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kameisama 08-11-2009 03:19 AM

Re: Conversation w/ Palm, give me your complaints, suggestions
I'd really like to see a little bit more work put into polishing Synergy. I quite like how you can combine contact info from various networking sites and append that to each individual contact, but I strongly dislike that some services add contacts to my list without letting me remove them. An example being, today I configured my Pre to work with my AIM account. Without asking me, it merged all my AIM contacts with my main contact list, and now I cannot remove or hide them. This bothers me because there are people on my AIM contact list that I do not want to be in my main Pre contact list--people I don't know too well, wouldn't talk to often, or have only limited information on. I can understand if the scope of this Synergy concept is to keep all contacts in this main list, but as I said I would definitely appreciate being able to hide some contacts and all-together delete others from both AIM and my Pre.
Further, when I was introduced to the Pre, one of the cool features I noticed was that you could start playing music and then go about your business on the phone, with the music still playing in the background. Going off of this, I went ahead and tried it out with youtube videos using the phone's built-in app. To my dismay, both the video and audio stopped once I returned to card view. In future versions, I would like to see the youtube app working under the same premise of uniformity that the rest of the phone seems to abide by.

tl;dr give me more customization and control over my contact list, and allow apps like youtube to continue working in the background. :)

sanmanc 08-11-2009 02:37 PM

Re: Conversation w/ Palm, give me your complaints, suggestions
Ok here is another:

The ability to turn off the auto answer when lifting the Pre off the Touchstone.

I know it has been posted on other sites and it's happened to me a few times. Today my Pre rang while on the Touchstone so I picked it up to see who it was, not thinking because I had other things going on, and had to take the call.

jbearamus 08-11-2009 10:26 PM

Re: Conversation w/ Palm, give me your complaints, suggestions

Originally Posted by sanmanc (Post 1094597)
Ok here is another:

The ability to turn off the auto answer when lifting the Pre off the Touchstone.

I know it has been posted on other sites and it's happened to me a few times. Today my Pre rang while on the Touchstone so I picked it up to see who it was, not thinking because I had other things going on, and had to take the call.

yeah i can see how that would be annoying, definitely noted
i think i'm up to like 40 different suggestions between here and precentral :mrgreen:

alan7467 08-12-2009 03:17 PM

Re: Conversation w/ Palm, give me your complaints, suggestions

Originally Posted by kameisama (Post 1093704)
I'd really like to see a little bit more work put into polishing Synergy. I quite like how you can combine contact info from various networking sites and append that to each individual contact, but I strongly dislike that some services add contacts to my list without letting me remove them. An example being, today I configured my Pre to work with my AIM account. Without asking me, it merged all my AIM contacts with my main contact list, and now I cannot remove or hide them. This bothers me because there are people on my AIM contact list that I do not want to be in my main Pre contact list--people I don't know too well, wouldn't talk to often, or have only limited information on. I can understand if the scope of this Synergy concept is to keep all contacts in this main list, but as I said I would definitely appreciate being able to hide some contacts and all-together delete others from both AIM and my Pre.
Further, when I was introduced to the Pre, one of the cool features I noticed was that you could start playing music and then go about your business on the phone, with the music still playing in the background. Going off of this, I went ahead and tried it out with youtube videos using the phone's built-in app. To my dismay, both the video and audio stopped once I returned to card view. In future versions, I would like to see the youtube app working under the same premise of uniformity that the rest of the phone seems to abide by.

tl;dr give me more customization and control over my contact list, and allow apps like youtube to continue working in the background. :)

I agree on the AIM contacts. However, what would be the benefit of having a youtube video keep playing after minimizing and going to a different card? Personally, I'd find it rather annoying if a had to manually pause the video everytime I minimize it to do something else.

nxtech3 08-17-2009 09:31 AM

Re: Conversation w/ Palm, give me your complaints, suggestions
being able to add a launcher page without having to do the hack over at precentral

fixxxer2012 08-18-2009 04:31 PM

Re: Conversation w/ Palm, give me your complaints, suggestions
hmmm, after reading these complaints, im wondering if i should hold off on buying a pre in november until they release a gen 2 phone?

biggaboo 08-18-2009 06:53 PM

Re: Conversation w/ Palm, give me your complaints, suggestions

Originally Posted by fixxxer2008 (Post 1108793)
hmmm, after reading these complaints, im wondering if i should hold off on buying a pre in november until they release a gen 2 phone?

I am pretty sure most of the complaint are software issues, not hardware issues so they will hopefully get fixed in future updates. Some of the issues like the oreo effect and loose battery are hardware but you can exchange the phone for a better one and Palm, hopefully, is changing the way they are making the phones so they look the exact same, but do not have the hardware issues.

If you wait for a later model, you are taking the chance that Palm might screw up and have a butt ugly phone with webOS. I happen to like the design of the Pre and am currently trying to convince my dad to let me buy one. :)

CozBoogie 08-18-2009 07:01 PM

Re: Conversation w/ Palm, give me your complaints, suggestions

Originally Posted by sanmanc (Post 1094597)
Today my Pre rang while on the Touchstone so I picked it up to see who it was, not thinking because I had other things going on, and had to take the call.

Stop trying to ignore my calls damit!!!


CozBoogie 08-18-2009 07:03 PM

Re: Conversation w/ Palm, give me your complaints, suggestions

Originally Posted by nxtech3 (Post 1106069)
being able to add a launcher page without having to do the hack over at precentral

Give it time. Alot of those hacks will eventually find their way to either the device via upgrades or via Homebrew apps.

As it is now, a lot of those hacks are not making new changes to your Pre....those hacks are merely unlocking existing features.

Make sense?


sanmanc 08-18-2009 10:01 PM

Re: Conversation w/ Palm, give me your complaints, suggestions

Originally Posted by CozBoogie (Post 1109023)
Stop trying to ignore my calls damit!!!


Damn I just got busted like that girl on facebook.

Software updates, hacks, and homebrews are out there that so far make this device better every week. Give it a try and I think you'll like it better than you anticipate. I was a bit weary about getting it at first but so far I don't regret my decision.

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