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  #51 (permalink)  
Old 07-15-2008, 08:45 PM
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Re: 800w Reviews

Originally Posted by winmobilelawyer View Post
I'm in the exact same boat!

My main worries for the Treo are the screen size and the non-flush screen.


My main worries for Touch Pro are having to wait for the stupid screen to rotate when the keyboard slides out and non-one handedness (although I used to use a soft keyboard on the mogul for one handed use).
Yea I feel u man. My main concern for the Touch Pro is the one-handedness. I really enjoyed that on previous Treos and on the Touch to a certain extent. I think if the one-hand thing is implemented in this phone as well as people say I could get over the flush screen. I'm also wondering what tricks the Touch Pro would have up it's sleeve. The TouchFlo 3D interface looks nice but I'm wondering how practical it is on the day to day basis. And plus I don't wanna have to install a bunch of apps on this Treo just to get it to the level where my normal Touch is at. /ramble

Originally Posted by ervman1 View Post
well im using Opera Mobile 9.5 v 1477 and i must say its working really well. in previous versions that i had for my mogul the url would hide after a few seconds if i was typing with the physical keyboard. only if i was using the on screen keyboard would the url and menus not dissappear...thats not the case with the 800w. i can type in the url bar as long as it takes without it vanishing...

and the difference in screen sizes isnt too big of a bother for me...in fact i barely even notice it....only when im reading something like the bible that i have on there that used to display a lot more on the moguls screen but its a tradeoff i will gladly accept. the one handed operation on this thing is incredible
I kept hearing that it wasn't accepting input from the hardware keyboard in Opera, but I don't think it was from this build. It's great to hear that it's working for you. I do read the bible on my phone quite frequently using Laridian PocketBible. How does the text display using that app? Can you post a screenshot?

I think aside from reading and web browing on my phone the screen isn't a huge deal to me as long as all my apps work and display properly. I don't have many apps aside from some Astraware games, the bible program, and vTap.
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  #52 (permalink)  
Old 07-15-2008, 08:48 PM
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Re: 800w Reviews

For picture mail check out the thread in software for sMMS. Sprint blocks picturemail for ppc phones... but someguysmms cretaed a program that works the system so those of us on Sprint can send pics w/o email. Very nice program.
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  #53 (permalink)  
Old 07-15-2008, 09:38 PM
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Re: 800w Reviews

I got mine today so far so good I like to hold my praises for at least one week. I will say that at this point it looks to me like Palm just took all the 700wx goodness added some GPS and wifi goodness then shoved it plus more in a much smaller space with more memory. I am really having fun with this device. I will return soon with a full review.
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Ha y'all come visit me at WMExperts some time.
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  #54 (permalink)  
Old 07-15-2008, 09:47 PM
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Re: 800w Reviews

Originally Posted by jaggrey View Post
I kept hearing that it wasn't accepting input from the hardware keyboard in Opera, but I don't think it was from this build. It's great to hear that it's working for you. I do read the bible on my phone quite frequently using Laridian PocketBible. How does the text display using that app? Can you post a screenshot?
yeah below ive posted two pictures pictures of laridian pocketbible...in the second pic i removed the bottom toolbars to allow for more reading space
Attached Images
File Type: jpg Pocketbible screen 1.jpg (33.1 KB, 81 views) Click for barcode!
File Type: jpg Pocketbible screen 2.jpg (37.7 KB, 76 views) Click for barcode!
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  #55 (permalink)  
Old 07-16-2008, 01:07 AM
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Re: 800w Reviews

Originally Posted by grcafterburner View Post
I bought my Palm Treo 800w, yesterday. It's my third Treo. I had a 700p, then a 755p, and now this.

I have several complaints about it...

I thought that going from Palm to Windows Mobile OS would be a nice transition. It takes many more clicks to do anything now, than ever on Palm OS. So the U/I is my first complaint... but that's a OS choice thing...

The GPS is not that great... if you are not in clear open view of the sky in almost every direction, the GPS locks up the device for several minutes, trying to find it's own location.

I have yet to successfully connect to a wi-fi, even at home, where I put the Treo next to my wireless G router and turned off the router's encryption key.

There is no way to attach a picture to a text message. The only way to send a picture is thru email. *BTW* Has anyone got a crack for this??? I really enjoy sending picture mails.

The battery does not last near as long on this PDA as my previous two Treos... again, that could be an OS thing, due to all of the internet connections going on for the various apps that come with Windows Mobile.

I turned off the "auto sync" for my pop email... and yet, the device still logs on periodically and downloads my emails. Very annoying, since I purposely turned this off, last night, to save the battery, and it kept downloading emails every 15 minutes or so. Does anyone else have this problem with Windows Mobile? Or did I get a 'lemon'?

The buttons do have a better feel to them than my 700p and 755p. The touchscreen is not quite as 'light' as the other two... what I mean is, you have to push down harder, the screen cover feels slightly loose and the tracking is a little off... I don't see a way to set the screen tracking on this phone. On the Palm OS it was really straightforward to do.

The built in VPN and Exchange abilities will be nice... assuming they work. I've been very unimpressed with this device's reliability... for example: The GPS sometimes "sticks"... it just sits there and never comes back with directions. The internet connection works well, WHEN it works. 50% of the time, it says "dialing..." and then comes up with an error message saying "failed to connect." This almost never happened with my 700p or 755p.

Anyway... my list of frustrations is growing with this device. If I don't get these issues cleared up, I'll go back to my 755p and sell the 800w.

Any help or advice would be appreciated.

you need to keep inmind that this is a WINDOWS product! most of the issues you are having are due to windows. i have absolutly no issues with gps at all. i use gmaps and also tom tom7. my phone has yet to lock up at all. when i got my phone i came from the mogal and used spb backup to bring all my stuff over and then reloaded my programs. i use gmail and i also sync with an exchange server. no problems at all... i just turned my gmail off and it stopped downloading my messages.. check and make sure you hit save instead of cancel. i know it seems stupid but it could be user error. (not slamming you) just thinking logically. i do stupid stuff like that some times. the wifi issue i don't have at all. my wifi connects within seconds of turning it on. the picmail thing can be solved but its a windows mobile and sprint issue not the phone. smms from someguy worked great for my mogal... i have yet to test this on the 800w. maybe worth you looking into. just a thought... have you reset this phone at all? could help some of the issues... if not i would have a tech look at the phone cause it sounds like you have a bad one! mine works great! good luck i hope this helped you.
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  #56 (permalink)  
Old 07-16-2008, 10:16 AM
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Re: 800w Reviews

I totally agree with you that these problems are probably "user error". I admit my own non-experience with WM.

Last night, I tried to delete the Exchange email account from the device... the "delete" is greyed out. Nice... the device won't "give me permission" to remove an account I created.

I was successful in finally setting up the wi-fi on my router, at home. ID-10-T error on my part... had to check my router to get the wi-fi settings right on the device, and then smooth sailing.

I am starting to think I got a lemon, though... the battery drains unbelievably fast. I just can't accept that it's totally WM fault... my Palm OS devices would go 3 days on standby. I could talk for 5 hours, unplugged. Yes, FIVE hours. I have done it many times. I doubt I could talk for 45 minutes on this device. I have turned off every option that I can find for every app that checks the internet for updates. The only things I can think of are 1) apps running in BG, taking CPU... 2) Bad battery.

Any thoughts?

Thanks for your input!
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  #57 (permalink)  
Old 07-16-2008, 11:43 AM
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Re: 800w Reviews

Does anyone have any suggestions about saving the battery on this Treo 800w??? I've turned off the wi-fi, turned off all auto-updates, all scheduled email downloads... I am not aware of any apps running constantly in the BG... the battery is literally going from 100% charge to 50% within 3 hours of NON usage!!! Without sending texts, making/accepting calls, playing with the thing in general... it's sitting here doing nothing and I just picked it up and checked it... 50%. I had it on the charger all night long and haven't used it today. Help! Is this a bad battery or just a Windows Mobile problem? If it's WM, I'm ditching this thing and going back to my 755p.

Any suggestions? Thanks!
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  #58 (permalink)  
Old 07-16-2008, 11:53 AM
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Re: 800w Reviews

i'm guessing you've got a bad battery. My wife charged hers all night and then took it to work yesterday and sent/received probably 25 text messages, she had pop3 e-mail checking every 5 mins, and whatever other use she was doin there. no bluetooth...

when she got home at 5, her battery was at 45% remaining which would have lasted the rest of the night. we've since moved to imap w/ 15min checks and enabled bluetooth, so we'll see how that goes, but yeah. sounds like your battery is screwed.
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  #59 (permalink)  
Old 07-16-2008, 04:25 PM
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Re: 800w Reviews

Originally Posted by grcafterburner View Post
Does anyone have any suggestions about saving the battery on this Treo 800w??? I've turned off the wi-fi, turned off all auto-updates, all scheduled email downloads... I am not aware of any apps running constantly in the BG... the battery is literally going from 100% charge to 50% within 3 hours of NON usage!!! Without sending texts, making/accepting calls, playing with the thing in general... it's sitting here doing nothing and I just picked it up and checked it... 50%. I had it on the charger all night long and haven't used it today. Help! Is this a bad battery or just a Windows Mobile problem? If it's WM, I'm ditching this thing and going back to my 755p.

Any suggestions? Thanks!
yeah that does sound like a screwed up battery but mine is basically doing the same thing. and it never fully charges..which is weird, it gets stuck at like 98%. you might wanna check if the option for receive all beams is checked..that might help a bit
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  #60 (permalink)  
Old 07-16-2008, 04:43 PM
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Re: 800w Reviews

Ok... I went to the Sprint Store and swapped for another Treo 800w. On this one, the connectivity is awesome. Sprint TV works now... didn't on the other 800w.

Last edited by grcafterburner; 07-16-2008 at 04:50 PM.
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