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  #321 (permalink)  
Old 01-03-2008, 02:46 AM
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Originally Posted by CMeys View Post
Great program. Thank you.

2 issues:
1) I've made a third indicator in the bottom dock for emails using the info from garyr2548 in post #258 and it works perfectly except that I can't get the red circle with the number in in front of the top corner of the icon under it for emails (I've used the bring to front option, but nothing happens). It is stuck under the edge of the email icon under it. How can it get it to over lap it on top?
2) When trying different things, I put a today plug in on the 2nd page and I can't seem to remove it -- I can't find any place to click and hold and choose remove like I would for a program icon. How can I get rid of this?

1. Click and hold the button down to send the email icon to the back so it'll be behind the dock and u should see the circle right? Then click and hold down a spot on the dock and send it to the back and it should be in the right order.

2. Click and hold an empty spot on the page, go to the page submenu and go to properties. Click on the plugin and then click remove
  #322 (permalink)  
Old 01-03-2008, 02:48 AM
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I effed up the calendar date in icon

First, Thanks to Torx for an excellent theme and straightforward instructions. Awesome job! I have been removing the text from underneath the icons and goofed up the calendar icon, not realizing it's a different format. So, can somebody tell me what to type in the "Text to Display" box under properties so that I can get the number back in the icon? Also, how do I get rid of the word "Calendar"? Sorry if this is discussed in previous posts...I looked halfheartedly because this noob's eyes are going crossed at this point! Thanks!

EDIT - I figured out how to remove "Calendar." I just need to find out how to get the date back in the icon. Thanks in advance!

Last edited by PPC6700Newbie; 01-03-2008 at 02:54 AM.
  #323 (permalink)  
Old 01-03-2008, 06:07 AM
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Text to display reads %Day%
  #324 (permalink)  
Old 01-03-2008, 06:11 AM
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1) I've made a third indicator in the bottom dock for emails using the info from garyr2548 in post #258 and it works perfectly except that I can't get the red circle with the number in in front of the top corner of the icon under it for emails (I've used the bring to front option, but nothing happens). It is stuck under the edge of the email icon under it. How can it get it to over lap it on top?
2) When trying different things, I put a today plug in on the 2nd page and I can't seem to remove it -- I can't find any place to click and hold and choose remove like I would for a program icon. How can I get rid of this?
1) let me remind you. creating a button or icon in the lower dock region actually keeps it in the dock region.. meaning if you create something down there you cant move it up in the desktop region without it being cut off or losing it. So do this... anywhere in the upper region, create a button, choose the little red circle graphic, THEN drag it to the bottom onto a corner of a button. Then in the upper region create a text with the email syntax, MAKE sure its white or else you could lose it in the black space.. then just drag it onto the top of the little red circle. You shouldnt have to do any front or back arranging this way.

I just need to find out how to get the date back in the icon. Thanks in advance!
yea, all buttons have their own text label underneath which is separate, you can delete those without the icon button being deleted as well
but shortcuts have their own text labels, you just uncheck "show text" in the properties of that shortcut icon.

heres a list of customizable syntax text options.
%T12% - 12 hour time
%T24% - 24 hour time
%DOW% - Day of the week
%MN% - Numeric month
%ML% - Long month
%MS% - Short month
%Year% - Current year
%Batt% - Current battery percentage
%FM% - Free RAM
%MTT% - Total RAM
%Appt% - Appointment Count
%Tsk% - Task Count
%Day% - The current day of the month
%Page% - The name of the active page
%Week% - The current week of the year (using ISO calculations)
%Free:<path>% - The current free space on the specified card
%Total:<path>% - The total space on the specified card
%Perc:<path>% - The percentage of free space on the specified card
%Used:<path>% - Displays the amount of storage used on the specified card.

Last edited by Torx; 01-03-2008 at 06:14 AM.
  #325 (permalink)  
Old 01-03-2008, 06:51 AM
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Originally Posted by Torx View Post
1) let me remind you. creating a button or icon in the lower dock region actually keeps it in the dock region.. meaning if you create something down there you cant move it up in the desktop region without it being cut off or losing it. So do this... anywhere in the upper region, create a button, choose the little red circle graphic, THEN drag it to the bottom onto a corner of a button. Then in the upper region create a text with the email syntax, MAKE sure its white or else you could lose it in the black space.. then just drag it onto the top of the little red circle. You shouldnt have to do any front or back arranging this way.
Would've been the easier way to do it. I just gave that method because it had already been set up but they couldn't get it in the right order
  #326 (permalink)  
Old 01-03-2008, 08:56 AM
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I believe I did exactly as described by ajones7279 in post #321 to move the red circle icon, but no matter what, the email icon was above it. I initially created both in the dock area because that is where I wanted them to be. Are you saying that I should have created both in the area above the dock and then moved them to the dock?

I wound up making a different solution by creating a custom icon for the dock that already combined the mail icon with the red circle, but I would like to get it to work the right way.

  #327 (permalink)  
Old 01-03-2008, 09:34 AM
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cmeys, yes. whatever you create in the dock area STAYS in the dock area.. sometimes i forget and put something down there that i want to move up top and i cant, and then theres all kinds of weird front/back arrnagement hassles when creating things down there... you'll see what i mean when you tinker with it. good luck
  #328 (permalink)  
Old 01-03-2008, 01:51 PM
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Email automatic check stops working

Since I've installed this (which includes new installations of WA3 & WAD), I have found that my automatic checking of my email accounts no longer works. I have assorted accounts that are set to be checked automatically at various intervals (some 5 minutes and some 15 minutes), but this has stopped happening. I can check manually with no problem, but it just doesn't check automatically as it should.

The only other sytem change I made is to uninstall Spb Phone Suite which I no longer needed with this theme working.

Any thoughts how to fix this or what to look for?

  #329 (permalink)  
Old 01-03-2008, 01:53 PM
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How to save/backup theme

I am considering a hard reset of my Touch (partly to resolve the email issue mentioned in previous message if I don't find a fix for it and partly to get everything stable and remove all traces of all the stuff I've loaded and then uninstalled before settling on this theme).

How do I save all my settings for this theme or back it up? Is it sufficient to save all of the folders and files under the Lakeridge and Theme folders and then to copy that back after reinstalling WAD, WA3 & the theme?

Advice is appreciated. Thanks.
  #330 (permalink)  
Old 01-03-2008, 01:54 PM
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Is there anyway I can centre the Weatherpanel? It looks really compacted right now.
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