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  #281 (permalink)  
Old 12-25-2009, 02:23 AM
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Re: Lioryte Base 23515+mortscript 4.3β ~164MB free

23515 is ready for download- See post 1

This is the newest Com5 Build Dated Dec 17

Release Notes

* Change Log attached- Comparison was made to 23511 (JonnyBoy you are my HERO!)
* Email setup change+ New Icons (See Image)- Added is this Reg key:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\Inbox\SetupNewAccountPro viders\Gmail]
* New Mail icons in inbox, looks like this has some email updates
* Still No WMP in lock screen
* OK button still isn't functioning in settings/personal/phone. Map OK to a hard button.
* Took CHomeEditor out. It's in post 2 if needed
* MS Voice+TellMe ROM is about 157/169 MB Free

Still hoping for a WMD release...
Attached Files
File Type: txt new 515.txt (1.8 KB, 13 views) Click for barcode!
  #282 (permalink)  
Old 12-26-2009, 08:59 PM
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Re: Lioryte Base 23515+mortscript 4.3β ~164MB free


First off great work! I'm finally coming off one of Adrynalyne's last 6.1 builds and been using your -formerly- latest 28014 Windows 6.5? I believe. I see you have a newer (lower #d release out now).

ANyhoo. Just 2 kinda major annoyances and wondering if you can shed any light on them:

When attempting to browse per My Device/My Storage/Ect... left arrow dropdown at top in File Explorer, I get a lockup everytime and have to use Taskmanager to "end task" then revert back to using the (Up) button at the bottom which is the only way that prevents this lockup to occur.

My next issue is with the keyboard (SIP). No matter what I get switched to from the default: XT9 Keyboard, it always reverts back to this one upon reboot or soft reset. Did this before and after the installation of "Swype" which is the one I would like to set as all time default if possible.
  #283 (permalink)  
Old 12-27-2009, 05:45 PM
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Re: Lioryte Base 23515+mortscript 4.3β ~164MB free

Originally Posted by lazer9 View Post

First off great work! I'm finally coming off one of Adrynalyne's last 6.1 builds and been using your -formerly- latest 28014 Windows 6.5? I believe. I see you have a newer (lower #d release out now).

ANyhoo. Just 2 kinda major annoyances and wondering if you can shed any light on them:

When attempting to browse per My Device/My Storage/Ect... left arrow dropdown at top in File Explorer, I get a lockup everytime and have to use Taskmanager to "end task" then revert back to using the (Up) button at the bottom which is the only way that prevents this lockup to occur.

My next issue is with the keyboard (SIP). No matter what I get switched to from the default: XT9 Keyboard, it always reverts back to this one upon reboot or soft reset. Did this before and after the installation of "Swype" which is the one I would like to set as all time default if possible.
Well thanks for giving my ROM a try and even better- Thanks for the feedback!
I am not familiar with the browsing issue, I run 23517/515 now and I don't have this issue. It might be build related. To be honest I hardly use the dropdowns at all I'll try to use them more to see if I can replicate the issue

As for the keyboard, I'll have to try it- are you using IMSelector? I'll look into it. BTW how does Swype works with my ROM?
  #284 (permalink)  
Old 12-27-2009, 07:26 PM
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Re: Lioryte Base 23515+mortscript 4.3β ~164MB free

Swipe works very well with your ROM
I'm using it on 28011

The only problem is the bottom of the keyboard covers the bottom bar a bit, but that's not your fault.
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  #285 (permalink)  
Old 12-27-2009, 07:41 PM
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Re: Lioryte Base 23515+mortscript 4.3β ~164MB free

Thanks Zanix. Good to know that at least one person ain't holding me accountable
  #286 (permalink)  
Old 12-27-2009, 07:45 PM
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Re: Lioryte Base 23515+mortscript 4.3β ~164MB free


23515 offers some changes in e-mail, like snappier create account for gmail, yahoo and MS
Also there are some very interesting changes to the email listing structure as there are now flags that you can make red or place a check mark on. In the body of those emails you have red flag as follow up and check mark as complete. I use the device for business so to me it's beautiful and a very helpful and I hope it will be somehow internally synced with tasks

I did get some reports stating that IE is slower on COM5 than on WMD build...

I Think it's worth the upgrade, it seems pretty stable so far.
  #287 (permalink)  
Old 12-27-2009, 08:24 PM
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Re: Lioryte Base 23515+mortscript 4.3β ~164MB free

Originally Posted by lioryte View Post
Well thanks for giving my ROM a try and even better- Thanks for the feedback!
The thanks goes to you. Your work with these roms is very much appreciated! And one of the biggest reasons besides the great feedback from others that I chose your rom in my migrations from Adrynalyne's is the fact that you offer the 'bare bones' which gives us the choice of what to add and what not...

Originally Posted by lioryte View Post
I am not familiar with the browsing issue, I run 23517/515 now and I don't have this issue. It might be build related. To be honest I hardly use the dropdowns at all I'll try to use them more to see if I can replicate the issue
After posting my problem(s) with both the selection of a default keyboard and seemingly unrelated 'drop down box' freeze-up within File Explorer, I am happy to report that after doing a little research on the keyboard issue that I went in the settings under SKTools to set a default keyboard, did a soft reset and now both problems are resolved!

Originally Posted by lioryte View Post
As for the keyboard, I'll have to try it- are you using IMSelector? I'll look into it. BTW how does Swype works with my ROM?
As zanix reported in regards to Swype. No complaints here, works fine baring the 'bottom bar' minor issue which to be honest I didn't really even notice until mentioned.


Keep up the great work. And I do have my eye on that 23515, it is damn tempting but I've just spent that last days re-installing all my favorite apps and such = time consuming.
  #288 (permalink)  
Old 12-27-2009, 08:31 PM
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Re: Lioryte Base 23515+mortscript 4.3β ~164MB free

SASHIMI is a good time saver for those long, after-flash setups.
See the first post for a link to get it
And here for a video tutorial -> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ANgzC...=TL&playnext=1
  #289 (permalink)  
Old 12-27-2009, 08:44 PM
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Re: Lioryte Base 23515+mortscript 4.3β ~164MB free

Hmmm, speaking of flashing, I'm trying to do so now and I can't for some reason.
Would you know why I keep getting this in UMDL?
Rvalue null.. ack recive Faile
Rvalue null.. ack recive Faile
Rvalue null.. ack recive Faile
Rvalue null.. ack recive Faile
Rvalue null.. ack recive Faile
PDA Device not found.
Rvalue null.. ack recive Faile
Rvalue null.. ack recive Faile
Rvalue null.. ack recive Faile
Rvalue null.. ack recive Faile
Rvalue null.. ack recive Faile
PDA Device not found.
I found this post on Modaco but it's not helping

I have Win7 x64
  #290 (permalink)  
Old 12-27-2009, 08:59 PM
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Re: Lioryte Base 23515+mortscript 4.3β ~164MB free

I feel like an ass asking this- sorry in advanced USB checked off/Sm driver installed?
I yes and you have flashed before with this comp I would soft reset since to me it's the magic solution for 95% of windows issues
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