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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 05-03-2010, 11:21 AM
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If you were on Sprint and needed a new phone

What do you guys think about the HTC Hero. I am up for an upgrade discount and it would cost me 100.

The reason I need to upgrade today is because my wife's Palm is broke. And I am debating giving her my phone and getting the Hero for a hundred, otherwise she will have to pay 100 to get her's replaced. She is do for an upgrade in Jan so I have an option to get the EVO then if I giver her my phone now.

Any thoughts?
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 05-03-2010, 12:41 PM
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Re: If you were on Sprint and needed a new phone

tough call...
The hero has nice specs but IDK if i could give up Winmo and my Qwerty keyboard.

I would have to recommend the Touch Pro 2

Stay away from the Pre, I know a few people who are disappointed with the keyboard and OS in general.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 05-03-2010, 12:58 PM
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Re: If you were on Sprint and needed a new phone

I wasn't sure about giving up my QWERTY TP2 either, so I went with the Samsung Moment and don't regret ditching WinMo

The AMOLED is awesome too!!
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 05-04-2010, 01:30 PM
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Re: If you were on Sprint and needed a new phone

Originally Posted by PAPutzback View Post
What do you guys think about the HTC Hero. I am up for an upgrade discount and it would cost me 100.

The reason I need to upgrade today is because my wife's Palm is broke. And I am debating giving her my phone and getting the Hero for a hundred, otherwise she will have to pay 100 to get her's replaced. She is do for an upgrade in Jan so I have an option to get the EVO then if I giver her my phone now.

Any thoughts?
you can buy a used Hero off ebay/craigslist for like $150-$200. Don't waste an upgrade on it, you want the Evo. I wouldn't get a TP2 it is too bulky, and unless you plan to flash custom ROMs I don't think you'll like it.

Check our "bargain trader" section for a Hero too, an upgrade is just not worth it to save like $50-$100 right now IMO
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 05-04-2010, 04:23 PM
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Re: If you were on Sprint and needed a new phone

Yea I wouldn't waste the upgrade on the hero honestly. I thought about it before I knew about the EVO and I would rather wait months for that phone that to have to wait another year to get my upgrade.

Why don't you just get her one of those pre-paid phones in the mean time?
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 05-09-2010, 03:36 PM
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Re: If you were on Sprint and needed a new phone

The hero is a great phone.. People get to stuck on whats next.( evo ) that they totally forget bout how awesome the hero and even moment can be.. I mean really outside of a few things whats the diff between the hero and evo? they both run android and will run all the same programs. Sure u have a bigger screen.. etc but is that worth the price.. to me no.. im enjoying my hero and android to much to jump to another android phone just cause its newer..

What i would do in this situation. but a used hero on craiglist.. and save the upgrade.. then upgrade when the evo comes out. and then sell the hero and make back alittle cash.. but thats me.. I never buy anything new unless i can offset buy selling the old etc..
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 05-10-2010, 06:22 PM
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Re: If you were on Sprint and needed a new phone

Originally Posted by orangekid View Post
you can buy a used Hero off ebay/craigslist for like $150-$200. Don't waste an upgrade on it, you want the Evo. I wouldn't get a TP2 it is too bulky, and unless you plan to flash custom ROMs I don't think you'll like it.

Check our "bargain trader" section for a Hero too, an upgrade is just not worth it to save like $50-$100 right now IMO

I don't have a custom ROM... I run stock Srpint 6.5 rom and I absolutely love my phone.
Have loved it for nine months now.
Just my opinion.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 05-10-2010, 07:35 PM
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Re: If you were on Sprint and needed a new phone

Originally Posted by AZTECA View Post
I don't have a custom ROM... I run stock Srpint 6.5 rom and I absolutely love my phone.
Have loved it for nine months now.
Just my opinion.
You're running WM 6.5 on a Hero?
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 05-10-2010, 08:45 PM
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Re: If you were on Sprint and needed a new phone

Originally Posted by JimSmith94 View Post
You're running WM 6.5 on a Hero?
Yeah who isn't these days??? :P
Saving over $17 a month with a 25% Discount
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 05-10-2010, 10:17 PM
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Re: If you were on Sprint and needed a new phone

He was speaking to the point about the TP2.

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