How to root the Droid X2?
Use Gingerbreak. Available here:
[26.04.2011][v1.2] GingerBreak APK (root for GingerBread) - xda-developers I emailed myself the file. This is my first android phone and first rooting experience, this couldn't have been easier. After this I installed the following applications: Allow applications to elevate to super user rights https://market.android.com/details?i...fou.android.su Allows "freezing" of bloatware (recommended instead of deleting the files so over the air, OTA, updates are not affected) https://market.android.com/details?id=com.bloatfreezer Last edited by ascorbic; 05-31-2011 at 01:39 PM. |
Re: How to root the Droid X2?
I purchased Titanium Backup Pro, and i use it. It was able to remove all the Verizon bloat safely after backing it up. It automatically backs up contacts, mail, and more. I like it and it is useful. You must have a rooted device however.
Re: How to root the Droid X2?
I don't need to backup contacts or mail, just the settings for email (everything else I need will come from those settings, ie server, username, password etc). Can it do that?
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