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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 02-09-2010, 07:12 PM
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Motorola Droid Vs Htc Verizon Touch Pro

Hello Guy& Gal's! Well I am just about Fed up here with the old Verizon Touch Pro and thought I would start asking some questions here about the droid. I have had my current touch pro crash and or had it replaced numerous times and to put it nicely I am fed up with the BS that I keep getting fed from Verizon! It's almost like I am simple and they can tell me the same thing forever! Anyway has anyone had the Touch pro and changed to the Droid? I need all of the functions of my Touch Pro like the ability of being able to VPN into my network WiFi and all of the other nice little things that this phone has the ability to do. If the Droid does not have these types of ability just what phone do you all recommend?? I am waiting for a high level manager to get back to me and I would really like to have answer when and if he asks me what phone would you like to replace it with? So if anyone has any ideas for me that would sure be great!
Thanks in advance....
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 02-11-2010, 05:28 PM
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Re: Motorola Droid Vs Htc Verizon Touch Pro

i switched from the diamond to the htc hero and i would never go back. i havent found anything that the android can't do that windows could... except freeze a few times a day. there are a few vpn apps in the market that only require that you root your phone.

only thing i would do is look into something a little more quality than the motorola droid. check out the hero or eris... after dropping my diamond thirty or so times, i have much more faith in htc products than motorola... who made the razr... i just wouldn't go with the company that advertizes their ohone as "cool" over the one that chooses "productive".
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 02-12-2010, 06:51 PM
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Re: Motorola Droid Vs Htc Verizon Touch Pro

i went from TP2 to Android and dont regret it what so ever, and i have the Eris ( yes i kno the Motorola Droid is what we're talkin about ) BUT the point is the Android platform as a whole BLOWS wm out of the box!
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 02-13-2010, 07:19 PM
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Re: Motorola Droid Vs Htc Verizon Touch Pro

Originally Posted by threethirteen View Post
i switched from the diamond to the htc hero and i would never go back. i havent found anything that the android can't do that windows could... except freeze a few times a day. there are a few vpn apps in the market that only require that you root your phone.

only thing i would do is look into something a little more quality than the motorola droid. check out the hero or eris... after dropping my diamond thirty or so times, i have much more faith in htc products than motorola... who made the razr... i just wouldn't go with the company that advertizes their ohone as "cool" over the one that chooses "productive".
The advertisements dont really define a phone, that said, the Droid advertises as a functional phone over a cool or flashy phone anyway. There's absolutely nothing lacking in quality on the Moto unit. The case is constructed entirely of aluminum instead of plastic and it also has a larger higher definition screen as well as a better processor. The only Android phone available with a faster processor is the Nexus 1, but the Droid can also be over clocked (mine is running at 950mghz). The Razr, while not a smart phone, was an excellent and durable phone. Moto has had a few flops between the Razr and the Droid, but the Droids materials and build quality are top notch. Dont just believe rumors, do some research or actually try a product yourself before jumping on a bandwagon

Originally Posted by SoCalSpecialist View Post
i went from TP2 to Android and dont regret it what so ever, and i have the Eris ( yes i kno the Motorola Droid is what we're talkin about ) BUT the point is the Android platform as a whole BLOWS wm out of the box!
Correct, the OS is really what makes the difference here since most manufacturers have an Android device available. My Dad has an Eris and I have a MotoDroid. My Dad gave me the his Eris to get it all "set up" after he recieved it, so I've spent some time with both handsets. I would definitley recommend the higher end phones if you can get them. There were lots of apps for Android 2.xx that were not available for Android 1.5 and 1.6. ( I'm guessing because the developers want their apps to be relevant longer so they build for the newer versions of Android, and because of the sales success for the MotoDroid) Several of them were apps that I would have considered must haves (luckily Dad doesnt know enough about phones to know what he's missing lol) The larger higher res screen makes a big difference, and the OS is very noticeably faster and smoother on the Droid when compared to the Eris.I dont think you could go wrong with any of the Android devices available, the Eris/Hero, and the Moment are both excellent phones and they have a large enough user base to make support for them easy to find.
Rooted Droid, Overclocked @ 1.1 GHz, Sprecovery 0.99.3b, Blue Smoked glass 2.0.1 Rom

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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 02-17-2010, 05:10 PM
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Re: Motorola Droid Vs Htc Verizon Touch Pro

BMFO - Very well put!
Samsung Omnia, Moto Droid
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 02-17-2010, 08:14 PM
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Re: Motorola Droid Vs Htc Verizon Touch Pro

I went from the horrendous TP1 on VZW to the TP2 and couldn't be happier. It is VASTLY improved and I can do everything I need on the TP2; VPN, tethering, gmail, VNC, remote desktop, EXCELLENT keyboard, etc.

I got TP2 through insurance replacement though, and I am admittedly curious about android phones.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 02-19-2010, 07:00 AM
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Re: Motorola Droid Vs Htc Verizon Touch Pro

I still own the touch pro and my brother got the droid for Xmas. Honestly, I love his phone, and couldnt be happier getting one...but im going to wait untill the end of the year to upgrade to a new phone...hopefully the new W7 phone.

The interface was very nice. It was quick with minimal notible lag, and webpages were remarkably easy to use. You know in Opera when you had to zoom in and touch a small link with your fingernails or stylus and hope that you hit the right link? On the Droid, the touch schrren is remarkably accurate. The keyboard takes a little getting used to since the keys arent curved like they are on the TP but everything else made me want the phone.
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Old 02-19-2010, 07:20 AM
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Re: Motorola Droid Vs Htc Verizon Touch Pro

Originally Posted by breakmyfootoff View Post
The Razr, while not a smart phone, was an excellent and durable phone.
The Razr had the highest failure rate of any mobile device in ten years. The keys rust in high humidity and the batteries swelled, not to mention the over all failures and DOA units.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 02-26-2010, 08:45 AM
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Re: Motorola Droid Vs Htc Verizon Touch Pro

Originally Posted by nyclio View Post
I went from the horrendous TP1 on VZW to the TP2 and couldn't be happier. It is VASTLY improved and I can do everything I need on the TP2; VPN, tethering, gmail, VNC, remote desktop, EXCELLENT keyboard, etc.

I got TP2 through insurance replacement though, and I am admittedly curious about android phones.
I would concur with this statement. I went from an HTC Touch to the Touch Pro 2, was never impressed with the Touch Pro 1. But I am very happy with the Sprint Touch Pro 2 and it is available from all major carriers. Both the TP2 and MotoDroid have their pluses and minuses. A couple things that make the TP2 stand out is the outstanding keyboard and the tilting screen.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 02-27-2010, 10:29 PM
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Re: Motorola Droid Vs Htc Verizon Touch Pro

I'm with you schoust. I currently have the TP2. I've done all the new roms and it still acts like the old winmo phones. I was loking into the Palm Pre and was very impressed with it. Then I found out it had no expansion sd card port and that killed it for me. I also read somewhere that the price of the Eris is going to be free, MotoDroid $99, and the Devour will be $149. The Motodroid seems solid plus you get a 16gig card with it and a screen protector. I prefer HTC over any phone but the limits of the Eris is what is stopping me. Plus Verizon is very limited to its Android Phones. I was actually going to wait until 95-Civic finshed porting Android for TP2 CDMA phones but I have had it with winmo.

Last edited by dutch169; 02-27-2010 at 10:34 PM.
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