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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 08-13-2009, 09:26 AM
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Smile [ROM] WM6.5 / CF03 [Yardi4life] - 23559

This my attempt to customize the Window Mobile 6.5 / CF03. Consider this rom a lite version.

Special thanks to Adrynalyne , Bgill55 and Blazingwolf who have helped me in one way or another. And to everyone else that have answered any questions I might have had asked (too many to name).


How to flash:
You must first flash the phone with the official CF03 update from Verizon/Samsung.
Files from CF03 rom can be downloaded or here http://cid-81c4902007472ed3.skydrive...owse.aspx/CF03
Skydrive does not allow files over 50mb. So I had to split the files up.
If you have winrar (download here), Download all 5 files in a directory, then right-click on any of the files and choose Winrar -> Extract to here from the popup menu. You can also use 7-zip (thanks greenskeeper805)

Using the same flashing instructions from CC20 rom.
  1. For Windows XP, install Latest verision of ActiveSync and Samsung Modem drivers (will link here when I find it) or Windows Modile Device Center (WMDC) 6.1 (Windows Vista / 7) by connecting phone to PC and use Windows Update)
  2. download CF03.img from one of the sites above
  3. (not necessary on Windows Vista or Windows 7)
  4. Start UMDL_Omina_v2.3.exe (link here). Be sure to disable the "Allow USB connections" in ActiveSync/WMDC.
  5. Click on Unified Image File (*.img) button
  6. Navigate to the CF03.img and select it.
  7. Click the "DETECT" button.
  8. Connect phone to PC and then soft reset the phone.
  9. Wait for the update to complete (phone will automatically restart)
  10. Now you have update phone successfully
Flashing to Custom ROMS:
  1. Download a rom below (will be multiples files per rom)
  2. Uncompress the files (see CF03 info for example with this)
  3. Start UMDL_Omina_v2.3.exe (link here). Be sure to disable the "Allow USB connections" in ActiveSync/WMDC.
  4. Click the "PDA" button and navigate to the "flash-this-rom-xxxxx.x.bin" file you uncompressed in step 2 and select it.
  5. Click the "DETECT" button.
  6. Connect phone to PC and then soft reset the phone.
  7. Wait for the update to complete (phone will automatically restart)
  8. Now you have update phone successfully
The second post will contain any tweaks that were discovered that can help with customization or fix problems.
Apps Include:
Internet Sharing
Microsoft My Phone
Microsoft Office
Samsung Calculator
Samsung Call log / Samsung PhoneBook / Samsung Dailer (remove in 23064 and newer)
Samsung XT9 Keyboard (remove in 23069 and newer)
Samsung XT9 Keyboard from Omnia Lite (added in 23069 and newer)
Samsung FM Radio
Samsung Task Switcher
Samsung TV Out Viewer
Spb Screenshots
Windows Live
Windows Messenger
WM Default Applications (Calendar, CHome, Contacts, Dialer, Outlook, Tasks, Voice Commander)
WM Widgets
Advanced Config
chgFingerMouse (changes the navigation pad from mouse control to 4-way navigation)
XDA_UC (added in 23069 and newer. Configured to load from My Storage)

  1. Page pool size 12Mb
  2. All themes modified
  3. Made menu items smaller but still finger friendly
  4. Made list items smaller but still finger friendly
  5. Fixed X and OK button
  6. Changed the pivot tab graphics for Settings
  7. Allow unsigned apps
  8. Allow registry edits
  9. Disabled GPS warning
Based on 23559

Know issues:
  1. When attempting to change the Phone - GPS Location On (Settings > Personal > Phone > Services [tab] > GPS > Change settings) pressing the OK button will not close the Phone - GPS page. Please note that the settings were changed but the page will not close out. From here u can soft reset the phone as normal to get the GPS working.
  2. Phone may seem to hang after initial flashing. Pressing the topbar when it appears will display titanium panels

Unmodified themes: flash-this-rom-yadie.23559.original
Modified themes: flash-this-rom-yadie.23559.modified (coming soon)
Legacy (Unmodified themes): files here see post 263
Download instructions: Download files to the same folder/directory, then 7zip or WinRar to uncompress.
Omnia-i910 WM 6.5 23529.
HTC Imagio - waiting for HSPL
Omnia II - 23529, 28223

If you were helped by anyone, show some appreciation, click the thanks button.

Last edited by yardi4life; 04-18-2010 at 12:19 AM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 08-13-2009, 09:27 AM
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Customization and problems solving post

  1. If you use Window Mobile Widgets you can save your settings by exporting the registry settings under [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Shell\Widget s]
  2. Here are fonts you can use to customize your phone. See this thread.
  3. If you use MS3, wallpaper here to match the modified themes. download here
  4. Registry entry to save phone lock and wakeup state. see here
  5. Registry settings to turn flash light on when on the Today screen. see here
  6. Tahoma font here if you do not like font used in the ROM
  7. Download this file and copy the contents to the \Windows directory to fix the "X" and "OK" button and modify the image used for new tab changing feature. File is here
Screenshot with modified images............. Screenshot with modifed images and themes.

Modified themes (23088 and newer)
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 12-07-2009, 07:41 PM
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Re: WM6.5 / CF03 Roms - Yardi4life- 28009,28008,23511,28004,28002,23509,23506,23088,2

I've archived a boat load of posts from this thread in an general housecleaning effort. This archiving process does not change your post count or thanks.

If something needs to be returned to this thread let me know via pm.

"I don't want to spend my life explaining myself. Either you get it or you don't." Frank Zappa
  #4 (permalink)  
Old 12-07-2009, 11:34 PM
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Re: WM6.5 / CF03 Roms - Yardi4life- 28009,28008,23511,28004,28002,23509,23506,23088,2

So....the 28009 ROMs appear to be missing from your Skydrive folders, Yardi. I mentioned it before, but the posts have been archived. So, I'm not nagging; I am restarting the conversation.
  #5 (permalink)  
Old 12-08-2009, 08:54 AM
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Re: WM6.5 / CF03 Roms - Yardi4life- 28009,28008,23511,28004,28002,23509,23506,23088,2

Originally Posted by arizonaomnia View Post
So....the 28009 ROMs appear to be missing from your Skydrive folders, Yardi. I mentioned it before, but the posts have been archived. So, I'm not nagging; I am restarting the conversation.
What? missing? Skydrive is starting to be problem instead of a good solution. I upload.
FYI. I putting together 28011 right now.
  #6 (permalink)  
Old 12-09-2009, 01:42 PM
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Re: WM6.5 / CF03 Roms - Yardi4life- 28009,28008,23511,28004,28002,23509,23506,23088,2

Was finally able to download 28009 - the Start button appears to not work???
  #7 (permalink)  
Old 12-09-2009, 01:43 PM
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Re: WM6.5 / CF03 Roms - Yardi4life- 28009,28008,23511,28004,28002,23509,23506,23088,2

And no XDA_UC?
  #8 (permalink)  
Old 12-11-2009, 09:56 AM
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Re: WM6.5 / CF03 Roms - Yardi4life- 28009,28008,23511,28004,28002,23509,23506,23088,2

Yardie makes the best WM6.5 roms with the best keyboard (Omnia Lite)....until now. I just installed the Swype keyboard ported from the Omnia II, and I have to say it's amazing. You get used to it quickly. Any chance of that being built into the rom. If not, just wanted to make everyone aware that the cab is available.

I know this is a bit off topic, but I felt it was relevant, since you've given a fair amount of attention to including the best available keyboard in your roms.
  #9 (permalink)  
Old 12-11-2009, 02:01 PM
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Re: WM6.5 / CF03 Roms - Yardi4life- 28009,28008,23511,28004,28002,23509,23506,23088,2

yardi I just tried the O2 swype keyboard and ithink you will like it. I would like to see this in your future builds.

  #10 (permalink)  
Old 12-12-2009, 01:52 AM
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Re: WM6.5 / CF03 Roms - Yardi4life- 28009,28008,23511,28004,28002,23509,23506,23088,2

Originally Posted by arizonaomnia View Post
Was finally able to download 28009 - the Start button appears to not work???
Known issue.
Phone may seem to hang after initial flashing. Pressing the topbar when it appears will display titanium panels
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