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  #191 (permalink)  
Old 10-26-2006, 12:48 AM
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Originally Posted by Wideawake
Originally Posted by Malatesta
And how the heck does it have Edge and EVDO technology?!?!
Mala ur such a skeptic did u forget Sprint just released the IP-830W not that long ago that does both Dual Band CDMA and Dual Band GSM (International Only).
Which would make it even more confusing...

Sprint already has 1 world phone so it seems odd that they'd get another.

This is selling for $299 which is pretty cheap for a quad band...heck it's even cheaper than the dual band 700wx!

No FCC documentation? No engadget story? This HAS to have been tested on the Sprint network and nothing?

bah. give me some documentation and pics with branding. that's the only way I believe anything on the 'net and especially about the phones.

(and the i830 was known for months that it was coming and testers leaked photos and details 8 weeks before it came out...)
  #192 (permalink)  
Old 10-26-2006, 12:51 AM
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yea Im just saying that article posted conatins no sku and no available date just saying it could have EDGE and EVDO. Not that it will be released soon or for that fact is even in testing with Sprint or Verizon......but the 6800 is! now the whole aku 2.2 thing makes me wonder tho.
Please read this before posting.

  #193 (permalink)  
Old 10-26-2006, 12:56 AM
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See, I mean look at this...


that's what I'm talking about. that's how you KNOW a phone is coming out, when you get this crap going on with eBay or like Merlyn3d and the Palm 700p incident (he bought a sprint tester phone off of craig's list)

Where is engadget on this story? that's all I'm saying.

i'll eat crow if it's true, no doubt. but i have to be skeptical...
  #194 (permalink)  
Old 10-26-2006, 01:01 AM
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Re: where can I find the cab

Originally Posted by chadam
I'm having trouble locating the new hacked 750v threading cab for my sprint ppc 6700
couls somene please email it over to me pleaseeee

so muchhhh
try here follow the directions in the first post.

  #195 (permalink)  
Old 10-26-2006, 01:04 AM
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Originally Posted by Tracer785
Ok everyone..im new at this hreaded sms thing...i have the cingular 8125 and cingular of course.....i have the .cab file installed and its on my phone....now it says to change the mms1 and sms1 registry to mms1.old and sms1.old....now im using gsfinder and i dont have those files on my phone...i changed the message center number and email center number....nothing seemd to get this thing to work....i also dont know where to find that (hkey_??? thing everyone seems to be talking about also....i did get the program to work for a little bit. i could send the first sms out and recieve the second one but when the thread started i couldnt send or recieve any sms's while in the thread....i need some help could some give me a few tips....thanks guys.

if u havent figured it out yet install the program posted right below ur post. open it and navigate to that key. note the key will not be mms1 and sms1 it will be sms and mms.
  #196 (permalink)  
Old 10-26-2006, 01:06 AM
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Originally Posted by xclusiv_1
o.k.... boy am i tired... i just read through 13 pages and have a couple of questions...

1- all this talk about sms, mms etc. what is threaded sms/mms. no one has defined it.

2- any updates on it

3- what do i download to get this going b/c there are so many updates and trials, that i dont know where to start...

4- do the cab files have all the reg' entries that i need or do i still have to edit them on my own...
1. threaded simply means it looks like a IM convo.

2. still having issues with sending and what not.

3. check the link I posted above this post.
  #197 (permalink)  
Old 10-26-2006, 11:08 AM
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malatesta has a working beta from hannip on TC... waiting to hear back
  #198 (permalink)  
Old 10-26-2006, 11:54 AM
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Fingers crossed
  #199 (permalink)  
Old 10-26-2006, 12:06 PM
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Repost from TC:

Some initial observations:

- send during a chat works now. it's instant.

- phonealarm picks it up as a new SMS but you will get the system and PA notifications

- auto contact look up for writing "messages" doesn't work anymore

- auto word complete is flaky, working some on and off

- program HAS to be running in background to work, so you'll need to launch it on every soft reset or you'll get no notifications of new text messages (although it just launched on a new message after a soft reset and gave me an error, lost icons during chat)

- Outlook is a bit flaky now with some soft menu items not responding (cancel message, etc.)

Conclusion: It's getting there! Progress is progress now it's a matter of fixing these others issues (auto contact lookup is a must).

Fun to beta test but definitely not ready for regular use! So be warned.

Thanks though to hannip for working on this!

Here are some error pics that I got:

  #200 (permalink)  
Old 10-26-2006, 01:10 PM
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i got the new .cab its about 6MB
fixes the outbox hang issue!!!!
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