Just Saw This *DROOL*
Wow I just found this preview of the phone...
SICK http://www.engadget.com/2010/06/15/e...oid-x-preview/ I won't switch to Verizon for any phone, this is a nice phone though... I'll just wait until I'm eligible for an upgrade (start of the new year) maybe Sprint will have something even nicer than the Evo
Re: Just Saw This *DROOL*
Would have been nice to have a front facing camera too like the EVO. Think I will be getting one in early September when my contract and NE2 is up with Verizon. Real curious about tethering it though - something important for me.
Re: Just Saw This *DROOL*
i plan on getting this but i got to sell me incredible first!!
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Re: Just Saw This *DROOL*
droid x aka verizon evo exactly the same I wonder if Verizon called Motorla and said "GIVE US AN EVO BY JULY" lol
Re: Just Saw This *DROOL*
Ive got an Evo and I LOVE it but I get NO signal at work so Ive got to go back to VZW and I guess I will get this X. I dont mind the front facing camera not being there as much as my wife will miss it. She also has an Evo but it will go back also.
But if VZW goes to this capped data crap like AT&T Im going to be more than pissed. I tether a lot also as we depend on it because out local cable and DSL internet is so costly.
Loving my rooted Droid X