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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 06-09-2009, 11:44 AM
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Post i910 Omnia Titanium & Taskbar great directory

I'm starting this thread as a service to this wonderful community so we can have the latest info/ directory for WM 6.5 Titanium Panels and Taskbars. This is why this is posted here, at the upgrade section, you need to upgrade to use titanium, so use any of the great ROMs here, but if you need an extra panel- this is it. With that being said-This is NOT a Q&A post- so please, if you have any questions than this post will help in directing you to somewhere that (hopefully) has answers.

If you need help with THEMES and/or SKINS than please visit syrguy1969's great theme thread- found HERE


Convert your CPR Titanium or PLG file to different (all) resolutions found HERE

Plug-in Installer- This program allows chome/titanium plug-in developers to create a cab file that will insert the plug-in's markup into the cpr files depending on the device's resolution and update the registry without overriding any of the user's existing chome/titanium configuration files or settings.

Speed Up Titanium-What you read is what you get, a REG hex

Editor CPR files test2- Edit CPR's, now you can edit your panels

Twolf Titanium Helper- A flash tool to help you edit plug-ins

Titanizer-This is just a simple flash tool to edit the "tabs" of the WM6.5 plugin (Titanium). The aspect is simple and draggable. You can change the order and remove the tabs you dont want. You can also add new tabs (to add/test new plugins) and change the Left SoftKey

WM6.5 AWESOME Directories:

Cracking's- last updated by cracking 6/7/09
thedaniel's- last updated by thedaniel 5/16/09
Sector's- last upodated by Sector 6/20/09

X-Note that not all directories are for WQVGA (OMNIA) and not all who support WQVGA will work on i910.

Titanium Panels

Plug-In Installer-This program allows chome/titanium plug-in developers to create a cab file that will insert the plug-in's markup into the cpr files depending on the device's resolution and update the registry without overriding any of the user's existing chome/titanium configuration files or settings..

Titanium System Panel- Shows RAM, STORAGE and SD CARD free available memory, updates every 10 sec.

CTwitter- CTwitter is a Titanium plugin which allows you to get to open your TweetDeck for Mobile devices using PockeTwit. You can also Update your status using this program

ArteseaTwitter-Displays the 10 most recent tweets on your Titanium Home Screen, Highlights "unread" tweets, Shows the last 3 @replies, Displays the avatars of your friends, Allows you to update your status
Tweets which contain URLs can be launched in the Default Browser by clicking on them

CVolume- little plugin which give the opportunity to change the level of the sound easy and sound profiles

CFacebook- CFacebook is a Titanium plugin which allows you to continue your Facebook Addiction using Facebook Mobile and Facebook Instant Messenger.

MySpace Plug-in- Not really a plug in, but if you want a My space panel this is the current HOW TO...

COffice- COffice is a Titanium plugin which allows you to get to your Microsoft Office tools quickly and easily. Office tools include:
-Microsoft Office Word-Microsoft Office Excel-Microsoft Office Powerpoint-Microsoft Office OneNote-Microsoft Office Communicator

CAnalogClock- This is a replacement for the default Titanium CClock, the way that it should have been

CommManager- Comm Manager for Titanium

Titanium Weather by showaco- Shows weather, radar images Here is the FIX for latest issues with weather panel. All Credit to Sector.

CLauncher- another Titanium Application launcher easy to add and remove application

AudioManager Panel- This is a installer for AudioManager plugin for Titanium.

Titanium Notifications- a cab that installs a new plugin where you can see how much missed calls you have, how much unread texts, etc.

Taskanium- Taskanium is a simple Titanium (WM 6.5) plugin which displays the list of active tasks within the titaniun plugin and allows you to: add a new task, open the active task by clicking, mark the task as complete (right soft-key)

JMLStocks Panel- Stock market info on your panel- Share listing on the stock exchange- Foreign Currency Ratings- Stock market indices

TitaniumRIGHT- Right align Titanium

CS2P- another Titanium Plugin, that for S2P

Multiplugin- A multi plug-in!

CQuicknotes- Adds a quick note as a plug-in!

Control Panel- Control panel for your WM6.5 with 4 pages -Remove Programs-Buttons-Ringtones-Themes

CDigitalClock / CHeroClock [Test for All Resolution]- another clock plugin with simple RSS reader manila style with animation (the original idea from Twolf) hopefully this work for you

isMToday: G-Alarm/G-Profile/Klaxon plugin for Titanium- This project is simply a CHome/Titanium plugin which displays your Alarms (G-Alarm or Klaxon) and your Profiles (G-Profile).

Genix9 Multiclock- Supports RSS, Appointments, Weather, Alarm. Can't find Genix9 Post. Download .cab file All credit goes to Genix9

CSettings-easy add/ remove settings- similar to CLauncher

CGames- Easy add/ remove games- similar to CLauncher

JMLToday Plugin- Clock, Date,Weather forecast current, today and the follwing 4 day + city + conditions, Tear-off calendar-Notifications: Battery, Wifi, Bluetooth, next appointment, next alarm-Supports S2U2 weather (option: UserWeather)-Context menu (on page 1)-Special Internet Setting for light use (Page 2)-Interface to implement AddOns by using simple MortScript (Micha will explain it)

JMLPanex- JMLPanex program (JML Panel Execute) allows multiple hotspots on a plugin (-> Association picture/program). Or in other words, makes your panel interactive

CManilla Menu- Adding the Manilla touch to your Titanium...

CNitrogen- titanium plugin for Nitrogen Music Player

Play It- PlayIt! is a Windows Phone 6.5 Titanium plugin to control and display the status of S2P or Nitrogen.
PlayIt! is the continuation of CS2P.

NOTE: Not all will work with the i910. If you have/ know a way to make a non- WQVGA plug-in work for WQVGA, please share.

I will update this as frequently as possible, if I've missed anything, please PM me or post a link. I'm not claiming to be perfect.


GSM OMNIA TASKBAR- New start icon, bluetooth icons and functioning signal bars, white or colored!!All cab files can be uninstalled

Lisbian Taskbars-


Bruno Taskbar


AHEN 6c Taskbar for wm6.5 and wm6.1-
Attached Files
File Type: cab Genix9_CMultiClock_0.6_WQVGA.cab (555.9 KB, 93 views) Click for barcode!

Last edited by lioryte; 11-09-2009 at 08:58 PM. Reason: Adding Play It!
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 06-09-2009, 11:45 AM
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Re: Omnia i910 Titanium Panels and taskbars

Here is the list of panels that are currently NOT working on the i910. If it's working for you or you know how to make it work, please let us know.

Titanium Right
JMLStockPanel Thanks blazingwolf.
However, found at xda, all credit goes to OndraSter-
Convert your CPR Titanium or PLG file to different (all) resolutions found HERE--->Try 'em all out and lemmie know if works for ya

Last edited by lioryte; 08-05-2009 at 10:14 AM. Reason: Adding a PLG convert tool
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 06-09-2009, 11:58 AM
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Re: Omnia i910 Titanium Panels and taskbars

Another one
  #4 (permalink)  
Old 06-11-2009, 08:16 PM
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Re: Omnia i910 Titanium Panels and taskbars

Originally Posted by lioryte View Post
Here is the list of panels that are currently NOT working on the i910. If it's working for you or you know how to make it work, please let us know.

Titanium Right
JMLStockPanel Thanks blazingwolf.
? Taskanium---> Testers needed
I have Taskanium working on mine
Stock AT&T ROM w/ Transparent Manila 2.1 edits
(I miss flashing...)

Don't forget to click THANKS for those who have helped!
  #5 (permalink)  
Old 06-09-2009, 04:57 PM
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Re: i910 Omnia Titanium & Taskbar great directory

first off thank you for this, not sure it goes in this forum but hey if they havent moved it yet sweet!

Sector just added this freakin sweet!!!


Im not a Genius, but i would love a Guinness!!

If I Helped you in any way, a simple would be nice!

Visit Me Over at http://Omniarom.com And say Hello!
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 06-09-2009, 05:00 PM
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Re: i910 Omnia Titanium & Taskbar great directory

good job!
  #7 (permalink)  
Old 06-09-2009, 06:43 PM
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Re: i910 Omnia Titanium & Taskbar great directory

@bgill55- tahnx, link added in a new EDITOR sections
  #8 (permalink)  
Old 06-10-2009, 10:21 AM
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Re: i910 Omnia Titanium & Taskbar great directory

Cool, I was thinking of suggesting a thread like this, I think since these panels are resolution sensitive, this is the best way of organizing/discussing them, good thread lioryte!!

  #9 (permalink)  
Old 06-10-2009, 07:20 PM
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Re: i910 Omnia Titanium & Taskbar great directory

I couldn't get MLStocks to work. It shows up as an panel in CHome, but does not show up on the today screen. I'm guessing this is a resolution issue?
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 06-10-2009, 07:33 PM
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Re: i910 Omnia Titanium & Taskbar great directory

Your MLStockPanel link is no longer correct. The name has been change also. The new name is JMLStocks and the new link is: http://translate.google.com/translat...3Drxq%26sa%3DG

Also, there is no WQVGA settings in it.
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