I'm having that same problem. It only started about 2 days ago. It won't let me login. When I put the login, and hit the button, it just takes me back to that same login screen. I cleared the cookies, and even cleared the history, thinking that may be the problem but still no dice.
CAN ANYONE HELP??????????? Maybe one of the hackers on here could shed some light on this for us. |
Remember our devices do not support Java fully. MySpace has been upgrading their system so I believe it may now be not compatible with PIE. I read that it still works with Opera.
Samsung Epic 4G - LegendaryROM / Samurai kernel
ViewSonic gTablet - Flashback Honeycomb Alpha 10.1 --- Don't forget to Search first! |
hmm so opera maybe my option? i mean i never could do pic comments or reg comments on myspace but i could usually check my msgs and reply to them.
my wachovia account also wont let me login grrr... i guess ill try opera lemme know everyone elses feedback on myspace and the wx cuz i cant do shitttt on it now grr thanks! |
oh okay so everyone is having this problem. I see what to do now, thanks.
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