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  #261 (permalink)  
Old 04-30-2009, 11:51 PM
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Re: HOW TO: Customize TouchFLO3D / Manila Themes

great job man.. i like what u have done .
  #262 (permalink)  
Old 05-03-2009, 02:04 PM
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Re: HOW TO: Customize TouchFLO3D / Manila Themes

Originally Posted by lweisenb View Post
I have searched for like 4 days! just have no clue where to start so since i couldnt avoid the dumb question, i will ask...

Where can i get this background and/or theme! lol thx for your help
  #263 (permalink)  
Old 05-04-2009, 08:39 PM
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Re: HOW TO: Customize TouchFLO3D / Manila Themes

have a quick question. One how can I get my clock to not have a white back drop like the internet browser icon discussed in this thread? I want to make my own flip clock. The rest of my theme I made works like a charm except that....

Also I followed the instructions on changing the internet icon and it is just blank. Not white or anything, just nothing there. ?? Any ideas how to fix?

The files that belong to the flip clock are:
4e670504_manila.... clock stacks (flips) and the am/pm
1bbfdc9b_manila... back of stacks and all the icons of calendar/call history, etc. as well center divider for stacks.

Extract the pngs from these two files with cfcgui editor, then use a gpraphic editor and delete everything, save png and reimport with cfcgui editor. That will give you the No back drop on your numbers.

The numbers (for editing) are:
012 .... 1c813f6c_manila
345 .... 0aa5b915_manila
678 .... 78ca32be_manila
9 .... 757e7332_manila

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  #264 (permalink)  
Old 05-11-2009, 01:40 AM
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Re: HOW TO: Customize TouchFLO3D / Manila Themes

Originally Posted by Ms.Two View Post

i've been reading the tutorial on customizing your touch pro theme. i am also using the sprint theme as a default and i just changed the background for the phone and the operator logo using manilla. they replaced and i went to zip them and created a zip file successfully supposedly. however, when i go to extract the zip file..errors come up and it says "unknown method in; no files to extract". anyone know why this could be happening and what i can do to fix this??
After you select the files you want in your theme. right click and then go to archive or zip files. When that pops up and change the name to something.theme. This will create a theme file that you can put in a zip file if you want. If you do it this way, you will need tf3d config tool, to unload the theme. I think it is the easiest way, rather than copy/paste all files through TC into your windows folder.
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  #265 (permalink)  
Old 05-11-2009, 01:45 AM
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Re: HOW TO: Customize TouchFLO3D / Manila Themes

Originally Posted by eenieMINI View Post
The files that belong to the flip clock are:
4e670504_manila.... clock stacks (flips) and the am/pm
1bbfdc9b_manila... back of stacks and all the icons of calendar/call history, etc. as well center divider for stacks.

Extract the pngs from these two files with cfcgui editor, then use a gpraphic editor and delete everything, save png and reimport with cfcgui editor. That will give you the No back drop on your numbers.

The numbers (for editing) are:
012 .... 1c813f6c_manila
345 .... 0aa5b915_manila
678 .... 78ca32be_manila
9 .... 757e7332_manila

Thanks for getting back to me, I finally got it working the other day. Here's what it looks like..
Attached Images
File Type: jpg joker.JPG (53.9 KB, 42 views) Click for barcode!
File Type: jpg joker2.JPG (54.4 KB, 22 views) Click for barcode!
File Type: jpg joker3.JPG (59.9 KB, 17 views) Click for barcode!
File Type: jpg joker5.JPG (37.6 KB, 21 views) Click for barcode!
  #266 (permalink)  
Old 05-11-2009, 11:25 AM
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Re: HOW TO: Customize TouchFLO3D / Manila Themes

Great job! That looks fantastic.
  #267 (permalink)  
Old 05-16-2009, 10:16 AM
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Re: HOW TO: Customize TouchFLO3D / Manila Themes

This is fantastic work Good. Thanks. I was wondering if you know how to disable the small minimized clock and keep the large clock only. I have my clock placed in the upper corner and would like it to stay there while I scroll the notifications up and down in the space below.

Also, I see where the configurations are with the different items on the screen, but where is the code that drives action? For example, I can move the "up arrow" up and down the screen. I can turn it off and on initially. But when the screen is rolled up or down, those settings can get reset. Any idea where that instruction set is located?

Thanks for the help.
  #268 (permalink)  
Old 05-17-2009, 10:23 PM
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Re: HOW TO: Customize TouchFLO3D / Manila Themes

can somebody out there make me the globe.png and globe selected png?

i would appreciate it...


edit: nm messed around with photoshop and looks like i got it.

here it is for anybody who wants it. i made it small so i could have more room for favorites.

Last edited by extensive; 05-18-2009 at 07:18 AM.
  #269 (permalink)  
Old 05-19-2009, 08:40 PM
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Re: HOW TO: Customize TouchFLO3D / Manila Themes

how do i change the text in the top right hand corner of the home screen? where it says sprint...
  #270 (permalink)  
Old 05-23-2009, 10:39 PM
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Re: HOW TO: Customize TouchFLO3D / Manila Themes

Originally Posted by GoodThings2Life View Post
These are advanced hacks that may or may not work and/or may or may not require additional tweaking on your own:

Add a Comm Manager Tab
Adding the Comm Manager tab is pretty easy, however, there are some limitations to doing so. Specifically, the text is always BLACK at first (which doesn't work well on the stock background). There is a hack to change the font color, however, it also changes the Settings > Sounds font color as well. This means that changing it to really bright colors (like white) doesn't work either. I'll link to the font color hack and let you choose whether to implement this one on your own. Here's the code you need:

Add the following code to the file: 090661f7_manila
     <trans-unit id="IDS_COMMUNICATIONS">
       <source>Comm Manager</source>
Add the following code to the file: 26948339_manila
     <Page Order="9" Name="communications.page" PackageName="HTC" Title="[[IDS_COMMUNICATIONS]]">
      <ComponentReference Name="page" Mode9Path="HTC\settings.mode9" Component="CommunicationsPageComponent" SmartComponent="true" />
      <ComponentReference Name="icon_normal" Mode9Path="HTC\icons.mode9" Component="Settings_Communication_Off" />
      <ComponentReference Name="icon_selected" Mode9Path="HTC\icons.mode9" Component="Settings_Communication_On" />
      <ComponentReference Name="icon_preview" Mode9Path="HTC\icons.mode9" Component="Settings_Communication_Preview" />
Just be sure you change the Order="9" to use a number that's not already in use which may involve scrolling through the file to check.

Add a Calendar Tab
OK, this one seems a little pointless since it literally only adds a calendar that doesn't do anything. For now, I'm going to link to the plugin for those who want to try this out. If and when this plugin or another plugin is available that offers signficant functionality, I'll update this section.


Use Flip Clock Instead of Digital Clock
In order to install the Flip Clock you will need either the White Flip Clock or Glass Flip Clock packages below. Once you save the file, extract the files in the package and copy them into the \Windows folder on the phone. Oh and by the way, if you like the Glass Clock, I do recommend using a mid-to-light color background so the numbers show up (or just replace the number graphics yourself using Manila Editor).

Of course, you can always change your mind and revert back to the Sprint Clock at any time by using the SprintClock.zip package.

White Clock:

Glass Clock:

Enable Background on All Tabs + Flip Clock
In order to enable backgrounds on all tabs, you must be using the Flip Clock. No one seems to have gotten it working with the Sprint clock yet. That said, all the existing packages floating around also require you to install things in sequences and all sorts of nonsense. My package does not... just unzip all the files into the \Windows directory on the phone, and soft-reset (or disable TouchFLO3D from Start > Settings > Today > Items).

Again, the packages are available in White or Glass in the attachments below. Also, you can revert back to the default setup at any time using the SprintClock.zip package.
I am having a major time with this. I downloaded the glass with background and unzipped it to a temp folder on my laptop. I can not move these files to my phone though. Everytime I try I get the message that they already exist and do I want to replace them, when I chose replace Windows tell sme I do not have the authority to replace these files on my device. Any suggestions? I really want to try this glass clock and am getting pretty frustrated with it. Thanks!
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