These are the results for the third quarter. Cant wait for january to see the fourth quarter results. For those naysayers. Its funny that no windows mobile phone is even in the top ten and for those android lovers there's only one in the top ten. Hopefully no one tries to claim that certain android or windows phones werent out that long because the pre ranked number 8 when it was out for only a month last quarter. I say the pre should be ranked higher because the iphone,android and blackberry OS's have been out longer. WebOS is a new OS and its doing way better than people give it credit for. Not bad for five or six months wouldn't u agree?? http://www.precentral.net/pre-moving...tphone-q3-2009
If I help don't forget to hit thanks..
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Re: Pre #6 selling smartphone in US!
PPC: T-Mobile's G2x // LG-P999 [unlocked & rooted] + CyanogenMod 7.2
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Re: Pre #6 selling smartphone in US!
So true...but the problem lies is only being on sprint atm..once they branch out on to big red and maybe att.. things will change.. I do think verizon will have to many smartphones by the time the pre comes out..might get lost in the shuffle.. and att. they only push the iphone and free phones on tv.. what palm needs to do is get aggressive like verizon and attack the iphone and bb etc.. and show the goods...lol
Re: Pre #6 selling smartphone in US!
I thought it odd that 3 different models of pearl were put as a single entry while there were 2 iphones on the list seperately.
Olympic-class smoker since 2005.
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Re: Pre #6 selling smartphone in US!
i doubt iphone is going anywhere soon. blackberry loves u2 so they are here to stay. but i definitely see palm overtaking htc, samsung, nokia. webos is very interesting and pre looks very stylish. palm just needs to soften the razor sharp edges, improve sliding, and obviously keep up with trends. i mutiny htc, muhahaha
Re: Pre #6 selling smartphone in US!
Re: Pre #6 selling smartphone in US!
Ok, so maybe that was two words... ![]() |
Re: Pre #6 selling smartphone in US!
I had a chance to mess wit the Palm Pre from my boy. I wasnt really feeling that phone.(to each his own) I had the Touch Pro 1, it was just so so. I got the TP 2 & been in love wit it... htc as far as I seen have BARELY started to put their names out there... alotta people ask what kinda phone I got. & they always like htc? whats that!? but all of em Love the TP2
Oh yea Im not a hater lol to ya Pre owners, congrats!
![]() ![]() Last edited by LbC Ya562; 11-27-2009 at 06:13 AM. |
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Tags |
palm, palm pre, pre, webos |