Mode.bmp
BT Stereo Headset.bmp
GPS-icon Mask.bmp
HTCVolumeControl.dll   -- New Version to match MightyMikes ROM
Stereo Headset.bmp
For those who prefer the "lite" version I have made a cab as well that does not include any of the Rhodium Manila or the LargeTitleBar. This is for those who received the permission error or had trouble due to custom ROM with Rhodium Manila.
BT Discoverable.bmp
BT On Mode.bmp
BT Stereo Headset.bmp
GPS-icon Mask.bmp
HTCVolumeControl.dll   -- New Version to match MightyMikes ROM
Stereo Headset.bmp
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Last edited by tsowen; 05-21-2009 at 12:48 PM.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 11-11-2008, 07:47 PM
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Re: Custom Start Icon/Battery/Speaker and EV 1X Icons



M Shell File


http://www.mediafire.com/05redrex current files on my phone, go get it!


big ups to HTCleener and Tsowen for all the help, Darklord for the started icons,Juggalo for coming in and helping us finishing up the task bar. without all these people, and everyone who has helped ( sorry for not specifically naming you) we would still have boring task bars!
Attached Files
File Type: cab Brock1909 MI Task Bar- GO BLUE!.cab (3.87 MB, 489 views) Click for barcode!
File Type: zip 1 %phcanoverbmp.zip (157.1 KB, 292 views) Click for barcode!
File Type: zip M shell File.zip (283.0 KB, 323 views) Click for barcode!

Last edited by Brock1909; 04-16-2009 at 07:57 PM.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 11-11-2008, 08:09 PM
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Thumbs up Re: Custom Start Icon/Battery/Speaker and EV 1X Icons

HTCLeener Icon Set

[Icons listed below Left to Right]

Voicemail, Speakerphone (common for both options)

1x, Ev

OPTION 1 - DLLs Folder > HTCLeener DLL's.zip (DLL file is included in this ZIP)
OPTION 2 - DLLs Folder > tapres.192.dll (just the single DLL file)

Silent, Vibrate, Sound

No Signal, No Phone Service, Signal Strength, Phone Strength, Active Data Strength, Non-Active Data Strength

Active Sync OFF, Active Sync ON, WIFI Searching Arrows, WIFI Connected, WIFI Disconnected, Roaming, Missed Call, Battery, Battery Charging

Text Message, E-mail Message


Reminder (Alarm)

MSN Instant Message

New Wireless Network Detected

DLLs Folder > tshres.192.dll (just the single DLL file)

Voice Command

DLLs Folder > VoiceCmdRes_PPC.dll (just the single DLL file)

BT Discoverable, BT On Mode, BT Stereo headset, Stereo headset


(finally.. haha)


CrAzYLiLbOy's CDMA Icon Set Match





CrAzYLiLbOy Matching Icon Set Folder
(also includes ALL ICONS created)


taskbar 6 elite


also attached below (some of you having issues with mediafire)
taskbar 6 elite Folder

Special mention to Darklord69, Brock1909, tsowen & Juggalo_X for all their help and contributions to creating these kickas.s taskbars!

Also, to anyone and everyone who's helped anyone and everyone make their taskbar dream a reality, I thank you.. awww.. haha
Attached Files
File Type: zip CDMA_RSSI_PPC.zip (67.4 KB, 489 views) Click for barcode!
If you like my shizz, feel free to donate. It's not required but uberly appreciated.. cheers!
Thanks to those who have donated.

If you're going to use my work, please give credit where credit is due.

Last edited by HTCLeener; 04-07-2009 at 10:04 AM. Reason: Update on DLLs.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 12-11-2008, 12:32 AM
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Re: Custom Start Icon/Battery/Speaker and EV 1X Icons

TASKBAR 4 (Crazylilboy's Icon Set)

Here is the cab for everyone with everything included as always follow these steps:
1. Install the sdkcerts (refer to post #1 for file)
2. My cab
3. nuepowerdriver (refer to post #1 for file)

Note: My intent is to take Crazylilboys and hawaiianpunchman's sets and make a kick butt set. Also as HTCLeener has said we all will add icons as needed for the missing ones so stay tuned.

With that being said, Enjoy and thanks to all for the efforts and files. Special thanks to Crazylilboys, Brock1909 and HTCLeener for the awsome icons!

Also all the dll's are signed and located on Crazylilboys dll's.zip for those who want just the files.

All should be working now correctly

**Updated added tsowentaskbar4v1.1 which has the vibrate speaker icon**
**Updated added tsowentaskbar4v1.2 which has the Black EV/1X icons**
**Updated added tsowentaskbar4v1.3 which has the stero headset bmp **
**Updated added tsowentaskbar4v1.4 which has HTCLeener Option 1 Signal bar, Blue Start Orb and Orange EV/1X icons**
** Updated added tsowentaskbar4v1.5 which has corrected Start Vista Orb and added new email notification **
**Updated tsowentaskbar4v1.6 Added Multi-notification icon, Wifi Off Icon, fixed speaker proportion **

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Last edited by tsowen; 04-21-2009 at 02:31 PM.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 12-11-2008, 02:11 PM
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Re: Custom Start Icon/Battery/Speaker and EV 1X Icons

TASKBAR 5 (Crazylilboy's Icon Set with horstborsch battery/active sync icons)

Okay here is the latest files changed out the speaker and battery icons with HawaiianPunchMan's

Here is a cab, not to confuse with the Crazylilboy's icons I named it tsowentaskbar5v1.0
so I can keep track of who has what when they need updates.

Corrected speaker icon problem and added black EV/1X icons to version 1.1
1.2 Added stero headset
1.3 Added HTCLeener Option 1 Signal Bar, Blue Vista Start Orb and orange EV/1X Icon
4. 1.4 Added Corrected Vista Start Orb and New Email Notification
5. 1.5 Added Multi-notification icon, Wifi Off Icon, fixed speaker proportion
6. 1.6 Added Voice Commander Icon and WiFi New Network Detected Ico

7. 1.7 (updated 1/28/09)

In this change you will see the following changes:
1. Updated battery with clear font
2. Changed Alarm Notification
3. Rotating Active Sync Icons
3. Updated multi-notification
4. Updated Missed Calls
5. Updated In call icons

These were added from horstborsch icon set from XDA.

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Last edited by tsowen; 04-21-2009 at 02:31 PM.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 12-11-2008, 10:40 PM
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Re: Custom Start Icon/Battery/Speaker and EV 1X Icons


Nothing major in this update to Taskbar 6 Elite, it includes the above images, also many icon sizes corrected and a few other minor fixes as well. Fixed quite a bit for GSM folks with this release. Also I had to go with the darker version on the speakers do to the size. When the images were shrunk down it was too hard to see the checkmark, vibrate and the X. I might try to edit it some more or play around with it so I can go with the more transparent look. This is the only thing that sucks about these phones and the icons is the detail and quality you lose when the icon is placed on the phone.

Below is the regular version and lite version. Visit post#4 if you need an explanation of what each version is.

Once I am happy with the images I will change the WM 6.5 taskbar6 version with the above speakers.

For anyone that wants the source code for the above images (.psd) please PM me and I will release them to you. If you wish to use these images please just let me know or give me a heads up prior to doing so is all I ask.

Also for those who want the old WM6.5 Wait cursor go to this thread

For those who need the volune fix if yours looks like the picture below download the volume fix cab. This is for everyone who is not US/UK


Last edited by tsowen; 06-05-2009 at 04:45 PM.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 12-14-2008, 03:30 PM
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Re: Custom Start Icon/Battery/Speaker and EV 1X Icons

Start Icons
To insert these you are going to edit your "shellres.192.dll.0409.mui" or "shellres.192.dll" depending upon which one you have.

See the first post and look at the section How to create your own Start Icon (VGA)
Here are some Start Icon's for you guys. Refer to the first page on how to create your own. You can use a free program called IcoFx for converting or editing icon's
This is the folder called Ico.zip

This is the folder called Vista Orbs

Attached Files
File Type: zip Vista Orbs.zip (886.8 KB, 1471 views) Click for barcode!
File Type: zip ico.zip (3.60 MB, 1414 views) Click for barcode!

Last edited by tsowen; 06-24-2009 at 07:15 PM.
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