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Old 05-16-2009, 05:34 PM
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Verizon CC20 Omnia WM 6.5 Build 23004 ROM v. 4.2


This is a beta cooked ROM, built from a beta OS, built from another beta ROM. It is a freakish nitemare of Windows Mobile 6.1, and 6.5. I try to keep it up to date as possible. Please note, later builds does not always mean better. 21234 is considered to be the 'rtm' build.

Everything appears to work. That said, there has not been heavy testing done. If you want fast and stable, go with my 6.1 rom. If you want bleeding edge, and aren't afraid of getting a few cuts (from a machette), try this.

As of 3.8, the current build is 21815.

As of 3.9, the current build is 21820.

As of 4.0, the current build is 23001.

As of 4.1, the current build is 23003.

As of 4.2, the current build is 23004.

4.2 series is now ready.
Thanks to kidgenius, we have:
Clinks, a Comm Manager
CHome, a notification center.
Thanks to Blazingwolf, we have clauncher.
Custom lockscreen and lockscreen caller ID thanks to viekko@Modaco.
Shokka's most excellent keyboard (Thanks shokka!)
No startup sounds, so that you can DIY with ease
No Windows Live (flaky performance, doesnt meet my qa standards)
Samsung Volume Control is back, with some subtle aesthetic changes
Titanium Weather 4.2
Opera Titanium Panel
Fave people Titanium Panel
HTC Task manager
Red selection hexxagon
Microsoft MyPhone
Microsoft Tag
Updated Opera 9.5
Fresh dialer skin
touch enhancements
Modified pagepool to enhance performance

You will notice there are some redundant panels. This is because I can't make a choice for what you like. Titanium slows down, the more panels you have. It is to YOUR ADVANTAGE to disable the ones you won't use. They are easily disabled using Chome Editor, included in the rom. Market Place has been added in anticipation that it will be usable soon

Battery driver is the original cc20 driver, due to some complaining of detrimental effects with battery life. I will attach a cab to install the hacked drivers with 1% and 5% increments for those of us who like it.

Most samsung apps are removed. I try to keep the installed software as up to date as possible. There are several performance and battery enhancing hacks preinstalled.

There are three roms, Vanilla (Best for most), Base (for Power Users), and M2D (Somewhere in between).

Vanilla will give you your most *stock* WM 6.5 experience. Very little has been removed, and there has been added functionality. Check the above features, they apply to the Vanilla rom.

Base does not have:

Voice Commander
Remote Desktop
Themes were added back in due to api changes in the OS
Windows Live
Livesearch (unless I forget Wink)
Im Selector
HTC Task Manager
Titanium weather
Favorite Contacts
Opera Panel
Applications Launcher for Titanium
Office plugin
MS Tag
GPS Quick Position app

What remains:

That which is needed for functionality, and usability. Tweaks are left in. Advanced config is left in so people can tweak. Mortscript is left in for Sashimi users. Titanium is basically default.

M2D is built upon base, but includes:

HTC Task manager

4.2 Notes
Build 23004
There is now a sync icon for WMDC. Just for you, echew!
WM dialer is the default again, but can be changed via advanced config
File Explorer Extensions removed

http://www.4shared.com/file/11713981...h_4_2_m2d.html M2D
http://www.4shared.com/file/11713783..._4_2_base.html Base
http://www.4shared.com/file/11713349...2_vanilla.html Vanilla

4.1 Notes
Late to the game this time. There was a lot to fix before I was willing to release it.

Build 23003
Fixed icon corruption issue
Removed non working gps app
Removed Divx registration icon from control panel thanks to hartv247
Removed Theme creator icon from control panel thanks to hartv247
Windows Live is working properly again, and is back in vanilla!
added HTC emulation dlls and control panel app

http://www.4shared.com/file/11656725...1-Vanilla.html Vanilla
http://www.4shared.com/file/11646808...h_4_1_m2d.html M2D
http://www.4shared.com/file/11646656..._4_1_base.html Base

4.0.1 Notes
Some reg hacks to hopefully speed up GPS locks
Connection dialog when connecting to EVDO no longer displays
Fixed missing IE buttons.
M2D version now has iContact working in M2D and Titanium.

Vanilla-- http://www.4shared.com/file/11521237...1_vanilla.html

M2D-- http://www.4shared.com/file/11520960...4_0_1_m2d.html
Base-- http://www.4shared.com/file/11520759..._0_1_base.html

4.0 Notes
Updated to build 23001.

Known Issues-- Missing IE top bar navigation buttons. There is an attached cab to address that.

Vanilla-- http://www.4shared.com/file/11504577...0_vanilla.html
M2D-- http://www.4shared.com/file/11504773...r_4_0_m2d.html
Base-- http://www.4shared.com/file/11504899..._4_0_base.html

3.9.2 Notes
addition of GPS Quick Position app.
Version number reflected under start, settings, system, version.

Vanilla-- http://www.4shared.com/file/11497334...2_vanilla.html
M2D-- http://www.4shared.com/file/11497634...3_9_2_m2d.html
Base-- http://www.4shared.com/file/11497891..._9_2_base.html

3.9.1 Notes
Opera has been removed from base. This allows users to install Opera 9.5, or 9.7.
Opera has been updated in the M2D and Vanilla ROMs to 9.5 build 15828.
Data Connections bug fixed (for Verizon sanctioned tethering)
Add Contacts bug has been fixed
Windows Live has been removed from all builds

Now more space is free on the device!

121mb vanilla
122mb m2d
145mb base

Vanilla-- http://www.4shared.com/file/11465702...1_vanilla.html
Base-- http://www.4shared.com/file/11466232..._9_1_base.html
M2D-- http://www.4shared.com/file/11465915...3_9_1_m2d.html

3.9 Notes
12mb pagepool.
Updated OS to build 21820.
Updated Windows Live Search to Bing.
* I forgot to capitalize the Titanium panels in the vanilla rom. Please download the cab attached until I cook it in 3.9.1.

Vanilla-- http://www.4shared.com/file/11398807...9_vanilla.html
M2D-- http://www.4shared.com/file/11399991...r_3_9_m2d.html
Base-- http://www.4shared.com/file/11400224..._3_9_base.html

3.8.2 Notes
Reduced Pagepool to a more conservative 12mb
Fresh dialer skin, no more ugly samsung tan
Touch enhancements
chfingermouse mapped to camera soft key (short press)
calendar mapped to main menu short press
contacts mapped to main menu long press
added latest cleartemp again, but installed to a place where less problems will be seen
added psShutXP, a utility which will suspend, or soft reset your phone
Added Obexinbox. This adds notifications to incoming OBEX transmissions, as well as statistics.
It also allows you to easily change the location of where files are transferred.
Look for the settings under start, settings, connections


Other versions
Base-- http://www.4shared.com/file/11366005..._8_2_base.html
M2D-- http://www.4shared.com/file/11365748...3_8_2_m2d.html

3.8.1 Download
Dynamic Pagepool (OS can resize it as needed) Thanks to godwhacker for testing.
File Explorer Extensions (adds features to File Explorer)
Scrolling contact fix thanks to BlazingWolf
Mortscript updated to 4.2
Personalizer added to vanilla ROM(access in \Program Files\Personalizer)
htcgeeks CleanRam 1.50 added to vanilla (already in m2d) build (Frees ram, promotes stability, reccomended: Level 2, scheduled hourly)
Calkulin's WMP Memory Hog Fix
Goodies uploaded to play with as well


3.8 Download
  #2 (permalink)  
Old 05-16-2009, 05:35 PM
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Re: Verizon Omnia WM 6.5 Build 2232 ROM

File Repo
Alarm Watcher-- http://www.4shared.com/file/11164339...m_Watcher.html
M2D AIO (This is what I use in my ROMs)-- http://www.4shared.com/file/111643638/b954f209/m2d.html
Media Album-- http://www.4shared.com/file/11164366...dia_Album.html
Mouse Cursors-- http://www.4shared.com/file/11164367...e_Cursors.html
Samsung Calculator-- http://www.4shared.com/file/11164372...alculator.html
Samsung Phonebook and Call Log-- http://www.4shared.com/file/11164375...Phonebook.html
Samsung Dialer-- http://www.4shared.com/file/11164375...n_65_ROMs.html (only installs files)
Smart Converter-- http://www.4shared.com/file/11164378...Converter.html
Samsung Volume Control for my 6.1 ROMs-- http://www.4shared.com/file/11164380...dryn_ROMs.html
Samsung Volume Control for my 6.5 ROMs-- http://www.4shared.com/file/11164385...n_ROMs_3_.html
Task Switcher-- http://www.4shared.com/file/11164386...kSwitcher.html
TouchPlayer(Only supported in my ROM)-- http://www.4shared.com/file/11185251...uchPlayer.html
6.1 Transcriber-- http://www.4shared.com/file/11164396...nscriber2.html
Smart Reader-- http://www.4shared.com/file/10401872...dryn_Roms.html
Visual Voice Mail-- http://www.4shared.com/file/11164397...m_release.html
cc20 original xt9 keyboard-- http://www.4shared.com/file/11310600..._keyboard.html
Video Editor-- http://www.4shared.com/file/11334736...eo_Editor.html
Opera 9.5 Build 15828-- http://www.4shared.com/file/11456942...828_Omnia.html
Opera 9.7 beta 1-- http://www.4shared.com/file/11456952...m_97b1_2_.html
Office for Windows Mobile 6.5--http://www.4shared.com/file/118542876/9bae6718/Office.html
HTC Task manager-- http://www.4shared.com/file/11472713...21_348375.html
Text Message Retry-- http://www.4shared.com/file/11648644...age_Retry.html
Windows Live Version 10.60053.3000-- http://www.4shared.com/file/11661432...600533000.html
  #3 (permalink)  
Old 12-07-2009, 07:44 PM
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Re: Verizon CC20 Omnia WM 6.5 Build 23004 ROM v. 4.2

I've archived a boat load of posts from this thread in an general housecleaning effort. This archiving process does not change your post count or thanks.

If something needs to be returned to this thread let me know via pm.

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