Re: Must Have DroidX Applications
Hi. I too just moved from the TP2 to the DX. I is my first android phone as well. I don't have 10 favorites but these are the ones I wanted most.
Rock Player: I loved CorePlayer for playing Divx movies & flash video. The DX's screen is WAY better. Slacker Radio: My favorite internet radio I'm still trying out some other apps & I recommend that you do the same. The marketplace has a ton of 'em.
Re: Must Have DroidX Applications
we have a lot in common, i too dropped my tp2 for the Droid X (my 1st android phone) and i am absolutely loving it. Seems like everything is just snappy and works. These may not be the best apps out there but its ones that i got so far to fit my needs
1. Digital Clock widget (for my homescreen...i am just use to seeing the time at all time) 2. Convertpad 3. Google earth (very cool to actually have on a phone) 4. Google sky 5. Where is my droid (app that allows you to txt you phone using another device if its lost and on silent. The txt will chnage it too full ringer volume and let it ring so u can find your phone) 6. Retro Radio (allows me to listen to any shoutcast station) 7. Compass (just cause its got the magnetic thing) 8. Shopsavvy |
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Re: Must Have DroidX Applications
#1 Sling Mobile
#2 Sirius Radio (even though my TP2 app was way better) #3 Digital clock/weather widget that looks like sense 2.5 & a bunch now I don't remember. ~John |
Re: Must Have DroidX Applications
Anyone try Launcher Pro yet? If so, please let us know what you think. So far, this looks like the first app I will try once my X arrives.
Re: Must Have DroidX Applications
I too left WM yesterday for the first time in 4 years. first app I installed was slingplayer. second was Mortplayer. Awesome for podcasts.
Re: Must Have DroidX Applications
Lots of former TP2 players here. Now if we could only get Mighty Mike over to the X!
Re: Must Have DroidX Applications
I have notice people rave about this slingplayer. i went to check it out and it seems like you have to pay like a $170 for the hardware ("dvr box type thing") for the app even to work. Is that really worth it. Is this app all that?
Re: Must Have DroidX Applications
Haha Same here, I've been with WM since WM2003, so almost 6 years now
1) Advanced Task Killer (Free) Allows you to easily view, switch between, and kill background apps to free up memory and save battery. 2) DroidLight Flashlight (Free) Uses the Camera Flash as a flashlight 3) Epocrated (Free) Great for med students, doctors, and pharmacists. Has searchable drugs, pill pictures, interactions, symptoms, dosage, etc. 4) eWallet (Free trial, costs $20 I believe, but they let you use it on your PC, WM, iPhone, RIM, and Android) 256-bit encryption so you can store your credit cards, passwords, other cards and info. Very user-friendly and nice graphical interface. http://www.iliumsoft.com/site/ew/ewallet.php The only downside is that the version for Android is just a viewer, so you will have to edit your info on your PC then transfer it. They are working on a full version for Android... 5) If you cant get ewallet, then B-Folders is good too: http://jointlogic.com/b-folders/2/
-Rambo Currently: VZW TP2 XV6875 (unlocked SPL/SIM) Old: VZW TP XV6850 >> VZW XV6900 >> VZW XV6800 >> VZW XV6700 >> VZW XV6600 |
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