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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 11-27-2008, 03:37 PM
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Re: Sprint Pro vs. Vzn Pro vents!

Seriously? Was this thread even necessary? Really? Just another place for people to complain? The phone is fine. Ok, so you guys got yours cheaper and with better features. That's good for your end. But why must we consistently hear that we got screwed?

You know who got screwed? Anyone who paid for their phone. Because I got mine free through work.

This phone is so much better than my 6700 in so many ways. It'll be fantastic once ROMs are released.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 11-27-2008, 03:58 PM
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Re: Sprint Pro vs. Vzn Pro vents!

Originally Posted by mdphoenix View Post
Seriously? Was this thread even necessary? Really? Just another place for people to complain? The phone is fine. Ok, so you guys got yours cheaper and with better features. That's good for your end. But why must we consistently hear that we got screwed?

You know who got screwed? Anyone who paid for their phone. Because I got mine free through work.

This phone is so much better than my 6700 in so many ways. It'll be fantastic once ROMs are released.
Try paying for it and see if you'll complain
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 11-27-2008, 04:19 PM
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Re: Sprint Pro vs. Vzn Pro vents!

Originally Posted by mdphoenix View Post
This phone is so much better than my 6700 in so many ways. It'll be fantastic once ROMs are released.
I'm hoping you're right about the ROMs, but I'm not seeing many ways in which my TP is superior to my 6700 so far.

Other than having a lot more storage, I'd say that it's a marginal improvement at best: Slightly smaller (but not that much), screen a little better (but not on knock-your-socks-off, like the iPhone v. 6700). The accelerometer is cool, but it doesn't work in enough programs to be a real selling point.

Right now, all I'm seeing apart from that is LESS functionality: No YouTube, no ICS, no IR, not as many hard buttons, odd keyboard, no audio jack, etc. Many of those things can be fixed with add-ons, custom ROMs, and just getting accustomed to doing things differently, but it's frustrating.

Here's hoping, though. I'm not ready to give up on it yet.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 11-27-2008, 04:33 PM
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Re: Sprint Pro vs. Vzn Pro vents!

Originally Posted by hypeo View Post
Is VZ throwing in a pair of crutches for that phone??
Nope but you get a free box of sponge bob square pants band aids with every purchase.
take time, kick your shoes off and have fun.

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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 11-27-2008, 04:41 PM
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Re: Sprint Pro vs. Vzn Pro vents!

Originally Posted by Exil3d View Post
I heard thatVZN Pro does not come with a screen protector and headphones. Can someone comfirm this? I would not be surprised if the also gimped the accesories.
VZW never comes with headphones, atleast not on my 6700, 6800, 6900, and of course now the "Touch Amature." Screen protectory, yes we get one of them.

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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 11-27-2008, 04:49 PM
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Re: Sprint Pro vs. Vzn Pro vents!

Originally Posted by Kalnel View Post
I'm hoping you're right about the ROMs, but I'm not seeing many ways in which my TP is superior to my 6700 so far.

Other than having a lot more storage, I'd say that it's a marginal improvement at best: Slightly smaller (but not that much), screen a little better (but not on knock-your-socks-off, like the iPhone v. 6700). The accelerometer is cool, but it doesn't work in enough programs to be a real selling point.

Right now, all I'm seeing apart from that is LESS functionality: No YouTube, no ICS, no IR, not as many hard buttons, odd keyboard, no audio jack, etc. Many of those things can be fixed with add-ons, custom ROMs, and just getting accustomed to doing things differently, but it's frustrating.

Here's hoping, though. I'm not ready to give up on it yet.
Wow. Its been so long since I had a 6700. I do think this is a just a "bit" better than a 6700. IMHO This is the best phone from the series. I startred at the 6700 and worked up to this.

I hated on this phone at first. Big time. I was very disappointed too. I actually have a hate thread going on too that I am trying to kill. It felt good to vent this phones shortcomings. Now that I am done botching I am finding ways to make the phone snappier. I got mine running great now. Still not as fast as my Vogue but I can tell that with a Custom ROM this phone will be incredible. Just from me going in and shutting off a lot of VZW garbage the phone responds great.

Here is a great thread if you have not read it already. Doing stuff in here will certainly work as advertised. It did for me.

Either way, good luck guys. Once you anger subsides you will start seeing that this is a really a good phone in an ugly package right now. Once we get the package open you will see the beauty. Yeah, we don't have a terabyte of RAM like the sprint version, but this will be a smoking phone once unlocked. I will guarantee it.

Last edited by scrosler; 11-27-2008 at 04:51 PM.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 11-27-2008, 04:59 PM
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Re: Sprint Pro vs. Vzn Pro vents!

I don't understand how you guys can't think this is better than the 6700. It has a dedicated row for number keys. It's VGA, it's Rev A. It has a faster CPU. Much more RAM. Native support for SDHC. I've noticed the Bluetooth is far superior as far as range. It has a better camera.

The things that are cited as being "missing", such as YouTube, and ICS weren't stock on the 6700, they were add-ons after custom ROMs were created.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 11-27-2008, 05:07 PM
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Re: Sprint Pro vs. Vzn Pro vents!

Just for laughs...........

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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 11-27-2008, 05:07 PM
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Re: Sprint Pro vs. Vzn Pro vents!

my stance on the whole issue is if you dont like the verizon touch pro then switch to sprint... i used to have verizon and switched way before they even carried windows mobile devices... ive been with sprint since the visorphone was new. some people act like they are forced to stick with verizon and their phones then pay the etf and switch. ive delt with bad customer service with sprint and verizon, remember when sprint sent out all thoose letters to people who tethered there phones... and the whole issue with gps on the 6700 and how many people called sprint and got different stories on if it really had gps or not. i have faith that verizon will someday realise the mistake they are making before its too late.. and i have faith that sprint will continue to improve... the process takes time and i personally think sprint has made a complete 180 turn around since last year.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 11-27-2008, 05:20 PM
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Re: Sprint Pro vs. Vzn Pro vents!

Originally Posted by Exil3d View Post

Just for laughs...........

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