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  #61 (permalink)  
Old 01-22-2010, 05:01 AM
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Re: Dump TP2 for Nexus One or HD2?

Originally Posted by drew2000 View Post
I had an iphone and think the android based devices are sweet but I have come back to windows because I like customizing it from the basic setup we all love/hate but what I am hoping for is being able to get the HD2 (I have the Touch Pro 2 right now) and be able to run android and windows not of course at the same time but choose one then reboot and bam up comes android, choose windows and reboot bam you have windows. Is there anymore word on mobile 7? Looking forward to all the great skins and apps coming in the near future let the battles rage.....................they are all getting better all the time.
True, I wish the Palm OS had done better. Competition inspires innovation, so the more OS's we have competing for market share the more new features we'll see on a regular basis.
Rooted Droid, Overclocked @ 1.1 GHz, Sprecovery 0.99.3b, Blue Smoked glass 2.0.1 Rom

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  #62 (permalink)  
Old 01-22-2010, 06:48 AM
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Re: Dump TP2 for Nexus One or HD2?

Might this entire thread, just like the OP's last thread, be in the wrong forum section?

This is, still, the sub-forum for Touch Pro 2's?
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  #63 (permalink)  
Old 01-23-2010, 03:28 PM
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Re: Dump TP2 for Nexus One or HD2?

Originally Posted by breakmyfootoff View Post
You are very under informed on Android. Android is way more capable than WM and everything works well without all the glitches that WM had. I'm not here to sell you Android, if you want to like WM thats your prerogative, but you keep stating fallacies about Android as facts because you lack experience with the OS. Android also tethers, with (you guessed it) a free app. When I used WM to tether (less than 2 months ago) it required a custom ROM. There's no need to install apps to the SD card, I have 118 apps on mine and have only used half of the 256mb of internal memory. Only the .exe of the app installs on the phone all the data for the apps actually goes to the SD card automatically. There are very few attachments in the Android forum because most programs dont install from your computer, so most apps are posted as links rather than attachments. You're also wrong about paying for apps, around 80% of the 18,000 apps available for android are free, and the ones that arent free are less than 5.00. Once again you also mention not being to download things, which is also false. All apps for android can be downloaded without problem. If you want to download files that arent recognized by default, all you have to do is download one app that allows any file type to be downloaded to the phone. Like I said, I dont care if you like Android or not, but posting incorrect info as fact just isnt cool.

Have you not seen how easy it is to customize Android? Just like almost every other android user on this forum I spent a lot of time with WM before I got an Android device. Android is gaining market share fast and doesnt show any signs of slowing. Most news sources predict Android to be second, right behind the iphone in 2012

I loved WM, and if WM 7 is amazing then I'll go back to WM, but to compare the two operating systems right now, WM doesnt stand a chance. I would like for WM to come back, but I predict that Android, Blackberry and iPhone will continue to steamroll WM.
OK BREAKMYFOOTOFF, I hope your right, I got the nexus one on the way, so Im coming to you for some android help if I need it??????
(Hummingbird FTW)
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  #64 (permalink)  
Old 01-23-2010, 03:37 PM
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Re: Dump TP2 for Nexus One or HD2?

Originally Posted by Dragon2 View Post
OK BREAKMYFOOTOFF, I hope your right, I got the nexus one on the way, so Im coming to you for some android help if I need it??????
my brother got his nexus last week, you will love it. i'm still holding off for the hd2. That amoled screen is something though.
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  #65 (permalink)  
Old 01-23-2010, 11:38 PM
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Re: Dump TP2 for Nexus One or HD2?

Originally Posted by p-slim View Post
my brother got his nexus last week, you will love it. i'm still holding off for the hd2. That amoled screen is something though.
awesome dude.. Thanks. Yea, I have a feeling i will not miss winm till the Leo drops, then ill get that too....
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  #66 (permalink)  
Old 01-24-2010, 12:24 AM
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Re: Dump TP2 for Nexus One or HD2?

Originally Posted by Dragon2 View Post
awesome dude.. Thanks. Yea, I have a feeling i will not miss winm till the Leo drops, then ill get that too....
make sure you download google sky maps, that app will blow your mind.
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  #67 (permalink)  
Old 01-24-2010, 02:41 AM
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Re: Dump TP2 for Nexus One or HD2?

Originally Posted by p-slim View Post
make sure you download google sky maps, that app will blow your mind.
nice, itll be one of my first apps I get..... Dang gotta wait till monda.....
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  #68 (permalink)  
Old 01-24-2010, 07:49 AM
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Re: Dump TP2 for Nexus One or HD2?

I wouldnt think of calling myself an "expert", but I've learned quite a bit about Android and I'll definitely try to help with any issues or questions you may have . I think I'm gonna put together a list of 100 or so of my favorite apps with links and info for anyone just getting into Android too, I'll make sure to direct you to it if you want (just started on it after I posted this, I should have it posted up by tomorrow evening) . Along with Google Skymap, a couple of the very first apps you're going to want/need will be

1: Astro File manager: I would list this one as a must have. Besides just exploring files in your SD card it can read zip, tgz files, has it's own Image viewer, selectable tool icons, has a task killer, shows SD card usage, Backup & restore multiple apps, send files as attachments, allow downloads of any file type, and search for files on your phone.

2: Handcent SMS: Much better texting software. Looks nicer, easier to read, and lots of options/utilities.

3. Beautiful Widgets: Looks VERY classy on the home screen and gives a brief view of important info including time, full date, and weather. This one is 1.49, and it's the only app in this list that isnt free, but I think it's totally worth the buck 49

4: PDA Net free adition: Allows easy tethering for your Droid!!!!!!! They took all the steps and made it automatic in an app, much like the internet sharing app for WM.

5: Barcode Reader: I think we all know this app by now, but if you dont, go get it and check it out . Also a great tool to use for installing apps from www.androlib.com

6: Ringdroid: Awesome app, makes it easy to add any mp3 as a ringtone. Very similar to the MP3 Trimmer from WM.

7: i Music: Haven't NOT found a single MP3 file i searched for yet. Saves them to iMusic folder on your SD card.

8: Pandora you know this one I'm sure

9: Shazaam: Same as Music ID

10: TuneWiki: an alternative music player to Android's native music player. Pulls lyrics from a data base that is displayed on the screen in real time (corresponds with current lyrics being sung in the song karaoke style).

Also, as mentioned briefly in the list above, www.androlib.com has a complete list of apps available for Android, complete with descriptions, reviews, and QRcodes that you can scan with "bar code scanner" to make it easy to just scan the screen with your phone and go straight to the install

Edit: I never would have thought you would go out and get an Android phone, kudos to you for being open enough to try it out first hand. I really think you'll like it a lot. I like it a lot better than the current offering from WM and it's not like I just used WM for a couple of weeks either. I used and supported WM for the last few years before giving Android a shot and there's no way I'd consider going back to WM now (at least not until we see how WM7 turns out). It will most likely take you a few days of digging around in the phone to get used to where everything is and how to use it, but the adaptation isn't too bad

Last edited by breakmyfootoff; 01-24-2010 at 08:19 AM.
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  #69 (permalink)  
Old 01-24-2010, 02:09 PM
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Re: Dump TP2 for Nexus One or HD2?

Originally Posted by breakmyfootoff View Post
I wouldnt think of calling myself an "expert", but I've learned quite a bit about Android and I'll definitely try to help with any issues or questions you may have . I think I'm gonna put together a list of 100 or so of my favorite apps with links and info for anyone just getting into Android too, I'll make sure to direct you to it if you want (just started on it after I posted this, I should have it posted up by tomorrow evening) . Along with Google Skymap, a couple of the very first apps you're going to want/need will be

1: Astro File manager: I would list this one as a must have. Besides just exploring files in your SD card it can read zip, tgz files, has it's own Image viewer, selectable tool icons, has a task killer, shows SD card usage, Backup & restore multiple apps, send files as attachments, allow downloads of any file type, and search for files on your phone.

2: Handcent SMS: Much better texting software. Looks nicer, easier to read, and lots of options/utilities.

3. Beautiful Widgets: Looks VERY classy on the home screen and gives a brief view of important info including time, full date, and weather. This one is 1.49, and it's the only app in this list that isnt free, but I think it's totally worth the buck 49

4: PDA Net free adition: Allows easy tethering for your Droid!!!!!!! They took all the steps and made it automatic in an app, much like the internet sharing app for WM.

5: Barcode Reader: I think we all know this app by now, but if you dont, go get it and check it out . Also a great tool to use for installing apps from www.androlib.com

6: Ringdroid: Awesome app, makes it easy to add any mp3 as a ringtone. Very similar to the MP3 Trimmer from WM.

7: i Music: Haven't NOT found a single MP3 file i searched for yet. Saves them to iMusic folder on your SD card.

8: Pandora you know this one I'm sure

9: Shazaam: Same as Music ID

10: TuneWiki: an alternative music player to Android's native music player. Pulls lyrics from a data base that is displayed on the screen in real time (corresponds with current lyrics being sung in the song karaoke style).

Also, as mentioned briefly in the list above, www.androlib.com has a complete list of apps available for Android, complete with descriptions, reviews, and QRcodes that you can scan with "bar code scanner" to make it easy to just scan the screen with your phone and go straight to the install

Edit: I never would have thought you would go out and get an Android phone, kudos to you for being open enough to try it out first hand. I really think you'll like it a lot. I like it a lot better than the current offering from WM and it's not like I just used WM for a couple of weeks either. I used and supported WM for the last few years before giving Android a shot and there's no way I'd consider going back to WM now (at least not until we see how WM7 turns out). It will most likely take you a few days of digging around in the phone to get used to where everything is and how to use it, but the adaptation isn't too bad
Wow, thanks for this list....... Ill definantly bookmark your posy and go grab those apps, and check that link......................

Ive been fighting strong for Winmo The past year or so, and as you were aware even some discussions on why Winmo is better, but you have mad me wonder, If i can save apps to sd card, download any app like mp3s from somehwere and Tether, Im golded, and Before I try and act like I know all about android I wanna try it and get a real opinion...

The nexus on looks awesome and the specs are making me excited and I cant wait till tomorrow.............

I guess I just dont wanna except the fact that good OL trusty winmo is falling short lately, I love HtC and the n1 is atleast that..... So, here I go to venture in to Android.....................

So, What is rooting and what will it allow me to do?????? Is it nececarry???????? Shit
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  #70 (permalink)  
Old 01-24-2010, 02:37 PM
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Re: Dump TP2 for Nexus One or HD2?

Originally Posted by Dragon2 View Post
Wow, thanks for this list....... Ill definantly bookmark your posy and go grab those apps, and check that link......................

Ive been fighting strong for Winmo The past year or so, and as you were aware even some discussions on why Winmo is better, but you have mad me wonder, If i can save apps to sd card, download any app like mp3s from somehwere and Tether, Im golded, and Before I try and act like I know all about android I wanna try it and get a real opinion...

The nexus on looks awesome and the specs are making me excited and I cant wait till tomorrow.............

I guess I just dont wanna except the fact that good OL trusty winmo is falling short lately, I love HtC and the n1 is atleast that..... So, here I go to venture in to Android.....................

So, What is rooting and what will it allow me to do?????? Is it nececarry???????? Shit
rooting probably won't be necessary as your phone works right out of the box. Custom roms are not necessary.

I'm glad you haven't given up on winmo yet because the specs for the tmobile hd2 came out and it has more ram and rom then the uk version. it also comes with a 16gb card.

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