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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 01-22-2009, 05:43 PM
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Treo Pro Reviews

Let's not let this turn into a discussion about your experience ordering it or any problems with shipping, speculation of features, etc....this is purely a "review of the product".

Post up pics if you have them too!

Tell us the pros, cons, etc. And please remember to stay on topic!

"I don't want to spend my life explaining myself. Either you get it or you don't." Frank Zappa
  #2 (permalink)  
Old 01-22-2009, 05:59 PM
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Re: Treo Pro Reviews

Waiting for this too. I bought my father in law a Mogul and he came from a Treo (the last one they made running palm OS) and he is really having a hard time. He is not really gadgety. But he like when i get stuff and wants the samething as me. So since he came from a Treo, I think he would liek to go back to a Treo form factor even though its still runnng WM. Buthe will not buy another phone. I will have to get it for him. He wont change his plan even though he can get a cheapier one. Geesh.
Phone History (last 2yrs or less): Sanyo5500>Sanyo8300>SamsungA920>Moto i930>Moto i870>Moto Q>The Mogul & a iC902> Touch Pro & iC902>Touch Pro and a Palm Pre> just a Pre for now>>HTC EVO (white)!

  #3 (permalink)  
Old 01-27-2009, 01:44 PM
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Re: Treo Pro Reviews

Not my review (not yet, lol) but here is someone from SU who got one:

Originally Posted by HKINGS
Just wanted to give everyone another brief update. I'm coming from a Treo 800w, so hopefully the comparison is good for many.


1) Call Quality: MUCH better than 800w, both on Handset and Speakerphone. If anything, that alone is worth the price of admission. I thought the Treo 800w was inferior in call quality to my 700wx.

2) Screen: Higher brightness and or contrast than 800w... seems nicer and sharper. Not to mention its flush to the phone now and easy to hit all aspects of it. I also kinda like and am warming up to the fact they eliminated to the 2 hard menu buttons and just made them touch screen interactive.

3) 3.5 Audio plug: I can now use my phone at the gym and eliminate taking my entire Zune with me along with my phone if I don't want to.

4) Form Factor: While I didn't dislike the 800w, this is noticeably thinner and feels just as nice in the hand. Solidly built... feels slightly more solid than 800w.

5) Looks: I think its pretty much a universal thought that this is just a much nicer looking than the 800w... looks sleeker. To each their own here though.


Keyboard: Admittedly, I like the raised hard buttons of the 800w, as it had better feedback... the Pro is gonna take some getting used to. Keyboard Backlight is also better on the 800w... Just been sending some texts and this could be a deal breaker... although not sure yet, but I wish they could have kept the keyboard the same from the 800w... or at least closer in design.

SMS Texting: Not liking what they did here... not as much fits in threaded text, and no smiley faces? LOL... Like the 800w better in that Dept too.

Antenna: The signal on my 800w is far superior than the Pro in my room right now, but it might be that I need to call Sprint to program it better... plus I need to call to activate the internet too... haven't gotten on yet.

Features: This might be my own lack of time with the device, but where is the built in GPS on this thing? Not sure how to work it... most likely user error.

Fingerprints: This phone is not for people who can't bear to see finger prints all over their phone... they definitely show quite a bit on the glossy back part.

Conclusion: Ok so far... I'm actually debating going back to the 800w until the Pre comes out and see what that has to offer... I want to like this phone, but the Keyboard may kill it for me.
Originally Posted by HKINGS
While I didn't even get a chance to connect to Bluetooth yet, I did notice I had to keep turning up the volume on regular phone calls regardless. Not sure what this is about and maybe there is a patch for it coming out.

With that said, the Treo Pro is going back. Call me crazy, but after trying to use the phone at length last night, I still find my 800w more comfortable and easier to use. It's more of the old style Palm feel which I like.... I will wait for the Pre at this point (maybe the keyboard will be improved?) or for a WinMo 6.5 device. Right now, I'm happy with my 800w!
  #4 (permalink)  
Old 01-27-2009, 03:36 PM
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Re: Treo Pro Reviews

after using the treo pro for a day, im addicted to it. the new IE6 is nice, it has the ability to display most flash enabled web pages, and the browser also has a mouse, great for clicking links that r small. i havent gotten to mod it yet, so the RAM issue hasnt been a problem.
  #5 (permalink)  
Old 01-27-2009, 04:41 PM
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Re: Treo Pro Reviews

Originally Posted by crashjack View Post
after using the treo pro for a day, im addicted to it. the new IE6 is nice, it has the ability to display most flash enabled web pages, and the browser also has a mouse, great for clicking links that r small. i havent gotten to mod it yet, so the RAM issue hasnt been a problem.
Post up some screen shots if you can.

  #6 (permalink)  
Old 01-27-2009, 04:44 PM
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Re: Treo Pro Reviews

Yes please can you post some screen shots for us? Thanks
Don't forget to click on thebutton if i've help you out.

  #7 (permalink)  
Old 01-27-2009, 07:16 PM
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Re: Treo Pro Reviews

ill get some up as soon as i figure out how to take a screen shot haha
  #8 (permalink)  
Old 02-10-2009, 05:43 PM
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Re: Treo Pro Reviews

I am currently using the Palm Pro from Sprint, I was fortunate enough to be the advocade for this device. So far the Pro has an awesome phone, there is no need to download Skyfire or Opera because you get to change the option on the phone to view internet like you would on your desktop. The phone is very smooth and you can view flash videos via internet explorer. It has a lot of programs that are really cool on the phone, like Kinoma, Orb of course youtube. I use Orb a lot just because its a program that lets you access your media, photos and documents from your computer at home. Wifi is really good but no need to use it because Sprints data transfer is much better than using wifi. It does have the Sprite program which is good for backing up your info before making any changes to the phone itself. Easy to use and touchscreen has definately impoved from your typical Centros. If you have any questions about the Palm Pro feel free to ask me anything.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 02-12-2009, 03:19 PM
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Re: Treo Pro Reviews

err, I have to disagree about the browser part as IE6 is pretty awful on the Sprint TP--not that it is Palm's fault, I'm blaming MS here

The problem of course is if people want to load Opera Mobile, they're gonna run out of RAM pretty quickly since it is unusually low for a 2009 WM device
  #10 (permalink)  
Old 02-16-2009, 04:02 PM
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Re: Treo Pro Reviews

Actually i have installed Skyfire on my Treo Pro and am very patial to it. I even have a direct seach bar on my today screen that lets me either search or enter an address in directly. ive never really liked opera all that much, but thats just my opinion. here are a couple screen shots of the browsers. In IE you get a mouse cursor which i thought was kool. the screenshot wouldnt capture it though. in skyfire you also get a mouse cursor (dunno if that is standard with the browser or if it is because of my phone). it does show in the screenshot though
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